for Unclassified Employment
Applicant’s Name: / Position:
Rater’s Name: / Date of Interview:


In the related qualification column, please identify the minimum or preferred qualification from the job posting that relates to the interview question. For example, enter “M1” for the first minimum qualification, “P3” for the third preferred qualification, etc. You may also have “general” questions, such as “please tell us why you are interested in this position,” however, most of the questions should be related to the specific qualifications for the position.

Qualification / Question:
(type your interview questions in this column) / Interview Notes:
(use this space for taking notes during interview)
General / 1.  EXAMPLE: Please tell us why you are interested in this position?

(Press tab for a new row and to continue numbering for additional interview questions)

END OF INTERVIEW: Thank you for submitting a high-quality application and for taking the time to talk with us.

Example questions:

·  Describe your previous XYZ practice experience and how you might integrate your previous experiences into your teaching.

·  Please describe your college-level teaching experience, and what areas of XYZ education you consider your area(s) of expertise.

·  Please describe your teaching philosophy and preferred teaching methods.

·  What three words would students use to describe you as a teacher?

·  What do you believe your strengths are as a teacher?

·  What aspects of teaching are a challenge for you? What have you done to overcome these challenges?

·  Please tell us about your scholarly work: What are your interests? What goals do you have for the future?

·  What advice can you give to our undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a major in this discipline?

·  Describe a challenging situation with a student advisee. What role did you play in resolving this situation and what was the final outcome?

·  What skills do you have in using educational technology and what have you done to incorporate those into the classroom?

·  Please tell us about your experience with working independently and to foster a collaborative team environment, indicated by respect for all stakeholders, consensus building, and effective communication.

·  Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How did you handle it and what was the final outcome?

·  Describe a time when you were on a team or in a department where someone was not pulling his/her own weight? What role did you play in addressing any concerns?

·  Please describe how you will contribute to a diverse working and learning environment at MSU?

·  What questions do you have for us/me?

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