Chapter 1

What is Money?

Lesson #1


3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Discuss trade in the local community and explain how trade benefits both parties. (E-1A-E11)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Identify the relationship between money, writing checks, and credit cards.(E-1A-E11)
  • Explain why people engage in voluntary exchange/barter/direct trading (E-1A-E11)

5th Grade Social Studies

Activity : 1

Lesson #2


3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Discuss trade in the local community and explain how trade benefits both parties. (E-1A-E11)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Identify the relationship between money, writing checks, and credit cards. (E-1A-E11)
  • Explain why people engage in voluntary exchange/barter/direct trading. (E-1A-E11)

Chapter 2

Why do people save?


3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Identify examples of making an economic choice and explain the idea of opportunity cost (i.e., what is given up when making a choice) (E-1A-E4)
  • Identify various types of economic institutions that make up the economy (e.g., households, businesses, banks, government) (E-1A-E10)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Explain the factors, including trade-offs, involved in a choice or decision (e.g., discuss the choices and decisions involved in developing a personal budget) (E-1A-E4)
  • Identify the roles of banks, governments, businesses, and households in the economy (E-1A-E10)

Chapter 3

What do banks do and how do they work?


3rd Grade English/Language Arts

  • Decode words using knowledge of base words, root words, and common prefixes and suffixes (ELA-1-E1)
  • Decode similar words (e.g., supper vs. super) using knowledge of basic syllabication rules (ELA-1-E1)
  • Identify and explain words with multiple meanings using contextual clues (ELA-1-E1)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the meanings of common prefixes and suffixes (ELA-1-E1)
  • Use reference aids such as dictionaries, thesauruses, synonym finders, and reference software to determine word meanings, word choices, and pronunciations (ELA-1-E1)
  • Determine meanings of unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies, including:
  • knowledge of common antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, and homographs
  • use of context clues
  • identification of base words and root words (ELA-1-E1)

4th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Use understanding of base words, roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode more complex words (ELA 1 E1)
  • Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of word origins and inflections (ELA 1 E1)
  • Determine word meanings, word choices, and pronunciations using a broad variety of reference aids such as dictionaries, thesauruses, synonym finders, and reference software (ELA 1 E1)
  • Use understanding of base words, roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode more complex words (ELA 1 E1)
  • Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of word origins and inflections (ELA 1 E1)
  • Determine word meanings, word choices, and pronunciations using a broad variety of reference aids such as dictionaries, thesauruses, synonym finders, and reference software (ELA 1 E1)
  • Demonstrate oral reading fluency of at least 140 words per minute in fourth-grade text with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression (ELA 1 E7)
  • Apply knowledge of parts of speech in writing, including:
  • selecting and using common interjections appropriately
  • identifying and using transitive and intransitive verbs correctly
  • identifying and using verb tenses correctly, including present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect
  • using grade appropriate irregular verb tenses correctly (ELA 3 E4)

5th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Apply knowledge of parts of speech in writing, including:
  • sing same verb tense throughout when appropriate
  • selecting and using specific nouns, pronouns, and verbs for clarity (ELA-3-M4)

Chapter 4

“Where does money come from?”


3rd Grade English/Language Arts

  • Decode words using knowledge of base words, root words, and common prefixes and suffixes (ELA-1-E1)
  • Decode similar words (e.g., supper vs. super) using knowledge of basic syllabication rules (ELA-1-E1)
  • Identify and explain words with multiple meanings using contextual clues (ELA-1-E1)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the meanings of common prefixes and suffixes (ELA-1-E1)
  • Use reference aids such as dictionaries, thesauruses, synonym finders, and reference software to determine word meanings, word choices, and pronunciations (ELA-1-E1)
  • Determine meanings of unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies, including:
  • knowledge of common antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, and homographs
  • use of context clues
  • identification of base words and root words (ELA-1-E1)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Demonstrate that limited resources necessitate choices and decisions (E-1A-E1)
  • Identify the roles of banks, governments, businesses, and households in the economy (E-1A-E10)
  • Identify the relationship between money, writing checks, and credit cards (E-1A-E11)
  • Interpret historical information in a map, table, or graph (H-1A-E3)
  • Compare and contrast primary and secondary sources (H-1A-E3)

4th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Use understanding of base words, roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode more complex words (ELA 1 E1)
  • Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of word origins and inflections (ELA 1 E1)
  • Determine word meanings, word choices, and pronunciations using a broad variety of reference aids such as dictionaries, thesauruses, synonym finders, and reference software (ELA 1 E1)
  • Answer literal and inferential questions about ideas and information in grade appropriate texts in oral and written responses (ELA 1 E5)
  • Connect information in grade appropriate texts to prior knowledge and real life situations in oral and written responses (ELA 1 E6)
  • Increase oral and silent reading fluency and accuracy with grade appropriate texts (ELA 1 E7)
  • Demonstrate oral reading fluency of at least 140 words per minute in fourth-grade text with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression (ELA 1 E7)
  • Apply knowledge of parts of speech in writing, including:
  • selecting and using common interjections appropriately
  • identifying and using transitive and intransitive verbs correctly
  • identifying and using verb tenses correctly, including present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect using grade appropriate irregular verb tenses correctly (ELA 3 E4)

Chapter 5

“The World of Work”


3rd Grade English/Language Arts

  • Connect ideas, events, and information identified in grade-appropriate texts to prior knowledge and life experiences in oral and written responses (ELA-1-E6) 31. Write using standard English structure and usage, including:
  • avoiding run-on sentences
  • using verbs in the future tense
  • making subjects and verbs agree in sentences with simple and compound subjects and predicates (ELA-3-E3)
  • Use keywords to take notes from written sources (ELA-5-E3)
  • Complete simple outlines with main topics and subtopics that reflect the information gathered (ELA-5-E3)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Identify the four basic questions all producers must answer (i.e., What will be produced? How will it be produced? For whom will it be produced? How much will be produced?) (E-1A-E5)
  • Describe the combination of natural, human, and capital resources needed to produce a given good (e.g., a candy bar) or given service (e.g., recycling paper) (E-1A-E6)
  • Describe the benefits of increasing one’s skill/knowledge and various ways to do so (E-1A-E8)
  • Identify the roles of banks, governments, businesses, and households in the economy (E-1A-E10)

4th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Connect information in grade appropriate texts to prior knowledge and real life situations in oral and written responses (ELA 1 E6)
  • Identify an audience for a specific writing assignment and select appropriate vocabulary, details, and information to create a tone or set the mood and to affect or manipulate the intended audience (ELA 2 E2)
  • Write using standard English structure and usage, including:
  • using active and passive voices of verbs
  • avoiding writing with sentence fragments and run on sentences (ELA 3 E3)
  • Use keywords and phrases to take notes from oral, written, and electronic media sources (ELA 5 E3)
  • Paraphrase or summarize information from a variety of sources (ELA 5 E3)
  • Construct simple outlines with main topics and subtopics that reflect the information gathered (ELA 5 E3)

Chapter 6

“Now that you are earning money, what will you do with it?”


3rd Grade Social Studies:

  • Explain reasons why people save money (E-1A-E3)
  • Identify examples of making an economic choice and explain the idea of opportunity cost (i.e., what is given up when making a choice) (E-1A-E4)

3rd Grade Math:

  • Recognize, select, connect, and use operations, operational words, and symbols (i.e., +, , x, ) to solve real-life situations (N-5-E) (N-6-E) (N-9-E)

4th Grade Social Studies:

  • Explain the factors, including trade-offs, involved in a choice or decision (e.g., discuss the choices and decisions involved in developing a personal budget) (E-1A-E4)

4th Grade Math:

  • Know all basic facts for multiplication and division through 12 x 12 and 144  12, and recognize factors of composite numbers less than 50 (N-1-E) (N-6-E) (N-7-E)
  • Count money, determine change, and solve simple word problems involving money amounts using decimal notation (N-6-E) (N-9-E) (M-1-E) (M-5-E)

Chapter 7

“What is Credit?”


3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Define scarcity and abundance and give examples of both for individuals and society (E- 1A-E1)
  • Compare benefits and costs when making choices (e.g., comparative shopping) (E-1A-E2)
  • Explain reasons why people save money (E-1A-E3)
  • Identify examples of making an economic choice and explain the idea of opportunity cost (i.e., what is given up when making a choice) (E-1A-E4)

4th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Answer literal and inferential questions about ideas and information in grade appropriate texts in oral and written responses (ELA 1 E5)
  • Connect information in grade appropriate texts to prior knowledge and real life situations in oral and written responses (ELA 1 E6)
  • Identify an audience for a specific writing assignment and select appropriate vocabulary, details, and information to create a tone or set the mood and to affect or manipulate the intended audience (ELA 2 E2)

4th Grade Math

  • Read and write place value in word, standard, and expanded form through 1,000,000 (N-1-E)
  • Read, write, compare, and order whole numbers using place value concepts, standard notation, and models through 1,000,000 (N-1-E) (N-3-E) (A-1-E)
  • Illustrate with manipulatives when a number is divisible by 2, 3, 5, or 10 (N-1-E)
  • Know all basic facts for multiplication and division through 12 x 12 and 144  12, and recognize factors of composite numbers less than 50 (N-1-E) (N-6-E) (N-7-E)
  • Read, write, and relate decimals through hundredths and connect them with corresponding decimal fractions (N-1-E)
  • Model, read, write, compare, order, and represent fractions with denominators through twelfths using region and set models (N-1-E) (A-1-E)
  • Use common equivalent reference points for percents (i.e., ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 whole) (N-2-E)
  • Estimate fractional amounts through twelfths, using pictures, models, and diagrams (N-2-E)
  • Solve multiplication and division number sentences including interpreting remainders (N-4-E) (A-3-E)
  • Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, 2-digit by 2-digit numbers, and divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, with and without remainders (N-6-E) (N-7-E)
  • Count money, determine change, and solve simple word problems involving money amounts using decimal notation (N-6-E) (N-9-E) (M-1-E) (M-5-E)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Demonstrate that limited resources necessitate choices and decisions (E-1A-E1)
  • Explain the factors, including trade-offs, involved in a choice or decision (e.g., discuss the choices and decisions involved in developing a personal budget) (E-1A-E4)

Chapter 8

Lesson #1


3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Identify various types of economic institutions that make up the economy (e.g., households, businesses, banks, government) (E-1A-E10)
  • Discuss trade in the local community and explain how trade benefits both parties. (E-1A-E11)

3rd Grade English/Language Arts

  • Locate information using organizational features of a variety of resources, including:
  • electronic information such as pull-down menus, icons, keyword searches, passwords, and entry menu features
  • printed text such as indices, tables of contents, glossaries, charts, captions, chapter headings and subheadings
  • the Dewey Decimal system
  • electronic and online catalogs (ELA-5-E1)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Identify the relationship between money, writing checks, and credit cards (E-1A-E11)
  • Explain why people engage in voluntary exchange/barter/direct trading (E-1A-E11)

4th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Locate information using organizational features of a variety of resources, including:
  • electronic information such as keyword searches, passwords, and entry menu features
  • print materials such as indices, glossaries, table of contents, title pages, and map legends (ELA 5 E1)
  • Locate information using a broad variety of reference sources, including almanacs, atlases, newspapers, magazines, and brochures (ELA 5 E1)
  • Justify solutions to problems in texts by verifying, confirming, and supporting (ELA 7 E2)

Lesson #2


3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Identify various types of economic institutions that make up the economy (e.g., households, businesses, banks, government) (E-1A-E10)

3rd Grade English/Language Arts

  • Use keywords to take notes from written sources (ELA-5-E3)
  • Complete simple outlines with main topics and subtopics that reflect the information gathered (ELA-5-E3)
  • Locate information found in graphic organizers such as timelines, charts, graphs, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps (ELA-5-E6)

4th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Demonstrate understanding of information in grade appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, such as:
  • sequencing events and steps in a process
  • explaining how the setting impacts other story elements, including the characters’ traits and actions
  • using specific evidence from a story to describe a character's traits, actions, relationships, and/or motivations
  • confirming or denying a prediction about information in a text
  • comparing and contrasting story elements or information within and across texts
  • identifying stated main ideas and supporting details
  • making simple inferences (ELA 7 E1)
  • Use keywords and phrases to take notes from oral, written, and electronic media sources (ELA 5 E3)
  • Paraphrase or summarize information from a variety of sources (ELA 5 E3)
  • Construct simple outlines with main topics and subtopics that reflect the information gathered (ELA 5 E3)
  • Read and interpret timelines, charts, graphs, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps generated from grade appropriate materials (ELA 5 E6)

5th Grade English/Language Arts

  • Locate, gather, and select information using data gathering strategies, including:
  • surveying
  • interviewing
  • paraphrasing (ELA 5 M3)
  • Generate grade appropriate research reports that include information presented in a variety of forms, including:
  • visual representations of data/information
  • graphic organizers (e.g., outlines, timelines, charts, webs)
  • bibliographies (ELA 5 M3)

Chapter 9


3rd Grade Social Studies

  • Explain reasons why people save money (E-1A-E3)

4th Grade Social Studies

  • Identify the relationship between money, writing checks, and credit cards (E-1A-E11)
  • Explain why people engage in voluntary exchange/barter/direct trading (E-1A-E11)

4th Grade Math

  • Summarize information and relationships revealed by patterns or trends in a graph, and use the information to make predictions (D-1-E)
  • Find and interpret the meaning of mean, mode, and median of a small set of numbers (using concrete objects) when the answer is a whole number (D-1-E)
  • Analyze, describe, interpret, and construct various types of charts and graphs using appropriate titles, axis labels, scales, and legends (D-2-E) (D-1-E)
  • Determine which type of graph best represents a given set of discrete data (D-2-E) (D-1-E)