House for 28 Families, Inhabitable by Earthquake


  1. Earthquake devastated lives because it has been more than 2 years that the villagers have been living in a house that were made for temporary.
  2. Aged and children are in vulnerable situation.
  3. The area is surrounded by forest where wild animals are found. And, several time leopards attacked the domestic animals.
  4. The village lacks health service and school. The nearby health post that lacks facilities is more than 2 hours away by walking. Only walking is the travelling way. School is also located far, that the children walks from 6:30 am to reach school that starts at 10 am and returns late evening.
  5. Uncertainty of living condition is hindering the villagers to move forward in life.

What the organisation have done until today?

  1. Health education and data collection together
  2. Relief after the earthquake
  3. Water tank constructed
  4. Regular health checkup and provided medicine and proper counselling
  5. Training to the members (about 5) about health and management
  6. Dress and stationery to the school going children
  7. On a process to group formation who could be active for the development of the village and support the Community Health Development work of the organisation.

Plan to build house:

How the villagers worked together to construct a water tank showed that it is possible to construct house for them on their own initiation. Carrying materials required from outside of the village, managing available resources like stones and wood and being available themselves led by the skilled worker showed that building house is possible.

  1. Training is necessary to build house. To handle it, appropriate engineering company will be requested (already the organisation have informed and they are ready to visit the village). They seem to be offering their service for the sake of these poor people who is socially marginalised and geographically living in a challenging location where it is hardly someone will go.
  2. After the training for 28 peoples from each house, team of 3 will be divided to build 1 house. These 3 team will construct 3 house targeting to complete in 1 month. 9 organisational member will mixed in this 3 team (3 in each team). Total 12 members in a team will work for one house. Help will be taken from the villagers and the nearby villages also to carry the materials that is purchased from the market.
  3. With 3 in a row, within 12-months period leaving heavy monsoon of 1 month, 28 houses will be constructed.