Software Requirements Specification
for a
Bed &Breakfast Reservation System
Version 1.00
Prepared by Elizabeth Gates
Dr. Chamillard
Fall 2003
Table of Contents:
- Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 3
- Purpose
- Scope
- References
- Assumptions and Dependencies
- Product Position Statement ...... 5
- User Description ...... 6
2.1. User/Market Demographics
2.2. User Profiles/Environment/Needs
2.3. Alternatives and Competition
- Use-Case Model Survey ...... 8
- Actor Survey ………………………………………………………………………. 9
- Requirements ……………………………………………………………………… 10
- Functional Requirements
- Data Requirements
- Nonfunctional Requirements
- Documentation and Help System Requirements ……………………………...... 17
- Design Constraints ……………………………………………………………...... 17
- Purchased Components ………………………………………………………...... 17
- Interfaces ………………………………………………………………………...... 18
- Licensing Requirements ………………………………………………………….. 19
- Legal, Copyright, and Other Notices …………………………………………..... 19
- Applicable Standards …………………………………………………………….. 19
Index …………………………………………………………………………………... 20
Glossary ……………………………………………………………………………….. 20
Document Version History:
10Oct03 Elizabeth Gates Initial Version
26Nov03 Elizabeth Gates Added Requirements
The purpose of this document is to describe the requirements and consequently the feature set of the Bed and Breakfast Reservation System Product. It lists the requirements for Version 1.00 with some reference to possible future releases of the product. The project is small enough that any Vision Document information has simply been incorporated into this SRS document. Please note that this project is intended only for the use of Carol Gates and no release is planned after Version 1.00.
The Bed & Breakfast Reservation System Project (BBRSP) is a new self-contained product, Version 1.00. The Bed and Breakfast Reservation System Project (BBRSP) will provide software to setup and maintain the reservations of a small Bed and Breakfast Business. The software will be simple enough for Phase One Release to serve the needs of the small B&B operation that supports up to 8 rooms in one location.
For Phase Two Release, which is not scheduled to take place at all, it must also be flexible enough to expand to several buildings with different room configurations. At that point, reservations will be handled both from a central reservation number (800 number) and from each B&B location (building). Investigation will be made into the ability of individual locations to take and modify reservations for other locations within the corporation. If this is feasible, each location will be able to review room configurations, room availability, and breakfast reservations for all locations within the corporation. Buildings in multiple cities, and additional features, will be considered for future software Versions, after marketing studies, legal investigation and technical issues have been investigated.
1.3.1.Requirement Document Outlines:
The books are mentioned as a reference because this document is a graduate project.
- Dean Leffingwell and Don Widrig, Managing Software Requirements, A Unified Approach (Addison-Wesley, 2001)
- Donald C. Gause & Gerald M. Weinberg, Exploring Requirements, Quality Before Designt (Dorset House Publishing Co., 1989)
1.3.3Use Case Document
A Use Case Document could be offered to support more detail in the description of the user cases. It is not offered with this project.
Carol Gates of Gateshouse B&B and Scott Boyd of Mount Elbert Lodge provided input which contributed to the feature set list and requirements priorities.
1.4.Assumptions and Dependencies
Assumptions and dependencies have been included in the appropriate areas of this document.
2.0 Product Position Statement
The BBRSP software will be self-contained with revision 1.00.00.
2.1 FOR: The target customer is the small Bed and Breakfast business.
2.2 WHO: Provide a web-based bed and breakfast reservation system.
2.3 THE: Bed & Breakfast Reservation System (BBRSP)
2.4 THAT: Allows the small Bed & Breakfast owner to create a reservation system customized to their specific company setup, as well as to take, modify and lookup reservations.
2.5 UNLIKE: The current market offering of reservation systems for large
hotel chains or non-windows based for smaller companies.
2.6 OUR PRODUCT: An affordable windows-based reservation system for a small sized B&B, that can be setup and used by the non-technical user.
3. User Description
3.1 User/Market Demographics
- Carol Gates runs a 4 bedroom Bed and Breakfast in Dolgeville NY. This software will fulfill that need.
- The BBRSP software will be marketed toward the small (single building) sized Bed and Breakfast Business.
3.2 User Profiles/Environment/Needs
The owner may also be the manager, reservationist and/or clerk, depending upon the size of the B&B and the number of employees. Carol Gates is the owner of the targeted B&B. She has no employees.
3.1.1 The Manager/Owner
- He/she is familiar with the B&B business, his own building(s), employees and customers but may not have strong computer skills.
- Several of the manager’s tasks will require security, such as a password.
- He/she may or may not have a separate computer from the one used to take reservations.
- The setup tasks should require time only at installation, then only occasionally as needed.
3.1.2 The Reservationist
- He/she creates, modifies or looks up reservation and has access to the patron information.
- He/she probably does not have strong computer skills and may or may not be familiar with the B&B business.
- The reservationist may be the owner in a family-run business or a non-skilled employee in a moderate sized B&B. The BBRSP software will be needed only when the customer calls to make, modify or ask about a reservation.
3.1.3 The Clerk
- He/she greets the guests upon arrival, but also has access to the reservation, breakfast and customer information.
- He/she probably does not have strong computer skills and may or may not be familiar with the B&B business.
- The clerk has the same needs as the reservationist except that the BBRSP software will be accessed only when the customer checks in for a stay.
3.3 Alternatives and Competition
The existing Windows based reservation software is marketed for the large hotel chain. Older non-windows based software does exist for the smaller hotel/B&B market, but the two people interviewed (Carol Gates and Scott Boyd) are not interested in those packages because they are outdated or attempt to handle too many features.
4. Use-Case Model Survey
4.1 Use Cases
This section contains the functionality of the product in use case bullets organized under the appropriate actor. The owner may also fill the roles of the manager, reservationist and/or clerk depending on the size of the B&B and the number of employees. For version 1, the owner does it all.
4.1.1 Owner/Manager - B&B Setup Software Module
The Setup portion of the software is designed to be run when the BBRSP is installed and only occasionally after that. The decisions made in the setup module may affect the options available to the manager, reservationist and clerk later.
- USE_S1: Add a Building (NOT version 1)
- USE_S2: Delete a building (NOT version 1)
- USE_S3: Modify a building (NOT version 1)
- USE_S4: Add a room
- USE_S5: Delete a room
- USE_S6: Modify a room
4.1.2 Reservationist
- USE_F1: Make a reservation
- USE_F2: Cancel a reservation
- USE_F3: Modify a reservation
- USE_F4: Lookup a reservation
- USE_F5: Take Customer Information (CC info Secure)
- USE_F6: Modify Customer Information (CC info Secure)
- USE_F7: Lookup Customer Information (CC info Secure)
- USE_F8: Lookup Room Availability
- USE_F9: Print confirmation
4.1.3 Clerk
- USE_F10: Print reservation calendar
5. Actor Survey
The owner may actually do the job of the manager, reservationist and clerk, depending on the size of the B&B and the number of employees. For the Phase 1 application, the Owner is the only actor. The other actors are discussed to show that future growth of the BBRSP has been considered.
5.1 Owner
The owner is the person who owns the B&B. For the small B&B will also be the manager, receptionist and clerk.
5.2 Manager (NOT Version 1)
For the larger B&B, the manager will be the person who oversees the operations of the B&B but does not necessarily own it.
5.3 Reservationist (NOT Version 1)
This person takes the calls from the customer, possibly from a central location with an 800 number, making reservations for them.
5.4 Clerk (NOT Version 1)
This person greets the customer upon arrival and checks them in.
6. Requirements
6.1 Functional Requirements
HIGH Priority Functional Requirements:
REQ_SET1: Add a room
REQ_SET2: Delete a room
REQ_SET3: Modify a room
REQ_FN1: Make a reservation
REQ_FN2: Cancel a reservation
REQ_FN3: Modify a reservation
REQ_FN4: Lookup a reservation
REQ_FN5: Take customer information (CC info secure)
REQ_FN6: Modify customer information (CC info secure)
REQ_FN7: Lookup customer information (CC info secure)
REQ_FN8: Lookup room availability
MEDIUM Priority Functional Requirements:
REQ_FN9: Print confirmation
REQ_FN10: Print reservation calendar
6.2 Functional Requirement Details:
6.2.1. REQ_SET1: Add a room
- Use Case Reference: USE_S4
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: When the BPSR software is setup for Carol Gates, I will add 4 rooms to match her B&B configuration.
6.2.2. REQ_SET2: Delete a room
- Use Case Reference: USE_S5
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: After Carol has run her B&B for a year, she decides to convert a bedroom into a library. She really did this by removing a 5th bedroom.
6.2.3. REQ_SET3: Modify a room
- Use Case Reference: USE_S6
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: After Carol has run her B&B for a year, she decides to remove an old single bed from one of the bedrooms and replace it with a queen sized bed.
6.2.4. REQ_FN1: Make a reservation
- Use Case Reference: USE_F1
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: A customer calls Carol Gates to stay at the Gatehouse B&B. Carol then makes a reservation for this customer.
6.2.5. REQ_FN2: Cancel a reservation
- Use Case Reference: USE_F2
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: A customer with a reservation calls Carol Gates to say that they cannot honor the reservation. Carol then cancels the reservation for this customer.
6.2.6. REQ_FN3: Modify a reservation
- Use Case Reference: USE_F3
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: A customer with a reservation calls Carol Gates to say that they cannot honor the current reservation and would like to make a change. Carol then modifies the reservation for this customer.
6.2.7. REQ_FN4: Lookup a reservation
- Use Case Reference: USE_F4
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: A customer with a reservation calls Carol Gates to say that they cannot remember the details of their reservation. Carol then looks up the reservation, relays the information and mails another confirmation letter.
6.2.8. REQ_FN5: Take customer information (CC info secure)
- Use Case Reference: USE_F5
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: A customer calls Carol Gates to make a reservation at the Gatehouse B&B. Carol makes the reservation and takes the customer information including credit card number.
6.2.9. REQ_FN6: Modify customer information (CC info secure)
- Use Case Reference: USE_F6
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: A customer with a reservation calls Carol Gates to let her know that a cell phone is available for contact. Carol then updates the customer information to include the cell phone number.
6.2.10. REQ_FN7: Lookup customer information
- Use Case Reference: USE_F7
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: Carol Gates printer was not working at the time of a reservation so after the printer defect is fixed, she looks up the customer information to mail the reservation confirmation to the specified address.
6.2.11. REQ_FN8: Lookup Room Availability
- Use Case Reference: USE_F8
- Priority: HIGH
- Scenario: A customer calls Carol Gates to find out whether specific size rooms are available on several date ranges. Carol Gates looks up the availability of the rooms in her B&B and relays that information.
6.2.12. REQ_FN9: Print confirmation
- Use Case Reference: USE_F9
- Priority: MEDIUM
- Scenario: A customer calls Carol Gates to make a reservation. Once all of the information is taken, a confirmation letter is printed.
6.2.13. REQ_FN10: Print reservation calendar
- Use Case Reference: USE_F10
- Priority: MEDIUM
- Scenario: Carol wants to make sure that she has hired the cleaning person and purchased enough breakfast groceries in time for customers so she prints out a reservation calendar as a reminder.
6.3 Information Requirements
6.3.1. REQ_INFO1: Patron Information
1) Patron information may be taken without reservation information for
mailing list purposes.
2) Patron information will include :
- Name - required
- Address - required
- Phone - one required but can have up to three
- Email - optional
6.3.2. REQ_INFO2: Reservation Information
1) Reservation information will be included with patron information :
- CC - type and number
- Number in Party
- Rooms Reserved
- Dates Reserved
2) Before reservation can be completed the software will verify:
- that the number in reservation party <= the number of beds reserved.
- that there is CC info and reservation dates if room numbers have been reserved.
- that there is CC info and rooms if dates have been reserved.
3) When canceling a reservation provide the option of
- Removing all patron information
- Removing all but the name, address, phone(s) and email to keep on a mailing list.
6.3.3. REQ_INFO3: Confirmation Data
1) The confirmation letter will include :
- Type and only last 4 digits of credit card
- Customer name, address, phone number(s), email
- Number in Party
- Rooms Reserved with description
- Dates Reserved
- Bill
- Print a map from major roads to the B&B
6.3.4. REQ_INFO4: Setup Data
- The number of rooms that can be setup will be 1-8.
- The number of buildings will be 1 for this project.
- The breakfast will be handled verbally between the customer and the owner. No special reservation or seating is required.
6.3.5. REQ_INFO5: Room Data
- A room type is defined by the bed, single, double, queen, king
- A room may or may not have a private bath (private is defined as having private access from the bedroom)
- A unique room number
- A cost per night
- Room name or short description
- Maximum number of people for room
6.4 Nonfunctional Requirements
6.4.1 Usability
- NREQ_U1: [V6.1.1] Reservationist and clerk require no more than ½ day on-the-job training.
- NREQ_U2: [V6.1.2] Setup only once then rarely.
- NREQ_U3: [V6.1.2] Provide step-by-step guide for setup.
- NREQ_U4: [V6.1.3] Make reservation in a few minutes.
- NREQ_U5: [V6.1.4] Provide on-line Help.
- NREQ_U6: [V6.1.4] Provide a Quick Guide for each user task.
6.4.2. Reliability/Quality
- NREQ_Q1: [V6.2.1] No data can be lost.
- NREQ_Q2: [V6.2.1] Ability to backup information.
- NREQ_Q3: [V6.2.2] Adhere to UCCS MESE Software Quality Metrics.
6.4.3. Performance
- NREQ_P1: [V6.3.1] Up to one user accessing the db at any given time.
- NREQ_P2: [V6.3.1] Multiple buildings access same data (NOT Version 1.00)
6.4.4. Supportability
- NREQ_SU1: [V6.4.1] Version 1.00 is first phase of entire product.
- NREQ_SU2: [V6.4.1] Future release features to be considered during design.
- NREQ_SU3: [V6.4.2] The DBMS will work for a single B&B location.
- NREQ_SU4: [V6.4.2] The DBMS will work for multiple B&B locations. (NOT Version 1.00)
- NREQ_SU5: [V6.4.3] Software consideration must be made for defect resolution.
- NREQ_SU6: [V6.4.3] Software consideration must be made for future enhancements.
- NREQ_SU7: [V6.4.4] Software consideration must be made for additional product features.
6.4.5. Safety
- NREQ_SA1: [V6.5.1] The software cannot explode.
6.4.6. Security
- NREQ_SE2: [V6.6.2] Customer’s credit card information is secure.
7. Documentation and Help System Requirements
DREQ_1: Each menu will have a help button and menu.
DREQ_2: A Quick Guide for the Owner's tasks.
8. Design Constraints
8.1 The PC operating system and hardware must be available to the average
homeowner to accommodate the small B&B owner.
- The technical team (me) will specify the speed/space/operating tradeoffs so that a minimum PC OS and hardware can be recommended. Consideration must be made to the B&B owners who are non-technical users. Cutting edge technology will not be used.
8.2. The GUI must be designed for the non-technical user.
- A usability expert (Carol Gates will provide input) will be part of the project team to run tests to evaluate the type of GUI needed for the typical reservationist and clerk.
8.3. Future Versions of the software will require access to the Database from several
remote areas.
- Investigation into this constraint is CRITICAL. Multiple access into a database is a technically challenging issue.
- A database specialist will be part of the project team to investigate and recommend an appropriate database for the project.
8.4. Time Constraints
The schedule is dictated by the CS701 B&B Project schedule agreed to by Elizabeth Gates and the UCCS MESE Project Advisor Dr. Chamillard.
9. Purchased Components
The following software modules are being investigated. Refer to section 8.0 (Interfaces) of this document for further information. Because this is being developed for a Master's Project, every attempt will be made to find free software.
- The Database
- The Software Operating System
- The Hardware Environment
- Web/Networking Software
10. Interfaces
10.1 User Interfaces
Please refer to the Design document for details.
Each menu will contain:
- Standard window features such as the X box for delete.
- Help button
- OK and Cancel buttons
10.2 Hardware Interfaces
10.2.1 PC Hardware
The design team (me) will recommend the hardware. It must be a version available to the average homeowner.
10.3 Software Interfaces
10.3.1 Operating System
The design team (me) will recommend a Windows OS. It must be a version available to the average homeowner for the small B&B owner.
10.3.2 Database
The design team (me) will recommend the Database. For future Versions, it must be expandable to accommodate the large multi-building Bed & Breakfast company with locations throughout the country.
10.3.3 Web\Network Capabilities
For future Versions, each B&B building within a company will be able to lookup and modify reservations for any location.
10.4 Communications Interfaces
10.4.1 e-mail
The B&B reservation system must be compatible with e-mail.
10.4.2 database access
Future Versions of the B&B Reservation System will be able to access the data base from any of the B&B locations to lookup or modify reserverations information.
10.4.3 Web\Networking Software
Future software Versions will allow communication between the separate B&B buildings and the database.
11. Licensing Requirements
Licensing is being investigated for the purchased database software and the recommended computer OS and hardware.
12. Legal, Copyright, and Other Notices
- Include standard corporate copyright notice, corporate logo, and BBRSP product logo for a minimum of 5 seconds during startup mode. This will be fun to make up and display.
- The BBRSP software logo will be used as a screen saver while product is not in use.
13. Applicable Standards