The Weekly Messenger –December 2, 2012

St. John Chrysostom Albanian Orthodox Church

237 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-563-0979

Email address:

Gospel - Luke 18:18-27 Epistle– Ephesians 5:9-19

If you would like to have someone remembered in prayer or are in need of a Priest please contact Steve Ghicondes, Parish Council Chair, or


Commemorations for the Living:Metropolitan Tikhon,Archbishop Nikon,Father Stephen Siniari,Andrea Subashi,Michelle Dardaris, Mary Legidakes, FrancescaGiansante,

Nick Dimitri, Pandeli Spiro, Clive Miller,Rosemary Notskas, Peter Mallios,Diane Rubis, Katherine Zoidis, Marcena Moore, Nick Naum, Flossie Vissar,Pandeli, Jorgaq, Lefteri, Clement, Aliceand all the servicemen especially, Ryan, Alex, David, and Matthew.

Commemorations for the Departed: Father Deacon Stephen Stefani, Martha (Joseph)Verdi (wife of Carmen, sister of Kristo)and those servicemen who have fallen asleep in the Lord in the service of their Country.

Parishioner Update: Many thanks to the Coraluzzi Family (Diane, Steve, Adam and Michele) for donating the pizza for the Sunday school coffee hour last week. All donations went to the Sunday school!Thank you to Tommy Highland and his daughter Olivia. The repaired/straightened the red door on the side of the church after it had been damaged by the wind. Very nice job! Father Stephen Siniari continues to recuperate at home. Please keep Father Stephen in your prayers.

Pastoral Coverage: Today (12/2) Father Joe Toroney

December 9th,23rdFather Joe Toroney December 16, Father Mark Koczak

Coffee Hour Sponsors:Thank you very much for your generosity!!

December 2, Polo, Afrouti & Bitri Families Dec 23, Roxane & Jim GhicondeyDecember 9, Niko & Luiza Salavaci Dec 30, Stephanie Kosta & Peter Kosta

December 16, Linda & Phil Kosta

Makers of the Meshe: 12/2 Thank you Marge Nowmos

December 9th Luiza Salavaci. December 16th Marinela Prifti

Ladies Club News: Sunday is the last day to sign up forthe annual Christmas Dinner which will be held on Thursday, December 6, 2012 at Charlotte’s Restaurant, Newtown Square, PA. Please see Bessie Satir for details, LADIES WELCOME TO ATTEND!

Many thanks to Father Joe Toroney for celebrating the Divine Liturgy with us today.

A Christmas donation box has been set up in the church hall. Please donate new men’s socks, underwear, hats and blankets. The donations will be given to homeless people in the area. Please contact Linda Notskas if you have any questions.

Icons Reminder: Our annual Icon auction will be on Sunday, January 6, 2013 - Holy Theophany (Epiphany). Please return your Icons by Sunday, December 23rd so that we can prepare for the auction.

*****THE CHURCH IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO DECORATE THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS. THE DATE WILL BE SATURDAY 12/8 AT 10:00 am -NO VOLUNTEERS- NO DECORATIONS. THANK YOU. ***** Please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule (near the coffee hour sign-up sheet).

Upcoming Events:

Nov.30th Fundraiser to benefit St. John & SS Peter & Paul from 1p-5p

Dec 1, 2, 3 220 Limestone Lane WillowGrove, PA. Sponsored by Paulette Steffa

December 5th Parish Council Meeting 7:00 pm

December 6th Ladies Club Dinner at Charlotte’s Restaurant

December 8th Saturday 10:00 am put up Christmas decorations in Church

December 23rd Sunday school Christmas Pageant

January 6, 2013 Holy Theophany (Epiphany)

Sunday school: Thank you to our Sunday school for presenting “Albanian Thanksgiving” on 11/18 and for providing great pizza for coffee hour last week. We are very blessed to have our students, teachers and Sunday school director!Arrangements are underway for the annual Christmas Pageant. Sandi Fiss will direct the play this year. Please bring your children to Sunday school so they can rehearse the play and learn their part.

Parish Council: Will meet Wednesday, Dec. 5th @ 7:00 pm. Officers will be elected for the positions of parish council chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer. Parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend all parish council meetings.

Pledge Info:121 Pledges totaling $51,000.00.As of Nov. 28th $44,151.00 received. We budgeted $55,000.00 for 2012, so we are currently $4,000.00 short.. If you have not made a pledge for 2012 (Pledges do not include Icon donations) please send in a pledge card now. All pledges for 2012 should be fulfilled by December 31, 2012. Our 2013 pledge drive will begin in January 2013.Contributions statements were e-mailed or sent via regular mail to our parishioners. Please contact Donna Dimitri or Tom Zoidis if you have any questions.

Per Shume VjetGezuar!Nov 30 Apostle Andrew, Dec 4 Great Martyr Barbara, Dec 6 St. Nicholas, Dec 12 St. Spiridon, Dec 15 St. Eleutherios, Dec 17 Holy Prophet Daniel, Dec 23 St. Naum,Dec 25 Christmas Day, Sunday after Christmas St. Joseph the Betrothed, St. David the King,Dec 27 St. Stephen the Protomartyr