Here are the selections from the 613 Middleton items that a search of the MLA Bibliography with no limit on dates turned up.

I have included older articles (pre-1990, in my book), but you should not base a thesis about Middleton entirely (or even mainly) on books or articles published longer ago than the '80s--and always try to find something published within the last few years to make sure you are abreast of the current critical discussion, if any.

I also largely excluded dissertations and Dissertation Abstracts entries, figuring any of that material that was good enough or interesting enough would find its way into an article of book sooner or later. (A couple of such entries are here just to suggest kinds of research that might be particularly interesting.)

I have included some pieces on plays we didn't read, either because the author usually does very rich and suggestive work, or because the topic seemed to present possible analogies with similar topics in plays we did read, or in a very few instances, because I, myself, was interested in the topic. There has been a lot of recent work on The Roaring Girl and A Game at Chess, most of which I excluded because we did not read those plays and I didn't see its pertinence to the ones we did read. Hengist, King of Kent aroused a flurry of interest about 15 or 20 years ago--I didn't record that, either.

Two other Middleton plays that tend to attract attention are A Mad World, My Masters and Michaelmas Term--for anyone who is interested in becoming a Middleton expert.

Here's the selected list:

Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 17:45:30 -0500 (EST)



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Search History

#1 Thomas Middleton(613 records)

Record 1 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Against the Bogeyman in English Renaissance Drama

AU: Leinwand,-Theodore-B.

PB: 80-86 IN Bamford,-Karen (ed.); Leggatt,-Alexander (ed. and introd.).

Approaches to Teaching English Renaissance Drama. New York, NY : Modern

Language Association of America, 2002. xv, 230 pp.

SE: Approaches-to-Teaching-World-Literature. (ATWL); 75

IS: 1059-1133

IB: 0873527747 (pbk.); 0873527739 (hbk.)

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 2002

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Michaelmas-Terme; drama-;

characterization-; compared to Massinger,-Philip; A New-Way-to-Pay-Old-Debts;

pedagogical-approach. teaching-of-literature; teaching-approaches; to

characterization-; in Middleton,-Thomas; Michaelmas-Terme; Massinger,-Philip; A


AN: 2003870148

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU




Record 2 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Reversal of Fortune: Shakespeare, Middleton, and the Puritans

AU: Yachnin,-Paul

SO: ELH- (ELH). 2003 Fall; 70(3): 757-86

IS: 0013-8304

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 2003

DE: English-literature; 1500-1599; Shakespeare,-William; Twelfth-Night; comedy-;

treatment of Puritans-; compared to Middleton,-Thomas; The-Puritan-Widow

AN: 2003581626

FTXT: Project MUSE

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 3 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Dark Color of a Cardinal's Discontentment: The Political Plot of Women

Beware Women

AU: Levin,-Richard-A.

SO: Medieval-and-Renaissance-Drama-in-England:-An-Annual-Gathering-of-Research,

-Criticism-and-Reviews (MRDE). 1998; 10: 201-17

IS: 0731-3403

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1998

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; plot-; treatment of Cardinal,-Lord-character; as Machiavellian-figure;

relationship to politics-

AN: 2002870662

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 4 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Unkindest Cut

AU: Griffin,-Jasper

SO: New-York-Review-of-Books (NYRB). 2001 Nov 1; 48(17): 36-37, 40

IS: 0028-7504

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 2001

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Game-at-Chess; drama-;

treatment of castration-; review-article. folk-belief-systems; religion-;

Christianity-; role of castration-; review-article

AN: 2002296523

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 5 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Interfaces of Jacobean Drama: An Introduction

AU: Steppat,-Michael

PB: 123-32 IN Reitz,-Bernhard (ed. and preface); Rieuwertz,-Sigrid (ed. and

preface); Kastovsky,-Dieter (section-introd.); Steppat,-Michael (section

-introd.); Riemenschneider,-Dieter (section-introd.); Fludernik,-Monika

(section-introd.). Anglistentag 1999 Mainz: Proceedings. Trier, Germany :

Wissenschaftlicher, 2000. ix, 558 pp.

SE: Proceedings-of-the-Conference-of-the-German-Association-of-University

-Teachers-of-English. Trier, Germany; 21

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 2000

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Jacobean-period; Middleton,-Thomas; Women

-Beware-Women; drama-; relationship to postmodernism-; in Barker,-Howard; Women

-Beware-Women; Shakespeare,-William; Antony-and-Cleopatra; theories of Hunt,

-Maurice-Arthur; "Elizabethan-'Modernism,'-Jacobean-'Postmodernism'"

AN: 2001901404

Record 6 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Ovid and the Dilemma of the Cuckold in English Renaissance Drama

AU: Boehrer,-Bruce

PB: 171-88 IN Stanivukovic,-Goran-V.; Traub,-Valerie (afterword). Ovid and the

Renaissance Body. Toronto, ON : U of Toronto P, 2001. vi, 281 pp.

IB: 0802035159

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 2001

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape

-side; drama-; treatment of female-sexuality; relationship to cuckold-;

compared to Jonson,-Ben; Volpone-; sources in Ovid-; Amores-

AN: 2001651708

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 7 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Rhetoric, Anxiety, and the Pleasures of Cuckoldry in the Drama of Ben Jonson

and Thomas Middleton

AU: Kuchar,-Gary

SO: JNT:-Journal-of-Narrative-Theory (JNTJournal). 2001 Winter; 31(1): 1-30

IS: 0022-2925

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 2001

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Jonson,-Ben; Volpone-; The-Devil-Is-an-Ass;

Every-Man-in-His-Humour; drama-; treatment of cuckold-; compared to Middleton,

-Thomas; A Mad-World,-My-Masters; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape-side

AN: 2001400268

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 8 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Economy of the Grotesque Body in A Chaste Maid in Cheapside

AU: Roh,-Seung-Hee

SO: Feminist-Studies-in-English-Literature (FSEL). 2000 Winter; 7(2): 187-219

IS: 1226-9689

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 2000

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape

-side; drama-; treatment of female-body; relationship to state-; capitalism-;

socialism-; socioeconomic-approach; feminist-approach

AN: 2000060485

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 9 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: 'A Puppet-Play in Pictures': Thomas Middleton's Emblematic Drama

AU: Collington,-Philip

PB: 91-131 IN Ostovich,-Helen (ed. and introd.); Silcox,-Mary-V. (ed. and

introd.); Roebuck,-Graham (ed. and introd.). Other Voices, Other Views:

Expanding the Canon in English Renaissance Studies. Newark, DE; London, England

: U of Delaware P; Associated UP, 1999. 324 pp.

IB: 0874136806

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1999

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; drama-; use of emblem-

AN: 2000015012

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 10 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: 'What Is't You Lack?' Comedic Obligations in Middleton's A Chaste Maid in


AU: Stott,-Andrew

PB: 124-32 IN Cairns,-Christopher (ed. and preface). The Renaissance Theatre:

Texts, Performance, Design, I: English and Italian Theatre. Aldershot, England

: Ashgate, 1999. xi, 206 pp.

IB: 0754600068

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1999

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape

-side; drama-; comic-drama; metaphor-; of debt-

AN: 2000014846

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 11 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Theatre Language of Thomas Middleton; Papers Given at the International

Conference on Elizabethan Theatre Held at the University of Waterloo, Ontario,

in July, 1987

AU: Ewbank,-Inga-Stina

PB: 77-91 IN Magnusson,-A.-L. (ed.); McGee,-C.-E. (ed.). The Elizabethan

Theatre, XII. Toronto, ON : Meany, 1993. xvi, 1999 pp.

SE: Elizabethan-Theatre. (ETh). Toronto, ON; 12

IS: 0317-4964

IB: 0888350368

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1993

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; drama-; language-

AN: 2000014282

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU




Record 12 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Was Thomas Middleton a Puritan Dramatist?

AU: Bawcutt,-N.-W.

SO: Modern-Language-Review (MLR). 1999 Oct; 94(4): 925-39

IS: 0026-7937

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1999

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; drama-; relationship to


AN: 1999088987

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 13 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Ambrosia in an Earthern Vessel: Three Centuries of Audience and Reader

Response to the Works of Thomas Middleton

AU: Steen,-Sara-Jayne

PB: New York, NY : AMS, 1993. xi, 240 pp.

SE: AMS-Studies-in-the-Renaissance. (AMSR). New York, NY; 31

IS: 0195-8011

IB: 040462331X

LA: English

PT: book

PY: 1993

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; audience-study; reader


AN: 1998059371

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU




Record 14 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Settling House in Middleton's Women Beware Women

AU: Christensen,-Ann-C.

SO: Comparative-Drama (CompD). 1995-1996 Winter; 29(4): 493-518

IS: 0010-4078

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1995

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; treatment of houses-; domestic-life

AN: 1997027057

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 15 of 15 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: 'Have You Read Lipsius?': Thomas Middleton and Stoicism

AU: Bromham,-A.-A.

SO: English-Studies:-A-Journal-of-English-Language-and-Literature (ES). 1996

Sept; 77(5): 401-21

IS: 0013-838X

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1996

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; drama-; treatment of

Stoicism-; sources in Lipse,-Juste; De-Constantia-in-Publicis-Malis. French

-literature; Latin-language-literature; 1500-1599; Lipse,-Juste; De-Constantia

-in-Publicis-Malis; prose-; treatment of Stoicism-; influence on Middleton,


AN: 1996066193

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU

Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 10:05:33 -0500 (EST)



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Search History

#2 Thomas Middleton(613 records)

#1 Thomas Middleton(613 records)

Record 1 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Consuming Mothers/ Consuming Merchants: The Carnivalesque Economy of

Jacobean City Comedy

AU: Miller,-Shannon

SO: Modern-Language-Studies (MLS). 1996 Spring-Summer; 26(2-3): 73-97

IS: 0047-7729

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1996

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape

-side; drama-; treatment of female-body; relationship to economics-; the

-carnivalesque; compared to Jonson,-Ben; Bartholomew-Fair

AN: 1996061973

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 2 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Add Context and Stir: Or, the Sadness of Grendel: Thoughts on Early Modern

Orality and Literacy

AU: Woodbridge,-Linda

SO: Yearbook-of-English-Studies (YES). 1995; 25: 22-40

IS: 0306-2473

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1995

DE: English-literature; 400-1099-Old-English-period; Beowulf-; relationship to

orality-; literacy-; compared to Chaucer,-Geoffrey; The-Canterbury-Tales;

Middleton,-Thomas; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape-side

AN: 1996060367

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 3 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Mourning and Misogyny: Hamlet, The Revenger's Tragedy, and the Final

Progress of Elizabeth I, 1600-1607

AU: Mullaney,-Steven

PB: 238-60 IN Newman,-Robert (ed.). Centuries'- Ends, Narrative Means. Stanford,

CA : Stanford UP, 1996. xi, 387 pp.

IB: 0804726493 (hbk.); 0804726507 (pbk.)

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1996

DE: English-literature; 1500-1599; Shakespeare,-William; Hamlet-; tragedy-; role

of misogyny-; compared to Middleton,-Thomas; The-Revenger's-Tragedy

AN: 1996030407

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU




Record 4 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: 'The Soil Alters: Y'are in Another Country': Multiple Perspectives and

Political Resonances in Middleton's Women Beware Women

AU: Bruzzi,-Zara; Bromham,-A.-A.

PB: 251-71 IN Marrapodi,-Michele (ed.,-introd.,-&-bibliog.); Hoenselaars,-A.-J.

(ed.-&-bibliog.); Cappuzzo,-Marcello (ed.); Falzon-Santucci,-F. (ed.).

Shakespeare'-s Italy: Functions of Italian Locations in Renaissance Drama.

Manchester : Manchester UP, 1993. x, 324 pp.

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1993

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; setting-; in Italy-; relationship to politics-

AN: 1996024464

Record 5 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Making a Woman of the Boy: The Characterization of Women in Middleton's

Plays; Papers Given at Internat. Conf. on Elizabethan Theatre Held at Univ. of

Waterloo, Ont., July 1991

AU: Thomson,-Leslie

PB: 153-74 IN Magnusson,-A.-L. (ed.); McGee,-C.-E. (ed.). The Elizabethan

Theatre, XIV. Toronto : Meany, 1996. xvi, 222 pp.

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1996

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; drama-; characterization-;

of women-; relationship to boy-actors

AN: 1996024090

Record 6 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: City Tragedy: Middleton, Shakespeare and Ford

AU: Hopkins,-Lisa

SO: Compar(a)ison:-An-International-Journal-of-Comparative-Literature

(Comparaison). 1994; 1: 71-76

IS: 0942-8917

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1994

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; treatment of city-; relationship to tragedy-; compared to Shakespeare,

-William; Romeo-and-Juliet; Ford,-John; 'Tis-Pity-She's-a-Whore; Middleton-&

-Rowley; The-Changeling

AN: 1994072674

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 7 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Questionable Ending of Middleton's A Trick to Catch the Old One: How

Seriously Can We Take the Palinodes

AU: Biggs,-Murray

SO: Notes-and-Queries (N&Q). 1994 Dec; 41 (239)(4): 507-09

IS: 0029-3970

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1994

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Trick-to-Catch-the-Old

-One; drama-; palinode-; treatment of courtesan-; conscience-

AN: 1994026139

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 8 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Forms of Opposition: Shakespeare and Middleton

AU: Taylor,-Gary

SO: English-Literary-Renaissance (ELR). 1994 Spring; 24(2): 283-314

IS: 0013-8312

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1994

DE: English-literature; 1500-1599; Shakespeare,-William; Henry-IV-Part-1;

history-; relationship to religion-; compared to Middleton,-Thomas

AN: 1994025869

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 9 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Drama and Opinion in the 1620s: Middleton and Massinger

AU: Neinemann,-Margot

PB: 237-65 IN Mulryne,-J.-R. (ed.); Shewring,-Margaret (ed.). Theatre and

Government under the Early Stuarts. Cambridge, Eng. : Cambridge UP, 1993. xiii,

271 pp.

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1993

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Game-at-Chess; drama-;

treatment of politics-; compared to Massinger,-Philip; The-Bondman; The

-Unnatural-Combat; A New-Way-to-Pay-Old-Debts

AN: 1994025239

Record 10 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Spectacle of the Realm: Civic Consciousness, Rhetoric, and Ritual in

Early Modern London

AU: Knowles,-James

PB: 157-89 IN Mulryne,-J.-R. (ed.); Shewring,-Margaret (ed.). Theatre and

Government under the Early Stuarts. Cambridge, Eng. : Cambridge UP, 1993. xiii,

271 pp.

LA: English

PT: book-article

PY: 1993

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; relationship to civic

-rites; especially Lord-Mayor's-Show; in London-; compared to Dekker,-Thomas.

folk-rituals; rites-; civic-rites; England-; London-; especially Lord-Mayor's

-Show; relationship to Middleton,-Thomas; Dekker,-Thomas

AN: 1994025236

Record 11 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The White Devil, Women Beware Women, and the Limitations of Rationalist


AU: Mc-Elroy,-John-F.

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1979 Spring; 19(2): 295


IS: 0039-3657

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1979

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Webster,-John; The-White-Devil; drama-;

characterization-; relationship to coherence-; ambiguity-; compared to

Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women

AN: 0000870918

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 12 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Psychological Drama of Women Beware Women

AU: Hallett,-Charles-A.

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1972 Spring; 12(2): 375


IS: 0039-3657

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1972

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; treatment of psychology-; of cynicism-; relationship to common-man

AN: 0000870481

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 13 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Machiavelli's Mandragola, Touchwood Senior, and the Comedy of Middleton's A

Chaste Maid in Cheapside

AU: Williams,-Robert-I.

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1970 Spring; 10(2): 385


IS: 0039-3657

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1970

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape

-side; drama-; comic-drama; sources in Machiavelli,-Niccolo; La mandragola; The

-Mandrake. Italian-literature; 1500-1599; Machiavelli,-Niccolo; La mandragola;

The-Mandrake; drama-; influence on Middleton,-Thomas; A Chast-Mayd-in-Cheape


AN: 0000870383

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 14 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Phoenix: Middleton's Comedy de Regimine Principum

AU: Williamson,-Marilyn-L.

SO: Renaissance-News (RN). 1957 Winter; 10(4): 183-87

IS: 0277-903X

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1957

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; The-Phoenix; drama-; role

of didacticism-; relationship to king-; as audience-

AN: 0000420443

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 15 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: 'Enter Above': The Staging of Women Beware Women

AU: Thomson,-Leslie

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1986 Spring; 26(2): 331


IS: 0039-3657

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1986

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; staging-

AN: 0000309608

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 16 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: Middleton's Chess Strategies in Women Beware Women

AU: Taylor,-Neil; Loughrey,-Bryan

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1984 Spring; 24(2): 341


IS: 0039-3657

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1984

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; treatment of chess-; as metaphor-

AN: 0000309599

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 17 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: If Women Should Beware Women, Bianca Should Beware Mother

AU: Levin,-Richard-A.

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1997 Spring; 37(2): 371


IS: 0039-3657

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1997

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Middleton,-Thomas; Women-Beware-Women; drama

-; treatment of mother-daughter-relations

AN: 0000309382

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 18 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: City-Comedy's Sardonic Hierarchy of Literacy

AU: Carrithers,-Gale-H.,-Jr.

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1989 Spring; 29(2): 337


IS: 0039-3657

LA: English

PT: journal-article

PY: 1989

DE: English-literature; 1600-1699; Jonson,-Ben; drama-; city-comedy;

relationship to literacy-; compared to Middleton,-Thomas

AN: 0000309179

WEBLH: Check availability at KSU



Record 19 of 33 in MLA Bibliography 1994-2004/02

TI: The Tragedy of Peace: Political Meaning in Women Beware Women

AU: Bromham,-A.-A.

SO: SEL:-Studies-in-English-Literature,-1500-1900 (SEL). 1986 Spring; 26(2): 309