Weekly Reading Log

Directions: At the end of SSR, choose one of the following reading strategies to use for reflecting on what you have read.

SUMMARIZE: “This book is about…” “The main character in the story…”

PREDICT: “Based on…, I predict that…” “Later in the story, I think that…”

CONNECT: “This story is like my life because…”

EVALUATE: “I think the author is good/bad because…” “I like do/do not like this story because…”

QUESTION: “I wonder why the author chose to… I think it might be because…”

VISUALIZE: “I think the main character looks like…” (For novels ONLY)

DETERMINING MAIN IDEA: Choose 1 paragraph/1 page and determine the author’s purpose/main idea

MEANING OF WORDS: Choose 1 vocabulary word you are unfamiliar with (DON’T LIE TO ME) and use context clues to determine the meaning (If you choose this option, you must choose another strategy from above)

Title of Book/Article: ______

Reflection (Choose one from the above):

METACOGNITVE LOG (Thinking about my own thinking) à Choose ONE and finish the sentence.

I felt confused when… and so I … The time went quickly because…

I was distracted by … but then I… I remembered that earlier in the text…

I started to think about … and so I … I stopped because… What I did next was…

I first thought… but then realized… I finally understood… because…

Weekly Reading Log

Directions: At the end of SSR, choose one of the following reading strategies to use for reflecting on what you have read.

SUMMARIZE: “This book is about…” “The main character in the story…”

PREDICT: “Based on…, I predict that…” “Later in the story, I think that…”

CONNECT: “This story is like my life because…”

EVALUATE: “I think the author is good/bad because…” “I like do/do not like this story because…”

QUESTION: “I wonder why the author chose to… I think it might be because…”

VISUALIZE: “I think the main character looks like…” (For novels ONLY)

DETERMINING MAIN IDEA: Choose 1 paragraph/1 page and determine the author’s purpose/main idea

MEANING OF WORDS: Choose 1 vocabulary word you are unfamiliar with (DON’T LIE TO ME) and use context clues to determine the meaning (If you choose this option, you must choose another strategy from above)

Title of Book/Article: ______

Reflection (Choose one from the above):

METACOGNITVE LOG (Thinking about my own thinking) à Choose ONE and finish the sentence.

I felt confused when… and so I … The time went quickly because…

I was distracted by … but then I… I remembered that earlier in the text…

I started to think about … and so I … I stopped because… What I did next was…

I first thought… but then realized… I finally understood… because…