Minutes of A Meeting of the City of Brechin and District Community Council held on Tuesday 1st December 2015 at 7.00pm in the Damacre Centre Brechin.


Derek Harper Susan Barr, Eric Gray, Elaine MacNicol, Jill Scott, Jim Sherrit and Paul Wright.

Councillors Myles and Houston Angus Council

3 members of the public.

Apologies for Absence.

Apologies were received from Mary Anderson, Councillor Evans and Police Scotland.

Minutes of Last Meeting.

It was proposed by Elaine MacNicol, seconded by Susan Barr, that the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2015 be adopted as a true and accurate record.

Matters Arising.

·  Traffic Management.

Both Angus Council and Police Scotland had responded to contact from the CC, with Angus Council saying that parking in Clerk Street had not changed and survey had shown no need for a temporary pedestrian crossing in Montrose Street which would in any case would prove costly. Police Scotland said they are dealing with parking problems by ticketing offenders when they could although it is a low priority. Angus Council are also considering extending the powers of Community Wardens to deal with parking offences.

·  Leaning Fountain in St Ninians Square

The Secretary had contacted Angus Council on this matter. He had been assured that although the fountain was leaning all movement had stopped and there was no cause for concern.

·  Twining

As Councillor Evans was not present there was no update on the procedures required to twin Brechin with Brechin in Ontario Canada

·  Viewfinder

The Secretary had written to Brechin High school to offer them the Viewfinder as link between the old school and the new campus. The Head teacher would be delighted to receive this. Decided to do some research into the background of the viewfinder before making the presentation.

·  Needles Found in Public Park.

The Police will keep an eye on the park. Anyone finding used needles anywhere should contact the Angus Council Access Line to arrange for them to be removed’

·  Dog Waste Bins on Nature Trail.

There was no update on this as Councillor Evans was not present.

Health Care in Brechin.

A Community Group has been formed to liaise with NHS Tayside over health care provision in Brechin. Needs to be a survey on what Community wants with regard to health centre, community hospital etc. There is also a patient participation group being set up in Health Centre.

Police Update.

There were no Police Officers present so there was no update.

Councillors Updates.

Councillor Houston said that Brechin Bridge would be closed for about seven weeks starting in mid-January which would undoubtedly cause traffic problems in Montrose Street.

A motion is coming before Angus Council which is intended to reassure sheltered housing tenants.

New street lights are being fitted are more energy efficient and give off more light.

There has been a delay in rolling out broadband to rural schools with a new implementation date of June 2016.

Angus Council have a new policy for dealing with Travellers.

Angus Alive has been launched to run Libraries, Museums and Sports Facilities in the County.


·  Convenor

Derek Harper said that he was a member of the Capus Advisory Board which was working actively towards the opening of the new Community Campus in February.

The Scottish Rural Parliament will meet in Brechin in October and Derek has been appointed to chair the Liaison Committee. Further details will follow.

·  Secretary

The secretary had circulated his report which was accepted.

·  Treasurer

Jill Scott said she had been in touch with the bank and had received the necessary paperwork to change the Bank Signatories.

·  Planning Contact .

Paul Wright said he nothing to report.


The Park Group have raised full funding for the Outdoor Gym, the wildflower meadow and the car park. Work on these projects will begin soon.

The CC website needs to be updated and it was agreed we would take this back into our own control and terminate the agreement with the web-master.

Concern was expressed about ythe condition of the former St Columbas Church which was classed as safe bt Angus Council a few months ago. In addition it was reported that the owner checks the interior weekly.

With the Damacre Centre due to close in February it was agreed the secretary would investigate the availability and costs of other City Centre venues.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 7.00pm in the Damacre Centre.

There being no further business Derek thanked the attendees and closed the meeting at 8.50pm.