Kinsmen Club of Calgary

Minutes of the Kin Wheels Meeting

Held on Feb 18, 2017

At Matt Mahon’s House


Call to order at 1:00 PM

In attendance: Matt, Frank, Graham, Dan, Bryan, Don, Jon, Walter, Mel


Past Chair: Matt Mahon

Chair: Dan Mossey

Vice Chair:

Operations: Brian/Jon (Office) & Matt Food

Booth: Mark Jennings and Graham (Vice Chair) (setting up office, on grounds, pouch fills, yada yada)


HR: Calgary Kinettes

Technology: Don Hewitt

Display: Not an assigned person anymore. Coordinated by Stampede with hopefully some input from Kinsmen.


Office Coordinator:

Sales Managers:

Mobile Booth:

Printer Captains:

Parking: Matt going to discuss with Elbow River Casino for parking in exchange for having our KIN party.

Establishing chair people. Mark Jennings was Booth Chair last year but is unable to put in the same time commitment. Matt suggested Mark again and himself as vice and they could split the work. Silas also expressed interest in being in the office. Need to have more Kinsmen presence in the office.

Graham said that he has the week off work and offered to be in the office as vice chair. Changed Booth to be Mark as chair and Graham as vice chair. Once Stampede starts, Booth is in charge of everything.

Jon has great flexibility to be on grounds alternating mornings and afternoons. Walter can be around the full 10 days, new and is very excited to learn all about Stampede and wheels.

Tuesday prior to Stampede will need drivers for setup. Unsure of what the procedure will be. Dan to contact Stampede Lotteries committee to establish more adequate procedure. Stampede doesn’t seem to be receptive to dealing with Kinsmen. Kinsmen are supposed to be consulted regarding vehicles.

Dan has a schedule of when Kinsmen need to be present at Lotteries meeting. Thinking our next meeting is April. Dan will circulate the schedule so that we can make sure to have ample representation .

Don will get a copy of the Wheels contract to send to Dan. Dan to review. Need to evaluate our committee to setting up the display vehicles.

Don- Technology. Liaison with IT company for setup. Heard that we are using the same system this year as last year. But possibly something different next year.

Operations Chair: making sure supplies are in the office all week. Perfect position for Brian. Brian is on the train so won’t be able to bring stuff down to the grounds. Jon will coordinate with Brian.

When parking in the casino, need to make sure that they are wearing Kin attire. Available for only committee members who are on shift. Not while on selling shifts. Should try to have a few committee meetings at the Elbow River Casino. Clarification” Yuk Yuk’s not part of the Elbow River.

Brian and Jon get there early in the morning and makes sure that everything is up and running, coffee is made so on so forth.

Using Wagon to get the water and ice out to the selling shifts.

Hours have not been established. Still to be confirmed. Nice to have personal cars on grounds for setup, but risk getting cars towed. Need to be off grounds 1 hour before the shift starts.

Dan to look into Passes, Parking, Delivery, Every day Passes, volunteer gate passes. Need to know when to have final numbers into Stampede.

Did meals through Rotary, via Meals on Wheels. Promised a $1000 donation. Need to go to a Rotary meeting and find out who they would like the donation to go to.

Dan to touch base with Craig to find out if they would transport our sandwiches again. We will do our own ordering. Dan received a few complaints about soggy sandwiches.

Matt will do the coordination of the food with Meals on Wheels.

Stampede is trying to say that we cannot offer food or water to our volunteers because they want everyone paying for stuff on the grounds. Rotary provides each volunteer a lunch bag with bottled water. If we got everything donated, only recognition we can give them is in our office. Has to be approved vendors .

Can we get someone to sponsor? Table for another time.

Calgary Kinettes have taken over the HR this year. Don will give Mel access to webmail so that our personal emails are not bombarded. All emails will go to .

Suggested we contact cooperate Calgary to try and find the social committees and find the companies that supply paid volunteer times. IHS, Tervita, Husky??? Even though the Kinettes are willing to handle the mechanics of HR, the Kinsmen still need to continually recruiting.

Jon will send out a post on Linked in Looking for volunteers for ticket sellers. Under 18 can be used as printers. Must be 18+ to sell even if just covering.

St. Anne’s School has volunteers for this year. Don to provide contact information

Tervita: Matt will establish connection.

Need to establish job descriptions.

Should be starting to contact groups starting March 15th. Dan to send lists to Mel.

March 13th SLIMS training at Legends room.

Group called NONE: true volunteers need to establish contact. Needs a little more work because you have to contact individuals.

Would love to have a Calgary Kinette reach out to the past winners to encourage the winners to come out to do a shift. Don will send list of last few years to Mel to coordinate.

Who is doing training of the Printer training? Ed told Dan that Lynn won’t be able to do it anymore. Tammy Hewitt (no relation to Don lol) has been doing check in.

Can we run a demo video for training printers or have a demo setup in office.

Dan to ask Craig at Rotary about video. Jon has a tv available that we can use for playing the video. Can hook up via hdmi.

Need someone to thoroughly train both sellers and printers. Need designated people. Karen to be responsible for training sellers?

Need to confirm with mark if he will be able to deal with runners. Biggest line item on our budget.

Runners are a specialized group. 13-18 years old. Had to let a few go last year.

Want to work towards have a volunteers doing runners. Need to reach out to some of our past runners. St. Anne’s School & Ukrainian group may have kids to volunteer, but need to have some continuity. Maybe the experienced kids become the captains.

Matt Mahon Kinsmen of the year.

Frank to follow up with Mark regarding labour standards regarding number of hours children worked.

Ticket Pick up: Solicit volunteers specifically for this. 3 Kinsmen and burly or quick to physically move the bags. Create job description.

This year’s shirt: Pink Wrangler shirts. Embroidery being done by First Impressions. Kinettes can purchase shirts for $10 each. Dan checking on available sizing.

Next meeting will be at Dan’s house in Woodbine. Tentative date will be March 26th @ 1:00PM.

Dan to report service hours. How much we made, what it cost…. Report to Ritchard Stacey.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30PM

Action Items:

-Dan to confirm with Mark the following items:

·  Will he deal with Runners

·  Can Mark be Booth Co-Chair with Graham


-Dan to contact Stampede Lotteries committee to establish more adequate procedure for vehicle setup

-Dan to circulate Stampede Meeting schedule to ensure there is ample Kinsmen representation available

-Don to send Dan copy of lotteries contract

-Dan to check with Cowboy regarding available sizes (Mens and Womens) for pink shirts

-Mel to send email to Calgary Kinettes when shirt sizing is available

-Need to reach out to past runners

-Frank going to look into labour standards/touch base with Mark

-Matt look into planning a meeting or 2 at Elbow River Casino.

-Matt to discuss wheels committee members ability to park at Elbow River again this year or not

-Matt touch base with Meals on Wheels regarding food

-Dan touch base with Rotary regarding transportation of our food from Meals on Wheels

-Dan to ask Craig at Rotary about video for training printers

-Dan to ask Stampede about deadlines and criteria for passes

-Don to send Mel information on getting to webmail Ö

-Mel to familiarize herself with webmail, do some sorting of past emails

-Mel to set up table to pencil in potential volunteer shifts prior to SLIMS being ready to go

-Mel to touch base with other Kinettes on committee

-Need to designate 2 trainers, one for Sellers and one for printers.