Village of Baldwin

620 Washington

Baldwin, MI 49304

Regular Council Meeting for January 12, 2015


Location of meeting: Village of Baldwin Hall

Roll call present: L. Todd, V. McKay, G. Truxton, S. Smith, C. Vicent, R. Haslock, F. Olson, K. Thiel, J. Truxton

Absent: K. Braginton, T. Dickson

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Agenda and Minutes:

·  Agenda was approved as presented with one addition Wenger Pavilion. Olson moves with support of Vicent. All ayes. Motion carried.

·  Regular Council Meeting on December 8, 2015 minutes were approved with minimal corrections. G. Truxton moves with support from Smith. All ayes. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

·  Olson moves to accept the report for December as presented, J. Truxton supports. All ayes. Motion carried.

Bills to be Paid:


  1. Penguin Manager- Fire Fund
  2. Northern Fire& Safety- Fire Fund
  3. DDA Tax Increment until March 2015.

·  Vicent motions to pay the bills as presented, exceptions listed above with support from J. Truxton. All ayes. Motion Carried.

·  J. Truxton moves CJ Gardner will be reimbursed for his CLD Physical, after he tries to run thru Insurance company. Smith supports the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

County Commissioner:

·  Doug Walls was absent from tonight’s meeting.

Public Comments:

·  Joe Brooks thanks the Council for the support in recycling. He also did receive a $500 bill for the Village Engineer to analyze the 8th Street Bridge. Haslock explains that this is a fee the Village had to pay our Engineer, Brad Link. Link evaluated the situation making sure the Village of Baldwin was covered for any incidents that might have accrued.

Budget and Finance:

·  G. Truxton motions to increase the “out of bids” threshold to $10,000.00 from $5,000.00, Smith supports. All ayes. Motion Carried.

·  Due Date(s) Agenda was handed out for upcoming due dates for 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Budget Forecasts.

·  G. Truxton motions to amending budget lines notated on QuickBook changes, supported by F. Olson.

Water and Sewer:

·  Well #3 is out with a cracked valve. A new one is on the way. Will be out of service until this is replaced. Heater stopped working and no one noticed. No alarms on the heaters.

·  Alarm Systems to be looked into by DPW Committee.

·  Sewer pump at plant is still down, getting wearing. Pump at Lift Station US 10 has some bolts came loose, so this pump is down until repairs.

·  SAW Grant: Smith motions to have J. Truxton stay and work directly utilizing the SAW Grant monies. G. Truxton supports. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

·  Yates Agreement: read and get comments to Len, one week deadline.


·  Food Drive 10 Tons of food for $860.00

·  Todd had been approached to a possible merge with Webber Township. No one is interested in a merge at this time.


·  Budget meeting date February 3, 2015.

Building and Grounds:

·  Airport and Skate Park are both in progress of getting a new fence. Perfect Fence has tied the two projects together. Mac has been making sure they have everything is straightened out for Airport. Rick has been taking care of the Park fence repair.

·  Snowmobile Trails: Groomer has ripped out a power pole in Astor Road. They are also grooming the wrong side of the road.

·  Astor Road: To be plowed Tuesday AM.

Zoning and Planning:

·  December no zoning applications.

·  Parts Plus is looking into expanding.

·  ZBA: Vicent motions to appoint J. Truxton as alternate, Olson supports. J. Truxton will be filling in as an alternate. Term ending June 30, 2016.

·  Todd to call T. Bramer regarding his nonattendance on the Planning and Zoning Meetings.


·  G. Truxton motions to give Sam Philipp a .50$ raise, Olson supports. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

·  Overtime Pay: MUST WORK 40 hours to get overtime pay.

·  Clerk and Treasurer meeting pay: G. Truxton motions to paying hourly, Smith supports. All Ayes. Motion Carried.


·  Jane Allison paid $21,362.23 for back Equipment Rental and Employee Wages. Still working on the DDA Agreement. DDA to meet on January 15, 2015 at 3:00 PM.

·  New service agreement , Village to retype with changes and send to DDA for final appoval.

·  Chamberlain: Vicent motions to accept Jeff Chamberlain’s resignation as DDA Board Member, G. Truxton supports. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

·  Appointment: Todd would like to appoint Tammy Ghent, Pleasant Plain Supervisor. Not enough support at this time. Tabled until next month. DDA recommended Jim Truxton to be appointed to the vacant position.

Old Business:

·  Privatization: J. Truxton getting a list for proposal visitations. K. Bragington and Smith are in need to checking out our plant first. Possibly looking at Cedar Springs Plant soon.

·  Trout Farm: Todd to talk with Dave Stevenson again.

Darcy asked if the DDA could help with the situation in cleaning up his property.

·  Snowmobile lease is done. Trail is in the Village Property and needs to be marked out.

·  Demos: Leave as is to keep paying past due balance—

  1. Demos needs to pay for installation of the check valve, if they choose to have one.
  2. Property Owner is also responsible to pay the $1475.00 for shut-off valve. To be billed on water bill.
  3. The Village should put in ordinance a procedure for shut off for Sewer only customers. This may include a time line and dates for shut-offs.

·  1228 Eight Street: General Ordinance- who enforces? Todd to send a letter to Property Owners.

New Business:

·  Wenger Pavilion: J. Truxton motions to continue in support at Fiduciary for Wenger Pavilion, Olson supports. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

·  Proposed Engineer: G. Truxton motions to have Todd sign contract with FTCH, Olson supports. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

·  Haslock- Will be loading the loader tires in the AM. Cost $800.00.

·  Meeting with the Road Commission and MDOT on leaving snow on the side streets at night & they will take care of.

Motion to adjourn Smith/J. Truxton. Motion Carried.

9:50 PM

Minutes taken by V. McKay/Typed by T. Dickson