Sports Council for Glasgow Annual Awards 2017

Nomination Form

Complete the Nomination form for the individual, club or team that is being nominated. Please provide as much information as possible.

The time period that you should base your nomination on is between 19th August 2017 and 22nd September 2017. Please note: Information outwith these dates will NOT be considered. Please carefully consider the specific award criteria and evidence required when completing the form

Please place an ‘x’ against the category of Award for which you are submitting a nomination
Club of the Year
Coach of the Year
Young Persons Coach
Community Coach
Performance Development Coach
High Performance Coach
Young Coach [Nominee must be 25 years or under]
Disability Sport Coach
Lifetime Coaching Achievement
Volunteer of the Year
Young Volunteer [Nominee must be 25 years or under]
Technical Official of the Year
Senior [No age criteria]
Disability Achievement Award
Junior [Nominee must be aged 18 or under]
Outstanding Individual Achievement Awards
Junior [Nominee must be aged 18 or under]
Senior – International
Junior – International [Nominee must be aged 18 or under]
Service To Sport Award



Age Group [Please tick] Sport [may be more than one sport]

Under 16 /
16 – 25 years
26 – 35 years
36 – 45 years /
46 – 55 years
56 – 65 years
65+ years



DATE of BIRTH (where applicable for Junior /Young Person Awards)

SECTION 2: This section should be used for all categories – You are asked to complete the ‘Supporting Statement’ Box below with appropriate information to support your nomination in any of these categories (Club of the Year Development/Performance; Outstanding Individual Achievement Awards; Service to Sport Award):

SUPPORTING STATEMENT (maximum 300 words)

SECTION 3: Your information as Nominator - We need your information so that we can contact you about your nomination if necessary.

First Name: / Surname:

Gender: [please ‘x’ as appropriate]

Male: / Female: / Prefer not to say:

Completed nomination forms must be returned no later than 22nd September 2017. Please note that no late nominations will be accepted

Return to:

Katy Swan,
Sports Council for Glasgow Development Officer
4th Floor
Emirates Arena
1000 London Road
Glasgow G40 3HY / or by e-mail to:

Please note that Nominations for SportScotland’s Coach, Official or Volunteers Award should be submitted online using their Nomination Form. This Form is for Sports Council for Glasgow’s Awards Only

Sports Council for Glasgow is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

Registration Number: SC046373.