Rochester STEM Academy

District #4204


April 20, 2011 5:00 p.m.

Rochester Math and Science Academy, Rochester, MN

Call to order: Jill Leet-Otley,called the meeting to order at 5:17 p.m.

Board Members Present: Jill Leet-Otley, Katie Cannons, Farhan Hussein, Agin Mu’ath Muqtasid, Abdulkadir Abdalla

Absent: Louise Covert and Mohamoud Hamud

Others present: Jonathan Krown, Sarah Stodola, Jeanne Parker, and Salah Mohamed

Introductions: Salah Mohamed is our recruiting coordinator. He is a Century High School graduate. He attended St. Olaf College and has a Masters degree in business. He worked as a social worker for Olmsted County for 3 years. He is currently working for the Islamic Center in Rochester, MN where he serves youth from ages 5-18. The center focuses on academics, spirituality and athletics to positively guide Rochester’s youth.

School Mission Statement:

The mission of Rochester STEM Academy is to provide a highly supportive and academically challenging learning environment for minority, immigrant and other low-income students who are often underserved in traditional high school settings and greatly underrepresented in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Approval of the agenda: Motion to approve –There was an addition to the agenda Jonathan would like to speak about the By-Laws and Articles of Incorporations –No other changes or objections-Unanimously approved.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes Motion to approve with one change to the dollar amount for board insurance. The amount should be $2380.00 instead of $2280.00. No other objections - Unanimously approved.


Ø  Facilities Committee: The facilities committee chose a small office space in the Omni Building located at 1652 Greenview Drive SW, suite #215. We viewed 3 buildings that could fit our needs for a STEM school site. They are The Keller Williams Building on West Circle Drive, The Home Designs Building on West Circle Drive and the Slumberland Building on the frontage road of Hwy 52 north.

Ø  Personnel Committee: Salah Mohamed was contracted as our Recruitment Coordinator. We have two recruiters now and there is room in the budget for two more. Sarah set up a new website through Go The price includes the hosting of ½ hour per month. We have the rights to the page so we can make any changes to it whenever we want. It costs $500.00 per year. A reminder that April 29th will be our leadership summit. Please take time to re-read our application before that meeting. We have 8 applicants for the director’s position. We should be looking to contract with a director by June 1st.

Ø  Finance Committee: School Business Solutions is asking that we have an audit done as soon as possible. Motion follows.

Ø  Policy Committee: No additions at this time.

Ø  Start-up coordinator updates: Presented by Sarah Stodola. Jeanne, Jonathan and Salah have been working on and developing a brochure for the school. They are looking at Logo/Branding designs. Salah knows a graphic designer that will help. Jeanne has secured liability insurance for the board and also for the small office space. We are having an open house on Saturday May 7th from 3-6pm at the office unless we are able to secure a building by that time.

Ø  Curriculum update: We are introducing an exceptional experience that will benefit all students. We added many things to the budget in hopes that we would be awarded additional funds for technology, curriculum and science equipment, many of those line items were denied.

Ø  Board Motions/Actions

·  Facility Committee

Motion: Move to have the facility committee view the 3 properties again and pursue a 1 to 2 year lease on the building of our choice.
Made by: Farhan Hussein / Seconded by: Abdulkadir Abdalla
Discussion: The Slumberland site may be our best option as it is already set up as a school building and will need minimal renovations. The other 2 buildings will need substantial renovations which would require longer leases.
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain: 0
Decision: Approved

·  Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws

Motion: Move to change the by-laws to reflect the amended Articles of Incorporation
Made by: Farhan Hussein / Seconded: Jill Leet-Otley
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain: 0
Decision: Approved unanimously

·  Audit

Motion: Move to give the finance committee the, authority to contract with an auditor if needed for this year.
Made by: Farhan Hussein / Seconded by: Abdulkadir Abdalla
Discussion: Johathan is under the impression that because we have spent so little money, we may be able to wait until next year’s audit and roll the grant into it. The finance committee will clarify this before pursuing an audit.
Vote: / Yea: 7 / Nay: 0 / Abstain:
Decision: Approved unanimously

Abdulkadir was excused from the meeting at 6:25pm.

Comments from Community Members: None.

Motion to Adjourn: Jill Leet-Otley, Katie Cannons 2nd at 7:17 pm

Next Meeting: May 18th 5:00 pm Rochester Math and Science Academy

Respectively submitted by Katie Cannons, STEM Academy, board sectetary