AP U.S. History

Spring 2016 AP U.S. History Reading Schedule

Below is the required weekly textbook reading for the second semester covering major political, economic and social themes in US History from the 1880’s to the 1990’s. Complete assigned reading by dates indicated to be prepared for multiple choice and/or written quizzes as well as LEQ and/or DBQ essays. All essays will be completed in class this semester. Any changes will be discussed in class and reflected in monthly calendars.

Gilded Age, Progressivism & Expansionism (1890 – 1920)

Week 1 Chapter 17 The Busy Hive: Industrial America at Work, 1877-1911

Week 2 Chapter 18 The Victorians Meet the Modern, 1880-1917

Week 3 Chapter 19 The Rise & Reform of Industrial Cities, 1880-1917

Week 4 Chapter 20 Politics, Populists, & Progressives, 1880-1917

Week 5 Chapter 21 An Emerging World Power: 1877-1918

Boom, Bust & New Deal (1920 – 1939)

Week 6 Chapter 22 Wrestling with Modernity: 1918-1929

******** February Break Week (2/16 - 2/20) ************

Week 7 Chapter 23 The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939

The “American Century” (1939 – 1965)

Week 8 Chapter 24 The World at War, 1937-1945

Week 9 Chapter 25 Cold War America, 1945-1963

Week 10 Chapter 26 Triumph of the Middle Class: 1945-1965

Week 11 Chapter 27 The Civil Rights Movement, 1941-1973 (1950s/60s Party)

Week 12 Chapter 28 Liberal Crisis & Conservative Rebirth, 1964-1972

Week 13 Chapter 29 The Search for Order in an Era of Limits, 1973-1980

*********** Spring Break Week ***********

Global Capitalism & the End of the American Century (1973 – 1991)

Week 14 Chapter 30 Conservative America Ascendant, 1973-1991 & AP Exam Review

Week 15 AP Exam Review

Week 16 Review, Practice Exam, & AP Exam: Friday, May 6th (8:00 – 11:30 am)

Week 17 US History Movie Week!

Week 18 Final Project/Guest Speakers

Week 19 Final Project/Guest Speakers

Week 20 Final Project/Guest Speakers

Week 21 Final Project & Celebration!