Central Bulldog Baseball

Guidelines and Expectations

Participation in athletics or any other extra-curricular activity is not a right;


As with any privilege which gives satisfaction or rewards back to the participant, there must be a price to pay in order to reap those rewards. The following guidelines and expectations give a clear indication of exactly what is expected and demanded of you as a member of this baseball family.

DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: Any athlete proven to be involved in a drug or alcohol related offense (1st offense) two-week suspension. An athlete will not be allowed to participate in a game until punishment is completed. A second offense will result in removal from athletic programs for one calendar year.

STEALING: Taking things that do not belong to you, especially taking items from your teammates will not be tolerated. A player proven to be guilty of stealing at school will be dismissed from the team. Depending upon the seriousness of the offense, an offender may also be prosecuted by the law.

PROFANITY: We will not allow it from our athletes. Punishment will be 1 inning per word. Habitual offenders will be dealt with more harshly.

CELL PHONES: We will not allow our athletes to use cell phones during games or practices. They may use them before or after games and practices or in case of an emergency. Punishment will be (1st offense) 3 X 4 (2nd offense) 6 X 9 and one game suspension. Removal from program if consistent problem.


1.  The locker room is to be kept clean at all times. This includes the individual lockers.

2.  Hang up all clothing. Only shoes and bat bags are allowed on the bottom of the lockers.

3.  All cleats are to be put on and taken off outside the building.


1.  We will start workout at 2:45 p.m. every day unless you are notified otherwise. Read the board for any anouncements.

2.  If practice is scheduled for Saturday or any other day where there is not school, all players will be notified of practice time.

3.  If practice or a game is rained out, players will be notified of the change of schedule as soon as possible. The players should then contact their parents.


If you are going to be absent from practice and/or school, you must send an email or phone message to Coach James.

Make up for unexcused absences:

1st time – 3 X 4, 3 Triangles in 4 minutes

2nd time – 6 X 9, 6 Triangles in 9 minutes

3rd time – 9 X 11 and possible removal from team at coach’s discretion.

If you miss practice the day before a game, other than for school/UIL related activities, you will be suspended for the next game. Exceptions can be made at coach’s discretion.

If you miss a game without a valid excuse, you are subject to discipline and possible suspension or removal from the program at coach’s discretion.


Daily responsibilities will be assigned for games and practice.


1.  If you are experiencing pain we ask that you notify a coach.

2.  We expect you to play through bumps and bruises, but if you are injured we need to be informed.

3.  Trainer will then be notified. If you use your personal doctor, please let us know result as soon as possible.


1.  Team colored t-shirt, white or gray baseball pants or team sweats are to be worn to practice every day.

2.  Shorts may be worn on designated days only.

3.  Have cleats and flat bottom tennis shoes every day.

4.  Team baseball caps will be worn every day and worn correctly.


1.  When you come out of the dressing room, you will be dressed ready to play. The only exception will be game jerseys, which will be on a hanger.

2.  Warm up shirts and jerseys will be tucked in at all times.

3.  Hats will be worn correctly at all times.

4.  Facial hair will be in accordance with school policy.


1.  You will be told the time to be on the field ready to go.

2.  Eat before you get on the field. No food allowed in dugouts.

3.  You may leave the field only when we break as a team and your coach dismisses you.

4.  Any equipment left on the field will result in running the next day at practice.

5.  During the game, you are not to be talking with anyone other than your teammates and coaches. This includes family, friends, girlfriends, etc. You will be focused on the game at all times.


1.  You will be given a time when the bus will leave for the game. If you are late, you will be left.

2.  Headphones and food are permitted on the bus. Clean up any mess you make.

3.  During the game, you are not to be talking with anyone other than your team mates and coaches. This includes family, friends, girlfriends, etc. You will be focused on the game at all times.


1.  Derogatory statements to teammates, opposing teams, coaches, and officials WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

2.  Throwing of equipment (helmets, bats, etc.) in anger will not be tolerated.

3.  You will jog back to the dugout if you strike out.

4.  Derogatory statements to players, opposing teams, coaches, and officials by parents will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave.


1.  We will play at least 2 district games during Spring Break. There will also be practice during that week.

2.  Please do not make arrangements to go out of town during Spring Break.


During scrimmages, non-district games, and tournaments we will try to get as many people in the game as possible. Please understand at this level there are no guarantees of playing time. Coaches will determine their starting lineups because Coach Westbrook, Coach Roy, Coach Villani and I are constantly speaking with each other about the development of our players.

PLAYING TIME will NOT be discussed. Playing time is a coach’s decision and will be fair for the TEAM. The best 9 players will be starters. There will be NO Parent/Coach conference if the player has not met with the COACHES first. Please us the correct Chain of Command. Player to Coach, Parent to Coach, Parent to AD,Coach is the Chain of Command. Again Playing time will not be discussed.


Please understand that we think highly of you. We also realize that no matter how much we think of you, it will never equal how great your parents think you are. If you are dissatisfied with your playing time, then use that to motivate you to work even harder.


Because we are an organization that represents the high school and the community, we will maintain an appearance to neatness and conform to the standards of the person in charge of that organization. The organization is Central Baseball. The person in charge is Coach James.bjkkjh

1.  Facial hair will conform to the guidelines in the Central High School Student Handbook.

2.  No jewelry (including earrings, tongue rings, or any other piercings).

3.  Hair will be cut neatly and kept out of eyes.


If at any time you feel you would like to speak with Coach James in confidence, we have an open door policy. We strive to have a good relationship with our players and want you to feel comfortable in coming to us with any issues.

Contact Information:

Coach James


Central Bulldog Baseball

My child and I have received a copy of the Central Bulldog Baseball Guidelines and Expectations for the 2014-2015 baseball season.

By signing below I state that I understand and agree to abide by all Guidelines and Expectations.

Print name of student:______

Signature of student:______

Signature of parent:______
