Comments on Draft Statutes
General comments
There are some major changes to our current practices contained in these proposals. We need to ascertain whether these are strict requirements of Belgian law or what might be regarded as “normal practice”
Many notifications are required to be made by letter in this draft, whereas now in practice, most of our communications are by email. The opportunity of a revision to the statutes should be taken to retain written communication for only that which is absolutely necessary – membership applications and triennial nominations.
Some of the English needs tidying up.
Art 1The change of designation from “Union” to “Association” is unfortunate, since among other things it makes our abbreviation IUVSTA somewhat nonsensical. In any case we are a union of National Societies and are a member of the International Council of Scientific Unions. The term Union is well established in the scientific world in bodies like the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, the International Crystallograhic Union, etc.
So, unless the term “association” is an absolute requirement of Belgian Law, we should resist this change.
It is a matter of English usage, but “under the denomination of” would be better rendered as “and named” and “denomination” later in the statutes replaced by “name”
Art 6It is impractical to propose membership of a National Society to the EC within two months. It needs to be at the succeeding ECM providing suitable notice can be given.
Art 10(e)It is not the practice for members to notify the Union of meetings they organise. This should be removed. Changes in regulations should be notified.
Art 16It has not been our practice to have minutes signed by the President, but could of course be. Keeping them at the registered office is also not our practice. They are retained by the Secretariat until deposited in the Archives..They are posted on the website for members.
Art 18(a)The composition of the Executive Council is the Officers (as listed) and the National Councillors (or Alternates) as appointed by the GM
Art 18(b)This is not necessary
Art 19(c)There should be no need to duplicate nominations to the President and Secretary General – it is difficult enough to keep track of things with them going to one person!
Art 19(d)the second paragraph suggests that it would be possible to appoint a new Councillor during the Triennium if both the Councillor and Alternate cease to serve for whatever reason – a major change from current practice – as is Art 20.
Art 20(b)!!!!!!!!!
Art 36We cannot change the name of ICSU within our Statutes!
Art 37German is also a working language