Contact:Merthyr Tydfil CBC

File Ref: Welsh Language Scheme Annual Report MT 2010 - 2011.doc

Welsh Language Scheme

Annual Monitoring and Improvement Report

2010 - 2011

Prepared in accordance with the requirements of

30th June 2011


Section / Page
Introduction / 3
1.Welsh Language Scheme Compliance / 4
2.Welsh Language Front Line Services / 5
3.Scheme Management and Administration / 9
4.Linguistic skills: comparing service needs and capacity / 10
5.Mainstreaming / 11
6.Analysis of Performance by Priority and Target / 14
7.Publishing Information on Performance / 14
8. Other Information / 14
Appendix 1- Reporting on Action Plan 2008 - 2011 / 15
Appendix 2- Public Perception Questionnaire March 2011 Results / 21


This monitoring and improvement report reflects the work undertaken during the financial year 2010/2011.

The Council has one member of staffleading on Welsh Language issues supported by an Elected Champion Member, there are a number of other staff in the authority with responsibilities for local Welsh Language issues :-

Equalities and Welsh Language Officer
Telephone: 01685 724673
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Human Resources
Civic Centre
Castle Street
Merthyr Tydfil. CF47 8AN

The Authority has continued to go through restructuring during 2010/2011 and as a consequence new Directorates have been formed.

The Equalities and Welsh Language Officer is working with the Authorities Equalities’ Champion to deliver the Scheme and Action Plan. The Scheme has been reviewed and the Action Plan has been revised for 2011/2014.

The annual report will be available to download on the Council's website on the Welsh Language page at

Annual Monitoring and Improvement Report 2010 - 2011

1.Welsh Language Scheme Compliance

Progress has been made in a number of areas during the year, however this report will highlight some further areas for improvement. It is important however to place this report in the wider context of Council work. Aside from the financial conditions affecting the country, within the Council a number of staffing changes and restructures have taken place during 2010/2011 that have affected resources and capacity.

Full implementation of the plan has been hindered again this year by staff restructuring, prevailing financial pressures, all of which have affected available resources and capacity.

This report, taken in full, will demonstrate that during a period of changesome development has still taken place.

Please see Appendix 1 for an outline of progress of work to date in line with the Action Plan.

2.Welsh Language Front Line Services

2.1Provision of Children & Young Peoples Partnerships/Youth Services

The youth service has in place its own Welsh language action plan. This has developed opportunities for young people through the medium of Welsh and included young people accessing Duke of Edinburgh Award, and Youth Achievement awards through the medium of Welsh.

The youth service has also produced and distributed marketing material through the medium of Welsh to increase young peoples’ sense of ownership within youth provisions and break down the barriers to using the language socially. Training programmes have been implemented with staff to ensure that employees are able to use basic language to demonstrate acceptance of the language within centres.

In partnership with the Urdd the youth service is exploring the embedding of Welsh culture themes into appropriate projects to raise awareness amongst young people of their heritage.

In developing the youth service workforce regional collaboration is seeking to provide youth work ‘support worker level’ training through the medium of Welsh alongside 4 other local authorities, namely, RCT, Caerphilly, Bridgend and Vale of Glamorgan

Consultations on the development of a new Youth Service Strategy for Merthyr Tydfil were undertaken in 2010 and involved young people from across the county borough including young people from Welsh Language organisations e.g. Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful, enabling these groups to participate in the consultation through the language of their choice. This consultation evidenced the priorities that determine the work and future direction of the youth service. The strategy has identified that more needs to be achieved within and for young people who utilise Welsh language as both a first language or for those that are learning Welsh. This is reflected in the need for a specific action plan to develop ownership, use and opportunities available to support and promote the use of the Welsh Language amongst young people outside of their formal education.

Cwm Golau Integrated Children’s Centre has also recently developed a Welsh language action plan which details progress made throughout the service areas to address bilingualism including:

  • Delivery of programmes through the medium of welsh
  • Dedicated welsh language speakers in all programme areas
  • Introduction of bilingual signage to all buildings
  • Bilingual publicity materials
  • Ensuring key documents are produced bilingually in accordance with the Welsh Language Scheme
  • Welsh/bilingual display boards within settings
  • Bilingualism clauses included within Service level Agreements
  • Dedicated welsh speaking childcare workers

In addition the ICC is currently supporting 3 LAP staff to attend the Geriau Bach course; the FIS outreach worker has commenced a welsh language course and 1 member of the Family programme Team has attended Advanced level Welsh

2.2 Reception areas

The Council has established a Contact Centre in order to manage all incoming calls. In the event of no bilingual officer at reception areas the Council operates a Language line facility that offer non English speaking customers a front line service in their language of choice 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

2.3 Complaints

The Authority has received 2 formal complaints in relation to the Welsh Language in the period April2010 – May 2011. 1 satisfactory resolution has been achieved via the Equalities and Welsh Language Officer and the relevant Department. 1 complaint is still being investigated.

2.4 Economic Development


The department has within its staff 1 x First language Welsh speaker and 2 x Second language Welsh speakers.

Translated Works

All funding packs and promotional/marketing materials are bilingual. Application forms have an option to tick if the applicant wishes to be communicated with in Welsh. All translation work is sourced from an external service provider.


One person is undertaking Welsh lessons through the local authorityin order to learn/improve written and/or spoken Welsh.

Menter Iaith

Extensive support is provided to Lis McLean, Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful, in relation to the Soar Project.

The Menter Iaith has ensured bilingual content to many meetings by use of bilingual presentations. This includes

Business Club Meetings and Social Economy Network, a Heads of the Valleys Conference and Heritage Conference.


Under Business Plan One of the Rural Development Plan, a project was funded to provide the communities in the four rural wards with a well presented record of living history. This project was the Documentation of Welsh Culture and Heritage. Community members in all of the wards expressed that there was a need to document the local heritage so that valuable memories of living in the rural areas of Merthyr Tydfil are not lost. A particular need for the inclusion of the historical development of the Welsh language was commented upon. The history of the Welsh language in each ward was recorded with contributions from Welsh speakers showing the various local dialects. Welsh and English subtitles were used along with bilingual title and acknowledgements. Public showings of the films will be made in each of the four rural wards. The film will be used to promote the Welsh culture and local heritage of the four rural areas and stimulate tourist activities.The total cost of the project was £67,038.

Funding was also approved for the Bedroc Festival, organised by Cymdeithas Gymraeg Beddllwynog and the Menter Iaith, which is based in various locations around Bedlinog. Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Mydiad Ysgolion Meithrin and Cymraeg i Oedolion are also partners that are involved in the festival. This festival is a Welsh language music festival which is based in various locations around Bedlinog. They received a grant from the Rural Tourism Fund under the Rural Development Programme Business Plan One and through the Merthyr Tydfil Development Fund.

Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful Soar Project received a Community Economic Development Grant for sound and lighting equipment.


Welsh language is a cross-cutting theme within the Rural Development Programme. Lis McLean, Canolfan a Menter Iaith, sits as vice chairperson on the RDP Partnership Board. Lis has been included as a contact point on application forms in order to assist applicants with the Welsh language element of their project. Lis is also heavily involved in the Voluntary Sector Funding Protocol and is a representative on the Technical Appraisal Panel which results in the importance of Welsh language being flagged up at all stages within a projects lifecycle.
3. Scheme Management and Administration


Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has built Equalities and Sustainability into its annual assessments as required by the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009. This is intended to identify risks. These risks are then appropriately addressed and managed through the Council’s Strategic and Operational Team Plans. Equalities and Sustainability have also been identified as Corporate Risks for the Council which will be appropriately addressed and managed through the Local Authority’s Corporate Risk Register. These processes will establish conformity with the Local Authorities longer-term aims, fit for purpose and capacity to improve.


Upon renewal of contracts, any specifications, agreements, contracts or arrangements made with third parties, that relate to the provision of services to the public should comply with the Welsh language Scheme.

The aim of the Authority is to develop a Procurement/Contract database so that monitoring the contracts for all Equalities issues will be more effective.

Responsibility for ensuring compliance rests with Directors.

4.Linguistic skills:

Comparing service needs and capacity

i)Welsh in the Workplace Training and Language Awareness Training

The Council has in place a successful and flexible training system for Welsh language that has been operating since September 2001 and the system is formally part of the Linguistic Skills Strategy since 2007.

Staff are encouraged to upskill in Welsh Language skills on an annual basis in line with the Welsh in the Workplace initiative. By the academic year 2010/11, 122 of the Council's staff and staff of partner organisations have now been on conversational Welsh classes ranging from taster courses for absolute beginners, up to and including 'A' level courses. In September 2010 classes continued with Coleg Gwent as the provider. During the academic year 2010/2011, the Council continued to offer the following levels: Year 1 Mynediad/Beginners, Year 1 & Year 2 Sylfaen/Foundation. The Equalities and Welsh Language Officer receives updates from Coleg Gwent in relation to any problems, these are then communicated to the Head of Department.

30 staff completed a 10 week conversational short course ‘Welsh in the Workplace’ run by Cymraeg i Oedolion, in April. The aim was to encourage conversational Welsh in the workplace. Further sessions will be run in September 2011.

The Equalities and Welsh Language Officer is currently compiling a list of staff who have expressed an interest in Welsh Language sessions for the next academic year.

Up to date records of Welsh speakers are currently being analysed following a recent workforce questionnaire. Results of analysed data will be available when complete.



The corporate policy list is continually being updated and the process will continueaided by the use of an updated EIA assessment form that was introduced during 2010.

This process ensures that Welsh is mainstreamed and monitored equally with the other Equality issues and the completed Assessments are published on the Council's website.

ii)Welsh within the community and workplace

Together with the more formal aspects of the implementation of the Welsh language Scheme within the Council, the Council and Menter Iaith have worked together successfully to encourage greater civic engagement of Welsh speakers by including them in monitoring activities. This ensures that they see how their actions and opinions do have outcomes in terms of improved service delivery.

The Council has adopted the Equality Standard for Local Government (ESLG) which ensures that the Council is effective in mainstreaming all areas of Equality in Service delivery. The Standard develops a comprehensive framework that mainstreams equalities into service delivery and employment, across all policies and functions. It is a means of combating the institutional processes which lead to discrimination and which form part of the culture, administration and governance within organisations.

In order to encourage activity around the Welsh language in the community, the Council supports the local Menter Iaith with funding to ensure provision of services to the Borough of Merthyr Tydfil through the medium of Welsh

The Aim of Canolfan a Menter Gymraeg Merthyr Tudful is:

To advance the education and general knowledge of the community by establishing and maintaining a centre so as to encourage the study and use of the Welsh language by the provision of lectures, discussion groups and activities through the medium of that language.

The Menter’s aim within the object’s framework is to:

  • Expand and strengthen Welsh language services for Welsh speakers and those learning or improving their skills in the medium of the Welsh language within the Merthyr Tydfil County Borough

The following objectives are noted in order to meet the Menter’s aim:

  1. To provide a service to the young people of the community by providing opportunities to socialise through the medium of Welsh.
  1. To provide opportunities for Welsh speakers and learners of the community to meet and socialise through the medium of Welsh.
  1. To promote an increase in the numbers that attend Welsh activities in order to expand the use of Welsh within the Community.

Strengthen connections with other organisations within the community.

The provision of Welsh language education and social opportunities for Welsh speakers and thoselearning or improving their skills in the medium of the Welsh language withinMerthyr Tydfil County Borough.

This agreement currently funds approximately one quarter of the total direct funding received by the Menter. The two funders being the Welsh Language Board and the council. All of the funds are pooled in order to support the provision outlined in the Menter’s strategic plan (produced every 3 years and reviewed annually).

In order to fulfil its aims and objectives the Menter works to provide many social and educational opportunities for Welsh speakers, learners and improvers.

The Equalities and Welsh Language Officer advertises all Menter Iaith events on the Authorities intranet.

iii) Public Perception Questionnaire March 2011

Grwp Deddf in conjunction with South East Menter Iaith groups organised a public perception questionnaire so local people could have their say on Welsh services. Grwp Deddf is made up of Local Authority Welsh Language Officers. The online questionnaire sought views, experience and needs of learners and Welsh Speakers in relation to public institutions such as local authorities and voluntary organisations such as local language initiatives. The questionnaire was seen as an opportunity to receive public views on what they need in terms of Welsh services. There were around 500 replies during the consultation period. See Appendix 2* for local results.

iv)Support to Service Areas

The Equalities and Welsh language Officer offers advice, which includes training and translation issues and guidance on the implementation of the Scheme.

AuthorityInternet Site

The Internet site is currently being overhauled with the launch envisaged during 2011. The Equalities and Welsh Language Officeris in discussion with the Web designers to include translation of the site. The IT team will be using a Google Translate drop down box option where the page can be translated in a couple of minutes. This is to be used as an interim measure to avoid the use of statements such as “page under construction”.

6.Analysis of Performance by Priority and Target

Analysis of performance in relation to the Welsh Language Scheme is reviewed by the Equalities and Welsh Language Officer . The Equalities and Welsh Language Officer will work with the Performance Department to ensure correct reporting mechanisms.

The Council is currently reviewing the way translation is commissioned. Currently a list of approved translators is displayed on the Authority’s website and staff are signposted to this list. The Equalities and Welsh Language Officer sees the need to uniform translation to a central point which will add to quality of translation in the future.

7.Publishing Information on Performance

The Council will report on its performance to the Welsh Language Board on an annual basis.

  1. Other Information

Appendix 1



*Action plan priorities will be reviewed on an annual basis

Priority 1 / Corporate / Lead Officer / Comments
Task / To provide corporate guidance in respect of the Welsh Language Scheme
Action / Guidelines and advice to be developed and disseminated corporately / Equalities and Welsh Language Officer / Information is displayed on MTCBC Intranet site.
Task / Communicate the Welsh Language Scheme to customers
Action /
  1. Prepare articles for local press
  2. Authority’s/schools web sites
  3. Produce summary versions and make available in public buildings
  4. Make summary versions available
/ Equalities and Welsh Language Officer / Corporate Communications /
  1. This has not been done to date.
  1. The scheme does not appear on the Schools Websites.
  2. No Summary has been produced to date.
  1. As 3. above.

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