Minutes of the fourth Annual General Meeting

held on 15th July 2015

at 7.30pm at Age UK, Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Denne Road, Horsham.

Present: Members: Jane Apostolou (Chairman), David Searle (Vice Chairman), Diane Sumpter (Treasurer), Martin Bruton, Nigel Friswell, Mary Crosbie, David Skipp, Ruth Fletcher, Michael Jarvis, Robert Michalowicz.

Non-members: Aki Apostolou, Sara Doy, Jenny Boyd & Victoria Saunders(Horsham Joggers),

Frances Haigh (Horsham Blueprint), Leonard Crosbie (HDC Councillor), Liz Timmer (Horsham in Bloom), C.Boydell (HDC), Katie Bennett (YMCA), David Sheldon (Horsham Matters), Karen Burgess (HDC Councillor), Peter Burgess (HDC Councillor), Dan Fairchild (Horsham Matters),

Dom and Abbi (HYPER).

1.  Welcome: The Chairman, Jane Apostolou, welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming.

2. Approval of Agenda: This was proposed by Martin Bruton and seconded by Nigel Friswell and agreed.

3. Apologies for absence: Trudie Mitchell (Chair DNC), Peter Catchpole (WSCC Councillor),

Nigel Dennis (WSCC Councillor), Christine Costin (HDC Councillor), Janice Leeming (CEO Age UK),

Sue Tew (Saxon Weald), Robert Skeet (Horsham Cycling Club), Damien Brewer (HDC Access Forum), David Jessop (Green Gym), Stuart Ritchie (Warnham Parish Council), Sue Brundish (HTCP Director and Horsham in Bloom), Neil Clarke (Chair Horsham Cycling Forum), Adrian Lee (HDC Councillor), Terry Slatter (Friends of Warnham Nature Reserve), Carol King (HTCP member), Arthur Carden , Christine Hardisty (HaMSVA), Erik Shopland, Mike Powell (TRITAR).

4. Minutes of Third AGM held on 14th May 2014: These were proposed by Martin Bruton, seconded by Nigel Friswell, agreed and signed.

5. Review of progress of the Community Partnership to 31st March 2015: A report by the Chairman, Jane Apostolou, was circulated prior to the meeting, and was read out at the meeting. Her report included thanking all the Directors for their hard work and thanking Jan Irwin who had stepped down from the Management Committee and her role in supporting HYPER.

She also gave details of HTCP’s involvement in other projects as well as its own main project, the Riverside Walk i.e. West Street Enhancement project, Bishopric Enhancement project, North Street Subways project, and its support of initiatives including Horsham Blueprint, the Shopmobility Scheme, the future of Park House. She reported on the progress of Stage 2 of the Riverside Walk and the fund application for it, and mentioned the second Celebration Walk planned for 25th July 2015 which due to popular demand is to be an annual event.

She finished her report by talking about HYPER and thanking the Youth Workers and volunteers who have supported it.

6. Special Resolutions: There were none.

7. Accounts and Treasurer’s Report: Full details of the accounts and the Treasurer’s report were distributed with the agenda papers.

8. Election of Directors:

One third of the Directors were required to retire but could opt for re-election. Martin Bruton, Jane Apostolou and David Skipp had thus opted and it was proposed by Nigel Friswell and seconded by David Searle that they be re-elected. This was agreed.

9. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman from the Directors:

Martin Bruton proposed and Diane Sumpter seconded that Jane Apostolou be re-elected as Chairman. This was agreed.

Jane Apostolou proposed and Diane Sumpter seconded that David Searle be re-elected as Vice Chairman. This was agreed.

10. Any other business:

JA said that as Jan Irwin has stood down from her role supporting HYPER she would be pleased to hear from anyone who could take over this role and help to keep communication open between HYPER and HTCP.

There was no other business notified prior to the meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm and was followed by a presentation by HYPER members on the work of HYPER over the last year.

A Company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales, incorporated 7th September 2011

Company No: 7765509. Registered Office Teffont Magna, Salisbury Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0AJ