November 11, 2015 Meeting Minutes
University of Wisconsin Hospital at the American Center, Madison
Lisa Ebert, Brenda Fellenz, Sharon Warsaw , Sheri Goar, Jayne McGrath, Mary Jean Erschen
Jill Fisher, Melissa Fisher, Sharon Warsaw, Sharon Thorpe, Jamie Vranak, Denise Shepler, Joan Boll, Anne LeGare, Chuck Schlichting
Quorum was established.
Previous meeting minutes (8/12/15 and 10/26/15 meeting minutes that had been posted as “Draft” on website were approved. Jill Fisher made a motion to approve the minutes. Sharon Thorpe seconded the motion. Motion was carried by the vote.
A. President’s Message(Brenda Fellenz)
Veteran’s Day: Thank you Sharon Warsaw for your service. She just retired after 26 years in the Military.
- General Assembly (GA) (9/29-10/2/2015)
- Twelve delegates attended GA from Wisconsin
- Some of the highlights were a “Hackathon” from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that focused on improving throughput and overcrowding in EDs.
- Format will be changing for next year 1.5 days for 2016
2. Nominating Committee for Wisconsin’s past elections:
Cindy Prince, Denise Shepler, and Amanda Kane
- President Elect: Jamie Vranak
- Northwest Region: Chuck Schlichting
- North Central Region: Lisa Ebert
- Wisconsin River: Sharon Warsaw
B. The Board Liaison for 2016 is Jeff Solheim
C. Meeting Dates, 2016
- Thursday, 1/14—Marshfield (in person)
- Thursday, 3/10 (Eau Claire- conference on Thursday)- in person-
- Wednesday, 4/27-Epic (phone) & at Epic
- August 4-phone
- November 30-Portage
D. Brenda Fellenz asked for a motion for ENA to pay for the shirts, worn by the delegates, at General Assembly. (Shirts were white, button down and long sleeves with purple ENA logo on them—looked great) Cost was $20.00 per shirt and two were given as raffles at the State Symposium.
Joan Boll made the motion and Sharon Thorpe seconded the motion. The vote carried the motion.
E. (Melissa Fisher) Treasurer’s Report was submitted and reviewed by members present.
- Motion to approve the minutes was made by Denise Shepler and Joan Boll seconded the motion. Vote carried the motion.
- Eventbrite—Melissa thought this worked well and recommended that it continued to be used for registrations.
F. Reportsfrom Committees:
- (Please see 5 attached reports from Trauma, Government Affairs, Website & Social media, Injury Prevention & EMS)
- Leadership Committee-Mary Jean Erschen is interested in doing a half-day leadership forum. Topic: Compassion Fatigue. End of May is targeted time frame.
- State Symposium-Joan Boll will compile evaluations and send to speakers. Evaluations were very good, overall. Summary:
- Well organized; speakers stayed on time
- Vendors liked the time with the attendees
- Location—easier drive, nice rooms
- Great topics, speakers
- Good variety of topics
- 2 full-days
- Excellent Attendance-106 Attendees
- Great organization
- Silent Auction was very good
- Suggestions for next year symposium:
- Explanation to participants, for money that vendors contribute
- Distribute CEU certificates and registrations with more helpers
- Pictures-show case the board or leaders
- Tables set up for more intentional networking—Designated Area
- Add a Wisconsin ENA booth for others to go to Membership: Time to promote membership
- Valuable time to promote membership—some Attendees asked about belonging
- Board wear shirts to help encourage others to see
- 2016 State Symposium:
- Contrast hasn’t been signed yet. Last-minute negotiations regarding a few details are occurring about the conference.
- Think about where you would like the 2017 conference at
- Future State Symposiums: Joan and others hope to create a binder with tips and planning future conferences.
G. Future committees members—Inviting other members to participate on the committee.
H. Dropbox
- Treasurer’s reports and meeting minutes will be located in “cloud” type storage
- Accessible to executive board only
- Motion made by Sharon Warsaw to move the minutes and treasurer’s reports to Dropbox and access will be limited to the executive board.
- Jill Fisher seconded the motion
- Vote carried the motion.
I. Future Planning
- Web-Ex—Brenda Fellenz’s , has access to this from her office
- Brenda would also like to review current goals
- Increase membership and engagement
- Scholarship and delegate tool has been updated
- Social media—possibly more expansion and use of social media
J. State Leaders conference—Brenda Fellenz made a motion for Executive Board and 4 directors attend the state leaders meeting in February, 2016 in Las Vegas
- Denise Shepler seconded the motion
- Lodging for 4 nights will be covered including travel expenses and registration for the ones that are not covered
Discussion regarding Chair positions are two year terms instead of one. Lisa Ebert made a motion for this. Jayne McGrath seconded the motion
Meeting adjourned
Minutes submitted by
Jayne McGrath, WNA Secretary