Esp.1 Semana del 19 al 23 de marzo de 2018
►lunes, 19 de marzo
-more practice recalling the food and beverage vocab and writing statements in the present tense.
-oral practice
-talk about what they did during the break.
-we will be using some verbs we know already, but in past tense so we can share with the class what we did, ate and drank during the break.
For example: Yofui.. =I went // Yocomí…- I ate //Yobebí..= I drank // Yo mire..- I watched
Yocompre- I bought //Yosalí con =I went out with
-going up and down the rows, everyone will get to share something they did.
Asignación:Continue to practice writing sentences using the present tense to express what you and other do daily.
►martes, 20 de marzo
-further practice with the food and beverages vocab and writing statements in the present tense.
-oral correction of the warm-up
-with a partner you will prepare a short dialogue about what you did, ate and drank during Spring break and present it in front.
See model paragraph.
Est. 1: ¿Que hicisteenSpring Break?
Est. 2. Yo fui al rodeo con mi familia. ¿Y tú, que hiciste?
Est. 1: Yo fui a Colorado a esquiar. ¿ Qué comiste y bebiste?
Est. 2: Yocomipizza y bebí limonada. ¿Y tú, que comiste y bebiste?
Est. 1: Yo comí papas fritas con hamburguesas y bebí chocolate caliente.
Est. 2: Que rico!Nos vemos.
Est. 1: Hasta la vista, baby!
-present your dialogue to the class!
►miércoles, 21 de marzo
-further practice using the present tense by making sentences with a set of given cues.
-oral practice and translations of the sentences made on board.
-work on your Flower Graphic organizer making sentences about what you and others eat and what you and others drink. When done with the sentences, decorate your flowers. Be clear, neat and colorful!
Asignación:Continue to practice writing sentences using the present tense to express what you and other do daily.
►jueves, 22 de marzo
-more practice using the present tense by making sentences with a set of given cues and also translating to check comprehension of what you are writing.
-when done please turn in the tower.
-now you will work on: The Word Search Projectwhere:
Part 1: You will find the37 food and beverages vocabulary words from the list given on the project paper. Once they are found you need to go back and look at the puzzle and with the letters not usedin the first 4-5 lines you will find a hidden message I have written for you! In Spanish, of course!! Buena Suerte.
Part 2 : When you have found the Spanish Translations of the words in the puzzle, your will classify them as either appropriate for: Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner.
Part 3; You will complete the 3 sentences writing your preferences of food and beverages for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Part 4: There are sets of cues, you will be making sentences with these, and then translating all 6 sentences.
{This is preparation for tomorrow’s first writing QUIZ!!}
-when done turn in the tower.
-if there is still class time you can have “Free Time” in your chrome book. Make sure that all is school appropriate. I trust YOU!
►viernes, 23 de marzo
-more practice recalling the vocab and skills learned in this chapter.
-respond to your first Writing Quiz!! “Buena Suerte”
-after the quiz, you will pick up a Cut n Paste Project to continue practicing making sentences about food and beverages in the present tense.
-turn in the tower when done!