McLean, E. Family and Consumer Science 1

Family and Consumer Science

Weeks 11-13


Duration: 15 Days

ACOS Standards:11 Determine elements and principles of design used in selecting

apparel and accessories.

12. Compare methods for the care and storage of apparel and


Objectives Part 1:

  1. Explain the benefits of well-chosen clothing.
  2. List the five-elements of clothing design.
  3. Identify the five principles of clothing design.
  4. Understand how to use the elements and principles of design to express your individuality.
  5. Outline the process of wardrobe assessment.
  6. Summarize clothes-shopping strategies.

Objectives Part 2:

  1. Identify natural and manufactured fibers.
  2. Summarize the concepts of fabric construction and performance finishing.
  3. List the 6 traits of fabric that can help you choose a fabric that meets your needs.
  4. Give guidelines for routine clothing care and storage.
  5. Explain clothes cleaning and drying procedures.
  6. Describe options for simple clothing repairs.

Place an X on the line next to “Complete” as you finish each section.

  1. Students will------Objectives Complete______
  1. Read Chapter 25 pages 596-617 in Applying LifeSkills.
  2. Answer the Part 1 objectives above.
  1. Students will ------Wardrobe Gaps Complete ______
  1. Using page 609 in your book for guidance, list any wardrobe gaps you may have in the chart below. List items that you do not have, but would like.
  1. Students will------Responsible Shopper______
  1. Using page 612 in the book, create a flyer that advocates for responsible shopping.
  2. Option 1: You may Use Canva, but must PRINT your final product and attach to this packet.
  3. Option 2: You may use a sheet of white paper to create your flyer. You will use colored pencils or markers to receive credit. Attach your work to this packet.
  1. Students will------Design a Shirt Complete______
  1. Design a t-shirt using any technology of your choice. You may use
  1. Option 1: Canva (You will have to PRINT your design and attach to this packet)
  2. Option 2: You may draw your design on a piece of white paper with a -tshirt template. These will be available in class.
  3. If you have a graphic on the back of your shirt, make sure to draw that as well.
  1. Students will------Objectives Complete ______
  1. Read Chapter 26 pages 619-645 in Applying Life Skills.
  2. Answer the part 2 objectives using the above pages in Applying Life Skills textbook.
  1. Students will------Wash Clothes Complete______
  1. Wash loads of various clothes to learn what garments are washed on what cycle.
  2. Wash loads of various clothes to determine amount of detergent.
  1. Student will------Iron a Garment______
  1. Watch classroom demonstration on ironing.
  2. Iron garments of various fabrics and styles (provided by teacher).
  1. Student will------Sew a Button Complete______
  1. Watch classroom sewing demonstration on how to repair a missing button.
  2. Sew a button onto a piece of fabric (provided by teacher).
  3. Attach your fabric to this packet.
  1. Students will------Closet Inventory Complete______
  1. Use page 631 for guidance.
  2. Think about your closet at home. How is it organized? Using the space below, sketch what your closet currently looks like.
  1. In the space below, sketch how could you better organize your closet? By season? By color? By brand name? By style? Could you add a space organizer, such as a shoe rack? Maybe add a hanging sweater cubby?