DATE:Friday, June 24, 2011
TIME: Business Meeting 10:30 am
501 Front Street South
La Crosse, WI 54601
1)Call Meeting to Order, President White
a)Meeting was called to order by President Angela White
b)The following members were in attendance:
Angie White, Sun Prairie Volunteer Fire Dept
Chris Essex, Portage Fire Dept
Sue Bruesch, West Bend Fire Dept
Meredith Stewart, Fitchburg Fire Dept
Pam Jentz, Town of Menasha Fire Dept
Lorna Whalen, Stevens Point Fire Dept
Sue Berger, Marshfield Fire Dept
Barb Glomstad, La Crosse Fire Dept
Debbie Timm, Two Rivers Fire Dept
2)Pledge of Allegiance
3)Approval of minutes from March 30, 2011 meeting, Angie White
a)A motion was made by Sue Bruesch and seconded by Pam Jentz to approve the March 30, 2011 meeting minutes. Motion passed.
4)Treasurer’s Report, Angie White
a)Angie White passed out the Treasurer’s report. A motion was made by Lorna Whalen and seconded by Sue Berger to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
5)Committee Reports:
a)Administrative Committee, Sue Bruesch
i)Decision was made that re-elected officers, Treasurer Diane Yashinsky and Secretary Meredith Stewart, did not need to be sworn in again
b)Public Relations Committee, Lorna Whalen
i)2011 Burn Camp donation
(1)A motion was made by Lorna Whalen and seconded by Angie White to make a $400 donation; along with the $100 membership fee, for a total contribution of $500 from WFSAA. Motion passed.
(2)This year’s Visitor’s Day is scheduled for Thursday, August 18th
6)Old Business:
a)2011 Meeting dates, topics
i)Friday, September 16, 2011 – Marshfield Fire & Rescue Department
(1)Picnic and tour of new firehouse
(2)Discussion of adding some training in conjunction with Mid-State Tech
(a)Options include entering/witnessing the Burn Room / Smoke house
(b)Angie will send out survey to association for interest
ii)Wednesday, November 9, 2011 – Appleton Fire Department
(1)2011 Winter Conference
(a)Full day of training
(i)Options for training topics include
- Microsoft Office
- Personal management
- Communicating techniques
- Workplace harassment
(b)Invite additional administrative staff, personnel, and chiefs
b)2011 Fund Raisers
(1)Approximately 60 tickets sold, as of beginning of lunch meeting
(1)All remaining flags were sold at the registration booth
iii)Embroidered Towels
(1)All remaining towels were sold during the golf outing
7)New BusinessUpdate from WSFCA, Angie White
i)Angie proposed the idea of moving the 2012 meeting to Wednesday instead of Friday
(1)More members will be able to assist with assembling registration packets prior to the conference starting
(2)Members will be able to participate in training opportunities offered during conference
b)WSFCA Convention Issues/Improvements/Discussion
i)Meredith suggested creating a manual for basic registration booth functions during the conference. A draft copy will be available for comment at September meeting.
ii)Members offered feedback regarding conference so far
c)Update from IFSAP, Angie White
i)Angie and Meredith attended April conference. WFSAA and IFSAP plan to set up electronic networking opportunities and hopefully establish a joint conference in the future.
d)Update on sales of towels at golf outing and quilt raffle tickets (provided above)
e)The audit has been postponed until shortly before the September meeting
8)There being no further business, a motion was made by Pam Jentz and seconded by Meredith Stewart to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 16 in Marshfield
Respectfully Submitted,
Meredith Stewart