Town of Rangely February10, 2015 - 7:00pm
Rangely Board of Trustees (Town Council)
Frank Huitt, Mayor
Brad Casto, Mayor Pro Tem
Lisa Hatch, Trustee
Andrew Shaffer, Trustee
Dan Eddy, Trustee
Joseph Nielsen, Trustee
Ann Brady, Trustee
- Call to Order
- Roll Call - Frank Huitt, Brad Casto, Ann BradyJoe Nielsen , and Dan Eddy present. Andy Shaffer and Lisa Hatch absent. (also present were Peter Brixius, Lisa Piering, Vicky Pfennig and Jennifer Hill with RB Herald times)
- Invocation lead by Joseph Nielsen
- Pledge of AllegianceLead by Peter Brixius
- Minutes of Meeting
- Approval of the minutes of the January27, 2015 meeting. Motion to approve the minutes of January 27, 2015 made by Brad Casto, Ann Brady seconded, motion passed
- Petitions and Public Input
- Changes to the Agenda–Informational items E, F & G
- Public Hearings - 7:15pm
- Committee/Board MeetingsNone
- Supervisor Reports - See Attached
- Reports from Officers – Town Manager Update Peter updated the board on the following items; December 2014 sales tax was down to 54,000. Baker Hughes has a huge impact on our sales tax receipts, we are down about 17%. Joe asked if our Gas revenues would be down because of the unseasonably warm weather, Peter concurred that would be the case. For the month of January we only had 20,000mntbu which is normally. This level of usage we haven’t seen since 2005 and 2006 and close to 2012 levels. Even though we are close to those levels we have more properties and cubic feet that we are heating today. Planning and Zoning approved the replat of West Rangely Subdivision was approved and will be recommended to the Town Board in the first council meeting in March. We will have an emergency ordinance to change the ownership of the road and need to see a change of the covenants. Vince and Karen had their personal vehicle vandalized while attending the Crab Crack on Saturday, Vince is handing the investigation over to the sheriff’s department. OHV presentation to the state will be on Friday, Peter will participate in the presentation in Denver while Katelyn and Kristin will participate from Meeker through a US Forest Service connection remotely. Peter met with SGM’s structural engineer to talk about the settling at the water plant that was caused from the leaks, which has also affected the roof line. We will have to correct the problem for which we budgeted $200,000. And a new roof which was also budgeted. We will wait for the cost estimate from the structural engineer and it may be to our advantage to have Glacier complete these repairs. Closing for the parks Transfer will be on March 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m., we had problems with some of the closing documents, but we have a resolution tonight to help correct and complete that process. Peter added some informational items to the agenda one is the travel management plan for BLM, Peter would like to know if any of the council would like to participate in training in Meeker. Brad said that Aaron Grimes called to see if anyone would like to participate and he gave them his and Andy Shaffer’s names if that is ok. Also in the packet is a Bear Management alternatives and would like some input on the choices from the Town Council. Frank and Brad asked if we choose option 4 but add comments to see if we could let them be bait and hunted with dogs. Peter also reviewed Kimball Rasmussen’s email about the EPA decision on the Power Plant. The Mayors letter to the Governor was handed directly to him. She said that he said he would not change his decision on this matter. Peter also said we will start checking on the price of Asphalt so hopefully we will be able to complete some of our capital projects early.
- New Business
- Discussion and Action to approve December 2014 Financial Summary. Motion made to approve the December 2014 Financial summary made by Brad Casto, Joe Nielsen seconded, motion passed
- Discussion and Action to approve January 2015 Check Register. Motion to approve the January 2015 Check Register made by Ann Brady, Brad Casto seconded, motion passed
- Discussion and Action to approve Liquor License Renewal for Kum & Go. Motion to approve the Liquor License renewal for Kum & Go LC made by Ann Brady, Dan Eddy seconded, motion passed
- Discussion and Action to appoint a Town representative to the Western Rio Blanco 911 Board. Current appointee is Lisa Hatch. Motion to approve Lisa Hatch as the appointee to the Western Rio Blanco 911 Board made by Brad Casto , Dan Eddy seconded, motion passed
- Discussion and Action to approve Resolution 2015-03approving the establishment of an agreement between the Western Rio Blanco Metropolitan Recreation and Park District and the Town of Rangely, providing the Authority to Convey Park lands, (Camper Park, Parts of Energy Park and Hefley Park) as established by approval of Ordinance No. 681 and by passage of a municipal election question to approve this transfer on April 1st 2014 Motion to approve Resolution 2015-03 establishing an agreement between the Western Rio Blanco Metropolitan Recreation and Park District and the Town of Rangely made by Dan Eddy, Joe Nielsen seconded, motion passed
- Informational Items
- Animal Shelter Donation
- Letter to Governor
- CPW Data Analysis Unit Letter
- BLM Wild Horses Letter
- Uintah County Commission Support Email
- BLM RAC Letter
- Grant Award
- Scheduled Announcements
- Rangely School District board meeting is scheduled for February3, 2015 at 6:15pm.
- Rangely District Library regular meeting February9, 2015 at 5:00pm.
- Rangely District Hospital board meeting is scheduled for February26, 2015 at 6:00pm.
- Rural Fire Protection District board meeting is scheduled for February16, 2015 at 7:00pm.
- Western Rio Blanco Park & Recreation District meeting February 9, 2015 at 7:00pm.
- Rio Blanco Water Conservancy District board meeting is February25, 2015 at 7:00pm.
- Rangely Chamber of Commerce board meeting is scheduled for February19, 2015 at 12:00pm.
- Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 7:27by Frank Huitt
Lisa Piering, Clerk/TreasurerFrank Huitt, Mayor