AUGUST 30, 2012 (September Meeting)

Members Present: Dana Manley, David Leigh, Ronnie and Thelma Key, Kelly Thompson, Paul Yates, Shana Shrader, Meredith and Joe Thompson, Michele McDowall, Lauri Blankenship, Laura Berala, Don Cruikshank, Seana Ankers, Jean Wilkinson, Holly Hartman, Valerie Kenney, Pat Whitney, Ana Burke, Jean Macari, Tonetta Matthews-Smita, Alane Gagnon, Liz Parsons, Shawn Morton, Donna Wilkers, Susan Spittle, Amy Carter-Stewart, Cathy Thompson, Marilyn McCombe, Kirsten Georgi, Kathy and Tim Potter, Phillip Bush, Sherry Garlem, Michelle Griffin, Merle Fallon, Terri Garonzik, Darrell and Catherine Pennington, Nicole Jones, Diana Hardy, Cathy Behan, Cindy Leonard, Jeannie Baier, Michele Dass, Susan Boyd, Robin Wilcox, Annette Fakoury Robert Harper, Isobel Linton, Eva Edwards, Deb Dalton, Cathy Davis, Evelyn Gimon.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Welcome--Kathy Fine

•Kathy introduced herself and welcomed everyone. She asked us to take a few moments to look over the minutes from the last meeting.

Secretary's Report--Stacey Morgan

Approval of minutes--Minutes were approved with changes listed below.

•Under Members Present Mr. Yonkey's last name should be one word, and remove Amy Carter-Stewart as she was not there.

Treasurer's Report--Diane Searles

•Account Report

•The general fund is at $13,200 as of the beginning of the month.

•Diane explained what the sections of the budget were for. The bulk of it is for marching band. Expenses are things where the payments have been made. Upcoming Expenses are anticipated expenses that have not been paid yet but will need to be paid during the season. There will be a zero balance at end of the season.

•The Student Fund and Uniform Fund are the same.

•If no fund raising is done we have $590.

•Diane opened the floor for questions and there were none.

•The Treasurer's report was approved as submitted.

Fundraising Report

Car Wash Wrap-up

•We raised $306.21 at the last car wash.

•We had washes in May, June, and August. Our total for summer was $1,014.46. From that total 10% went to the Uniform Fund ($101) and $103.27 covered expenses/supplies, leaving $809.74 profit. This was less than the budgeted amount.

•We need a coordinator for this year, Leigh will not be doing it again. Leigh has everything needed for it (instructions, etc.).

•Promotion could be improved on.

•7-11 in Gainesville was more profitable from a general public standpoint, but the BP was the most convenient.

•Kathy pointed out the sign up sheet in the back for open positions.

•Tag Day 9/8/12

•Kathy has been very busy matching up stuff. We have 21 groups so far, and not everyone signed up yet. There are 13-14 sectors, so more than one group will go to the larger neighborhoods.

•This is a good money maker, and we're hoping to reach more people with more groups.

•We need 3 more drivers; See Kathy after the meeting to sign up.

•Tag Day is scheduled from 10am-4pm, we will meet at 9:30am in band room. Drivers will receive supplies, and all will get instructions and safety guidelines.

•Mr. Yonkey explained exactly what Tag Day was since most new band parents are unfamiliar.

•Groups of 4-5 kids go to dense neighborhoods door to door, and if answered they ask for a donation. If not home they leave a note (tag) explaining who we are, and what we do. We also give out concert dates. They make sure they are highly visible areas, and do not go to houses of registered offenders.

•Mr. Yonkey reminded those who want to volunteer that they need to fill out a volunteer form.

•Students should wear something that identifies them as with the school, such as their "Green" shirt, KR polo, or school colors.

•Growl Towels

•Laurie Blankenship showed us the growl towels. She explained how we use them at games (waving for touchdowns, etc.). They sell for $5.00 each and they are the only thing we can sell at the games.


•Mr. Yonkey is getting blankets from Mr. McElfish's wife who owns an embroidery company. They are green and dark orange, and come in two sizes (M and L). They are just like the football blankets but will have the KR Logo with "Band". He will display a sample when he gets one.

•We make $10 a blanket and will sell them for $35 (M) or $50 (L).

•He is working on being able to sell them at football games.

•Giant Cards

•Holly Hartman is the volunteer in charge of these.

•Mr. Yonkey explained how it works. Example: Buy a $50 gift card and use it on $50 worth of groceries, but band purchased at a discounted amount. We haven't decided what the card value(s) will be yet.

•Holly reiterated how you don't spend anything extra or lose store points, and the band gets 5%. This is a great way to support the band without effort.

•Pie Sale

•This is our popular fundraiser from The Pie Shoppe, located in SW PA. They offer all different flavor pies, pumpkin rolls, etc. They are priced well, only $8-9 per pie, and they freeze really well.

•Last year we sold these at Christmastime, but we were able to get signed up early enough to get a spot at Thanksgiving instead. Pies will be delivered in time for Thanksgiving.

•Sales are done by preorder. We need to sell a minimum amount (250), and last year we teamed with Mr. Fox. He's now in Stafford but we will tag team again and they will send reps up to pick up their order from us. Mr. Yonkey will scan and post the order form on the website for reference (orders cannot be taken online).

•Mr. Yonkey noted that if students sell more than 2-3 items they will need to get a ride home rather than ride the bus.

Bake Sale at Concert--Seana

•Seana Ankers introduced herself to everyone. She explained that bake sales are set up at all concerts. We provide baked goods and tea, lemonade, etc., which are free but we request donations. Seana asked for baked donations (when the time comes). She also expressed the need for volunteers, stressing that we need enough to rotate out so nobody misses their child performing.

•Golf Outing

•This will be held April 26, 2013. Seana is the chairperson. She needs volunteers to help find donations, prizes, etc.

•This is Seana's last year. We need a coordinator for this event for next year. You don't need to know golf to do this.

•Spirit Nights

•We haven't gotten the figures yet, but it looks like this was a good fundraiser at Subway. We have two more there, 10/30/12 and 1/29/13.

•Nicole Jones reported that the Subway staff was a little clueless about the spirit night, the manager didn't inform the employees ahead of time, and they scrambled to get enough people in to work. She recommends calling the store itself to confirm, not just the contact representative.

•Tropical Smoothie on 9/25 is the next spirit night. We need slips to hand out, students to hand them out, and volunteers to chaperone.

•Sweet Frog would also be happy to do a spirit night for 10%, Nicole Jones has the business card at home.


•Last year's DVD is still for sale. There is a signup sheet on the board, put the money in the envelope. The DVD costs $20.

•Sheetz Card--Nicole Jones

•She thinks they cost us $15, and that we sell them for $20. This is a coupon book for all kinds of MTO items. Subs, breakfast sandwiches, bakery items. The only thing it didn't include was gas/alcohol. You can use more than one coupon at a time each visit. Mr. Yonkey estimates there are $35-40 worth of free items. There is a minimum we have to purchase, so he will probably send a couple home with each student.

•There will be more fundraisers throughout the year that we will discuss later.

President's Report--Kathy Fine

•Kathy informed us that there are several positions available. She referred us to the Signup Sheet in the back for some of the positions, and reminded us of the form in the band amp packet that listed a number of positions that can be checked off and turned in.

•We need volunteers to help with Friday night dinners.

•We need volunteers for the PIT crew.

•This is the section that doesn't move around the field. We need people to move the instruments onto the field and then off the field at halftime to give the students a break. You do not need to volunteer for the season, even if you can just help at a couple of games/competitions it would be of great benefit.

Band Director's Report--Mr.Yonkey

Football game tomorrow night

•Please come and support the Marching Band! The game starts at 7:00pm. Mr. Yonkey pointed out that some other schools start at 7:30. Our pre-game performance starts at 6:50pm.

•Some parents/families go in with the band, but in general we need to pay admission. Mr. Yonkey talked to the director and they agreed that if the parent is actually helping with something, then they can come in for free. However, if it is abused then we will lose this privilege.

•Nicole shared that you can pay to be an athletic booster and get a certain number of tickets to events.

Band Competitions

•CD Hilton HS is ON. They had gone back and forth because of the game field getting reseeded. Instead it will be at the practice field, and there are NO stadium seats. You will have to bring chairs.

•Mr. Yonkey noted that at competitions the experience is completely different than football games. We also perform and then stay until the award ceremony.

•Millbrook--This competition is on September 22. We will do two performances. The morning performance is a clinic before judges, then we get feedback. We have lunch then return and do our competition performance before a new panel of judges, and stay for the award ceremony.

•Battlefield--Held on October 6. WVU is a guest performance, they come in around 8pm.

•Admission is typically $10-12 for audience. They tend to go up in price as we get closer to VBODA.

•bus budget restricted, so parents that help will have to carpool behind rather than riding on the busses like prior years. They can still get in with the band at the competition.

•Fall Concert

•Will be held on October 30, 2012. The first 2-3 years the marching band has not participated but they will this year, maybe 1-2 short songs.


•There has been an interest in the past for band hoodies. We now have for sale black or gray hoodies with the school logo and either Band, Orchestra, or Chorus. The price is $40, and Mr. Yonkey noted that we don't markup apparel. Hoodies are made from 100% polyester wicking material. There was no setup or artwork fee.


•Mr. Yonkey is working with a grant company--the local composer who does our marching band music--who will be writing the wind ensemble world premiere piece. In the next few days a release form from C$SIC with a waiver will come home. It must be signed in order for a student to play it. They will let us know when it gets published. C$SIC has a Facebook page. Like it!

•Mr. Yonkey encouraged everyone to ask questions or email him anytime.

•If anyone not receiving emails please let Dana know.


•Do we send them with a lunch at competitions? No, please send money instead because it supports the host school. We also host sometimes and appreciate the same in return.

•What is the game day plan regarding schedule and uniforms, for this Friday?

•We march the halls in the morning--wear jeans/jean shorts and "Green" shirt. Shoe type doesn't matter, and no hats should be worn. Plan to arrive early by 7:05-7:10, we start marching at 7:15 and will be in home rooms by 7:30.

•After school we meet in the band room and review the game plan. Kids should wear a t-shirt (Kettle Run one if possible), athletic shorts (something light), black socks, marching shoes, and the Kettle Run ball cap. White gloves (if ordered) will be handed out at that time.

•Colorguard is wearing their unitard.

•Pit should wear all black, preferably pants vs shorts, black socks, and marching shoes until uniforms come in for them. Holly will have emergency items.

•Halftime is around 8:30pm, and the game ends around 10-10:30pm.

•Traditionally students have travelled to Denny's after the games. Sometimes Mr. Yonkey goes, but it is not a chaperoned event. Every year a couple kids forget to pay, and Mr. Yonkey gets a call. Pleas remind your student that they must remember to pay their bill. Pat Whitney gave Denny's a call to give them a heads up for tomorrow. On competition weekends they are discouraged from going, in order to be rested for the competition.

•Does the uniform go home after the game? No. Students hang them up and return them to the uniform room.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm.

Next Booster Meeting: October 4, 2012.