Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 17 May 2017 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 8.05 p.m.
Chairman of the Committee: Councillor R Peart
Councillors: C Meathrel, B Thorne, G Wickham
Ex Officio: Councillor B Austen
Town Clerk: Mrs C Lakin
Cllr Peart took the Chair for the start of the meeting.
WSP64/17 To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the Council
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Bovey who had family matters to deal with and Cllr Stevenson who was on annual leave
WSP65/17 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
WSP66/17 Election of Chairman of the Committee
Resolved: that Cllr Peart be elected as Chairman of the Committee
WSP67/17 Election of Vice Chairman of the Committee
Resolved: that Cllr Rollason be elected as Vice Chairman of the Committee
WSP68/17 Minutes
Resolved that the Chairman signed the minutes of the meetings held on 5 & 19 April 2017 which had been agreed at the Full Council meeting.
WSP69/17 Planning Applications
Week ending 28 April, 2017
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton EastAPPLICATION REF: / 16/00876/FUL / OFFICER: Eve Somerville
LOCATION: / 9 Stones Close
PROPOSAL: / First floor extension and rear porch
APPLICANT: / Mr D Morris 9 Stones Close Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3YY
PLANNING OBS: / Mr J Dawson JD Architectural Design
Bank Chambers 1 Vaughan Parade Torquay Devon TQ2 5EG
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 17/00890/FUL / OFFICER: Debbie Fuller
LOCATION: / 25 Fore Street
PROPOSAL: / Division of maisonette into two maisonettes
APPLICANT: / Mr R Gibbs 8 Darren Road Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3DU
PLANNING OBS: / Mr R Noble 7 Osborn Close Ipplepen Newton Abbot Devon
TQ12 5XB
No objection
PARISH: / KINGSTEIGNTON / WARD: Kingsteignton West
APPLICATION REF: / 17/00858/FUL / OFFICER: Debbie Fuller
LOCATION: / 13 Templers Way
PROPOSAL: / Gable end walls to create new dormer to the rear and loft roof
PLANNING OBS: / Mr Lewis Gill 13 Templers Way Kingsteignton Devon TQ12 3NX
No objection
WSP70/17 Planning Decisions received from TDC
The committee was passed a copy of planning decisions received from Teignbridge District Council prior to the meeting. Noted.
WSP71/17 Provision of additional Litter bins on Rydon Road – Update from Cllr Peart
Cllr Peart has contacted Teignbridge District Council about the provision of additional litter bins on Rydon Road and is awaiting the Officer contacting him to take a look at suitable locations.
Cllr Peart said that a resident has asked for the bin just down from the Co-Op Shop on Rydon Road to be repositioned on the grass. Cllr Thorne said that there is a litter bin on the green at Sandygate Mill, which needs to be fastened down securely. Cllr Peart said he would deal with these matters.
WSP72/17 Community Self-Help Up-date, DCC
The committee had been passed information from DCC on the Community Self Help.
Resolved: that Cllrs Peart and Rollason will take a look around the Town and see what works need doing and bring back to committee.
WSP73/17 Adopted Telephone Kiosks, Coombesend Road and Lower Sandygate to agree how used.
This item was discussed under Agenda item 44/17
WSP74/17 Correspondence
· Advice received from DCC concerning road closure from Monday 31 July, 2017 to anticipated finish Friday 11 August, 2017 to enable changing D Poles and Putting Mains/Services underground, installing a new main cable for new site by Western Power Distribution. Cllr Wickham asked if all residents affected by this road closure could be advised prior to 31 July, 2017
· The committee were notified of the Devon Community Resilience Forum being held at Whitestone Parish Hall, Whitestone, Exeter on Wednesday 7 June, 2017. The Clerk is unable to attend and asked if any councillors could attend. Resolved: Cllr Meathrel to attend on behalf of the council.
· Cllr Thorne mentioned under correspondence that he has spoken with Ian Perry, TDC suggesting that contact be made with DCC Highways Officer, Michelle Woodgate to express the Town Councils suggestion that any entrance from the new school onto Chudleigh Road should have a lights controlled crossing for the safety of pupils. Resolved: that a letter be sent to DCC re: controlled crossing on Chudleigh Road near new primary school
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm
Signed:………………………………………………. Dated:……………………………