Knob Noster Music Boosters General Meeting

September 17, 2013

Meeting was called to order at 7:06 by President Ted Templeton.

Members present were: Ted Templeton, President; Alicia Timmons, Choir VP; Brian Payne, Treasurer; David Jordan, Secretary; Don Gill, High School Choir Director; Steve Hunter, High School/Middle Band Director; Kari Adams, Middle School Choir Director; Rene Payne, Ronda Weinmann, Debbie Foffel.

Student present were: Stephanie Ricardez, student liaison; Shea Timmons, Concert Choir President; Ryan Foffel.

Mark Broan has expressed interest in being a VP for band.

Dawn Binder has volunteered to take the position of volunteer coordinator.

Treasurers Report: $13,129.18 total. A request was made of Mr. Gill and Mr. Hunter to provide accurate enrollment names in the choirs and bands. Treasurer will be updating and reconciling student accounts.

There has been no executive meeting as of yet. Therefore, there are no executive board report available.


Mr. Gill: See attachment #1

Looking for a new holiday concert date due to scheduling conflict.

Ronda made a motion that the boosters provide up to $150 to be used for lunch for District Choir in Sedalia on October 12. 2nd by Alicia Timmons. Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Hunter: He loves being here. Mr. Gill loves that he is here.

Thanks you to Mr. Templeton and boosters for meal during band camp. Thanks to Ronda Weinmann for working on uniforms. Picture day is September 27 @ 3:00, prior to Homecoming Parade.

Mr. Hunter mentioned that a parental or student volunteer would be appreciated to help in setting up podium for halftime shows. Ms. Binder will be contacted by Mr. Templeton for assistance in finding these volunteers.

Mr. Hunter has made a policy change considering the duration of band member's attendance during football games. They will play the entire game, with the exception of a competition the next day in which they will be excused after halftime.

Carrollton Band Day will be September 28. Agendas were made available. (See Attachment #2)

UCM Homecoming parade will by October 26. Band will return home after halftime.

Band fundraiser at Sonic will September 24. The time was in question, but was thought to be 6-9 PM. Last time this was done we made $310. Jazz Band will be playing.

A motion was made by Ronda Weinmann to continue with Century Resource Fundraiser with the proviso that merchandise be prepaid and that prizes will be funded and provided by the boosters. 2nd. Alicia Timmons. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Adams asked about the participation of middle school student and if a percentage will be added to their students accounts since there will be a middle school trip with some costs.

There are 63 band students in 6th grade. 14 in seventh grade. 10 in eighth. High School band numbers could drop in the future without recruiting. The new 9 block schedule in the high school has affected the ability of some students to be involved with both marching band and jazz band. Mr. Hunter is looking into options for students to accommodate.

Needs: marimba (bell) set at the middle school with the possibility of adding to the set each year for three years. The goal is for students to have a practice instrument at home, and one stay at school. Mr. Hunter was encouraged to make a proposal first to the school board.


Choir Update: Numbers up in all grade levels.

Current Choirs:

7th Grade Women's

7th and 8th Mixed

6th Mixed

Show Choir Mixed
Show Choir Women's
Upcoming Concert:October 7,2013 @ 7 PM in Middle School Gym
Features 6th through 8th grade choirs (not show choirs) and 7th and 8th grade bands


The Big Band Dance Fundraiser is scheduled for November 2, 5-9 PM. Ted will talk to Ms. Binder to procure volunteers to lead and support.

Motion made by Ronda for the booster to provide up to $250 for sack lunches for Carrollton Band Day. 2nd Debbie Foffel. Motion carried unanimously.

David Jordan offered to set up a Facebook page for the Music Booster so that information about events and needs can be expressed. No motion was needed, but all thought it was good to use the avenue of communication along with email. This will be set up as soon as possible.

Future General Board meeting will be Tuesday, October 15 and Tuesday, November 19 @ 7:00 PM in the High School Music Room.

Rene Payne motioned that meeting was adjourned. Ronda Weinmann 2nd. All agreed.

Submitted by,

David Jordan, KNMB Secretary