(Baby Dedication)
1 Samuel 1:27-28

Question: Have you ever given your children back to God?

There are many examples of parents in the Bible who brought their children to God and gave them back to Him:
1. Hannah bringing her son Samuel (I Sam. 1:27-28).
2. Joseph and Mary brought the infant child Jesus to the temple. (Lk. 2:22)
3. But the example of a parent surrendering his child to God that I want us to read about today is that of Abraham offering Isaac on Mt. Moriah. Genesis 22

Let’s see what God would have to say to us about “Giving Your Children Back To God.”
In Genesis 22:1-13 Abraham literally, totally, irrevocably gave Isaac back to God.

That had to be hard and painful for Abraham. After all: Abraham loved Isaac.

In Verse 2 God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love, and sacrifice him ...”
Abraham obeyed and gave Isaac back to God!


1) CONFIRMATION of your love for God.
-The first thing you are saying when you give that child back to the Lord is simply this...that you love God even more than you love that child. (Your child is a most prized possession…but don’t allow them to take the place of God!)
-This is exactly what Abraham proved by his willingness to offer Isaac.
-Abraham loved God above the most prized treasure of his life...his only son Isaac.
-"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:37-38)
2) CLARIFICATION of ownership.
-When you give your child back to God, you are openly declaring that:
- This child is a gift from God and does not really belong to you.· This child belongs to God.
-You have the privilege to love and train this child. But this child is not yours—but God’s!
“Lo, children are heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” (Ps. 127:3)
3) COMMITMENT to Raise Your Children in God’s Way!
-Eph. 6:4 say we are to bring our children up: “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

-LISTEN...To give your child to God is not just a CEREMONY...It is a COMMITMENT. It is a commitment that you are going to:
· Teach this child of Christ. · Keep this child in church.
· Love this child. · Pray for this child.
· Train this child. · Put away worldliness.
· Live a righteous life.
- Prov 22:6-“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

BY COMING UP HERE THIS MORNING … you, as parents, are publicly saying that you want to raise your children in a Christ-honoring home … and are asking God’s blessing on your ministry as Christian parents.
LISTEN, as I ask you some questions.
In answering these questions, you are making promises to GOD.
NOT to me … NOT to your children … BUT … to GOD.
If you are willing to commit your children to God, and to dedicate yourself to raising them in God’s strength, and for His honor and glory …
THEN … reply by saying “I do” to the following promises:
o Do you recognize your child as a gift from God, and give God thanks for blessing your life with His gift?
o Do you then dedicate your child to the Lord, Who gave you your child?
o Do you pledge, as Christian parents, that you will bring up your child in a Christian home, looking to God for wisdom, strength, and guidance?
o Do you promise to give your child every possible benefit of home, school and church?
o Do you promise to pray for your child on a regular basis, realizing that it is only with God’s hand upon their life that they can be truly blessed?
o Do you ask God’s blessings upon the life of your child, to guide, guard, and direct them through all their years?
If your heart was in these promises, then you have dedicated yourself to raising a child that God can use mightily in His Kingdom.
We, as a Church Family, also dedicate ourselves to always being available and willing to encourage these parents and children … to be there for them … to help them in their ministry as parents.

Let’s pray!

At ngayon, sa karapatang ipinagkaloob sa akin bilang Ministro ng Evangelio ni Kristo jesus sa Iglesyang ito, ay inihahandog ko kayo ______sa Dios at sa kanyang walang hanggang pagkalinga. Sa Pangalan ng Ama at ng Anak at ng Espiritu Santo. Amen!