Online Farm Business Planning Course Application

The 8-week online course requires students to travel to downtown Boston for one weekend afternoon and to participate in one live webinar. Other than these commitments, students are able to work independently to complete the weekly course modules and associated homework assignments.

The cost for the online course is $500 per student. Scholarships are available and awarded based on financial need, up to 80% of the cost of the class. To apply, please complete a Tuition Scholarship Application.

Applications are confidential—we will not share your information with others.

Contact Information
Your Name: ______Date: ______
Address: ______

Email: ______Telephone: ______

Skype Screename (strongly encouraged for distance learners): ______

Google Plus Username (strongly encouraged for distance learners): ______

Are you willing to share your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social networking information?


Why are you interested in taking the online class as opposed to the in person class?


How did you hear about our project? ______

Application Questions

What country are you from? ______
How long have you lived in the US? ______
What is your citizenship status? ______
What is your first language? ______
What other languages do you speak? ______
How is your English? SPEAKING: Excellent Good Fair Poor

READING: Excellent Good Fair Poor

WRITING: Excellent Good Fair Poor

What is your highest grade or level of schooling? ______
What did you study in school? ______
Who is your present employer(s)? ______
What is your current position? ______
Please tell us more about your past work experience below:

Job Title /
Employer / Employer Address /
How long did you work there? / Responsibilities

Have you farmed or gardened before? ______If yes, please tell us more below:

Where was the farm or garden? /
How big was it? /
What did you produce there (for example, vegetables, grains, chickens, other)? /
Where did you sell the products?

Do you have any education or training in agriculture? ______
If YES, where______
What did you learn? ______



Please describe the type of farm you would like to have. Tell us where it would be (what country, state, city), how big, what crops or animals you would produce, and how you would like to run the farm. You may write or type this on another piece of paper, if you choose.


How much money a year would you like to earn from farming annually? ______


Please write the names of 3 people to serve as your references. Two references should be someone you know professionally (a boss from a job, a teacher, an employment counselor, a landlord), and one person can be a friend or family member.

Name / How do you know this person? / Phone number or numbers

Technology Requirement
A computer with a reliable Internet connection and the software necessary to use the Internet to communicate and access information/resources are fundamental to participating effectively as a distance learner.

Software requirements: Internet Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari – please note that Internet Explorer is not supported by our course format), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PDF Reader (Adobe Reader or Preview), Email capability

Additional recommended software: Skype

What operating system do you currently utilize (Windows 7, Windows XP, Mac OS, etc.)? ______

Do you have a computer with a reliable Internet connection? ______
Do you have prior distance education experience? ______
Applicant Agreement

I, ______(your name), certify that all information included within this application is true and valid to the best of my knowledge.

I also understand that completing the Training Course does not mean I will automatically be able to rent land from the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project. I also understand that I will have to fill out another application if I want to rent land.

Your Signature Date

Please return completed application by email to:

Subject heading: Online Farm Business Planning Course Application Fall 2014 (or Winter 2015)

To learn more about our program, please contact us:
Phone: 978.654.6745
Email: or

“No person in the United States shall on ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” - Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Please complete a tuition waiver application form to determine eligibility.