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Dear Member’s name

Please help us raise £15,000 to protect the threatened marsh fritillary butterfly

The marsh fritillary is one of Wales’s most beautiful and endangered butterfly species. Once a common sight in our countryside, its population has declined by over 60% in the last 70 years and is still decliningtoday. South west Wales is one of its last remaining European strongholds. As the Wildlife Trust for South and West Wales (WTSWW), we must play a major role in securing the future of this iconic butterfly – and time is running out as its population declines.

We need to raise £15,000 to carry out vital work to protect the marsh fritillary. £5,000 has already been secured through grants from the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW). Can you help us raise the remaining £10,000?

The marsh fritillary depends on rare habitats such as wet meadow, rhos pasture and marshy grassland, which support the caterpillar’s only food plant: Devil’s bit scabious. The catastrophic decline in numbers is mainly due to the loss of these important wetland habitats, and the fragmentation of those that do remain. Unfortunately, the problem has been made worse by poor management of these habitats by some landowners. The marsh fritillary is a sensitive species and requires an extensive network of suitable habitats for survival.

Fortunately, there are populations of marsh fritillary on several WTSWW nature reserves, which we manage carefully to ensure that these populations can thrive and grow.

The continued loss and mis-management of habitat means that the sight of this iconic butterfly flittering through the landscape is but a distant memory in many places. However, with your support WTSWW can help reverse the marsh fritillary’s fortunes and create a landscape where the marsh fritillary and its habitats can thrive once more. Please give what you can.

A donation of £25 will help us to:

  • Continue to manage vital nature reserves for marsh fritillary across South and West Wales.
  • Create new wetland nature reserves to increase the area of suitable habitat for marsh fritillaries.
  • Work with landowners to restore marsh fritillary habitats.
  • Engage in the local planning process to protect remaining colonies from development.
  • Carry out important survey and research work, which will in turn inform future conservation work for the species.
  • Help schools and communities learn about marsh fritillary conservation.

Time is running out for the marsh fritillary. Please make a donation today and help us give it a brighter future. You can use the form enclosed or give online at

Yours sincerely

Prof. Lynda Warren


PS All kinds of wildlife stand to gain from these projects. Please support us if you can. If we raise more than £10,000 then we shall use any extra for further conservation work.

Annwyl Syr / Madam

Helpwch ni i godi £15,000 i warchod glöyn byw brith y gors sydd dan fygythiad

Mae brith y gors yn un o’r glöynnod byw harddaf yng Nghymru ac mae’n rhywogaeth mewn perygl. Arferid ei weld yn gyffredin yn ein cefn gwlad, ond mae ei boblogaeth wedi dirywio fwy na 60%yn ystod y 70 mlynedd diwethaf ac mae’n dal i ddirywioheddiw. De Orllewin Cymru yw un o’i gadarnleoedd olaf yn Ewrop. Fel yr Ymddiriedolaeth Natur ar gyfer De a Gorllewin Cymru (YNDGC), mae’n rhaidi ni chwarae rhan arbennig mewn diogelu dyfodol y glöyn byw eiconig yma – ac mae amser yn brin wrth i’w boblogaeth ddirywio.

Mae’n rhaid i ni godi £15,000 i wneud gwaith hanfodol i warchod brith y gors. Rydyn ni eisoes wedi sicrhau £5,000 drwy grantiau gan Gyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru (CCGC). Fedrwch chi ein helpu ni i godi’r £10,000 sy’n weddill?

Maebrith y gors yn dibynnu ar gynefinoedd prin fel dolydd gwlyb, porfa rhos a glaswelltir corsiog, ble ceir unig blanhigyn bwyd y lindysyn: Bara’r cythraul. Yr hyn sy’n bennaf gyfrifol am y dirywiad catastroffig yn y niferoedd yw colli’r cynefinoedd pwysig hyn o dir gwlyb, a gwasgariad y rhai sy’n weddill. Gwaetha’r modd, mae’r broblem yn waeth oherwydd rheolaeth wael ar y cynefinoedd hyn gan rai perchnogion tir. Mae brith y gorsyn rhywogaeth sensitif ac mae arno angen rhwydwaith helaeth o gynefinoedd addas er mwyn goroesi.

Yn ffodus, ceir poblogaethau o frith y gorsmewn sawl gwarchodfa natur gan YNDGC ac rydym yn eu rheoli’n ofalus er mwyn sicrhau bod y poblogaethau hyn yn gallu ffynnu a thyfu.

Mae colli a chamreoli’r cynefin yn barhaus yn golygu mai dim ond atgof pell yw’r olygfa o’r glöyn byw eiconig yma’n gwibio drwy’r tirlun mewn sawl lleoliad. Fodd bynnag, gyda’ch cefnogaeth chi, gall YNDGC helpu brith y gors a chreu tirlun ble gall brith y gors a’i gynefinoedd ffynnu unwaith yn rhagor. Cyfrannwch fel y gallwch chi os gwelwch yn dda.

Bydd rhodd o £25yn ein helpu ni gyda’r canlynol:

  • Parhau i reoli gwarchodfeydd natur hanfodol ifrith y gors ledled De a Gorllewin Cymru.
  • Creu gwarchodfeydd natur tir gwlyb newydd i gynyddu’r cynefin addas i frith y gors.
  • Gweithio gyda pherchnogion tir i adfer cynefinoedd brith y gors.
  • Ymwneud â’r broses gynllunio leol er mwyn gwarchod y poblogaethau sy’n weddill rhag datblygiad.
  • Gwneud gwaith arolygu ac ymchwilio pwysig a fydd, yn ei dro, yn sail i waith cadwraeth yn y dyfodol er lles y rhywogaeth.
  • Helpu ysgolion a chymunedau i ddysgu am gadwraeth brith y gors.

Mae amser yn brin iawn i frith y gors. Cyfrannwch rodd heddiw os gwelwch yn dda a helpwch ni i greu dyfodol disglair iddo. Gallwchddefnyddio’r ffurflen sydd wedi’i hatodi neu gyfrannu ar-lein yn

Yn gywir

Yr Athro Lynda Warren


ONBydd pob math o fywyd gwyllt yn gallu elwa o’r prosiectau hyn. Cefnogwch ni os ydych yn gallu. Os codwn ni fwy na £10,000 yna byddwn yn defnyddio unrhyw arian ychwanegol ar gyfer gwneud gwaith cadwraeth pellach.

Yes, I would like to help secure the future of marsh fritillaries by making a donation of:

If you would like to pay by credit card then please contact the office on 01656 724100
£25.00 / £50.00 / £100.00 / £200.00 / £500.00 / Other amount
cheque / CAF
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Make your donation work harder I would like WTSWW* to treat my contribution of as a ‘Gift Aid donation’. □
I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the current tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (and Community Amateur Sports Clubs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for the current tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.
Signature(s): ………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………….
*Wildlife Trust Of South and West Wales.
Please make cheques payable to The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales.
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GwarchodNaturar gyfer y Dyfodol

Protecting Wildlife for the Future

Photos by Mike Clark and Lyndsey Maiden