Grand Isle School

Board of Directors

Regular Meeting Minutes

Date: February 10, 2014

Time: 6:30 P.M.

Location: Library

Board Members in attendance:

Michael Inners

Carol Miller

Gary Marckres

Teri Geney

Robert Phillips, Superintendent

Pam Leonard, Secretary

Members of the Community:

Michael Inners brought the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Adjustment of Agenda.

Approval of Minutes.

Gary Marckres moved to approve the minutes of January 22, 2014. Approved 4-0.

Members of the Public--For Items Not on the Agenda.


Mr. Phillips presented the board members with up-to-date budget books and will keep the board informed monthly of budget to actual adjustments.

Mr. Philips included a few pending bills in the Legislature.

A new pending bill, H270, would allow a parent or guardian of a prekindergarten child complete discretion whether to enroll the child in a prekindergarten program and could select from prequalified public and private providers who have available space in Chittenden County. School districts would choose whether to operate a prekindergarten education program. If a parent or guardian selected a prequalified provider other than the district of residence, the district would pay tuition at a statewide rate.

If this bill passes, the board will have the option of limiting geographic boundaries. Currently, children in preschool programs account for .4 and is increasing to 4.6. This will increase revenues.

The second bill is looking at raising education taxes more through income tax.

The third bill is looking at independent school requirements. Several independent schools within the state don't all have the same requirements.

Fact sheet about various factors contributing to education tax rates.

Mr. Inners stated there is a new bill H544. The bill proposes to have 30 districts state wide.

GISU along with the Sheriff's department is presenting the Hungry Heart on the 19th at Grand Isle School at 7:00 p.m. which deals with prescription drug use.

Mr. Marckres stated that the 19th was problematic as there were many events taking place.

Mrs. Geney inquired about the SWIFT team meeting. Mr. Phillips stated that SWIFT has a number of ideas for teams being formed. Mr. Philips has some concerns about the number of meetings taking place.

Mr. Marckres inquired about the status of the wood chip trailer. It is up and running. Mr. Nelson will be looking into electric usage.


Mr. Arnzen was absent due to illness, but did provide the board with items regarding the 8th grade trip. The first being guidelines for chaperones. Mr. Arnzen would like to set eligibility guidelines. Mr. Arnzen will discuss this with the board at the next meeting.


Mrs. Geney had some policy updates. Policy C2—Board of Directors is correct. Policy E6--Duty of care § 834. of the Vermont Statutes Annotated states:

(a) Each school district and its employees owe its students a duty of ordinary care to prevent the students from being exposed to unreasonable risk, from which it is foreseeable that injury is likely to occur.

(b) School districts and their employees do not owe their students a duty of immediate supervision at all times and under all circumstances. (Added 1983, No. 122 (Adj. Sess.).)

Mrs. Geney reworded the first two paragraphs. Mr. Inners stated the statute applies whether or not we adopt the policy.

Mr. Marckres moved to strike the second paragraph, Code E6-Safety and Security of School Facilities and reword the first paragraph. Mrs. Geney will resubmit for the second reading. Motion to approve the 1st reading. Approved 4-0.

Rick Suprenault agreed to be the Town Moderator until March 4th. Mr. Inners moved to approve. Approved 4-0.

Budget Communication Plan.

Mrs. Geney revised the FY15 School budget fact sheet. There are two choices for getting this information out to the public. The Islander or by mailing. The consensus was to insert the pamphlet in The Islander. Gary Marckres moved to allow Teri Geney to spend up to $600.00 for production of the Budget Fact Sheet for distribution. Motion approved 4-0. Further discussion was had.

Approval of Bills for Payment.

Mr. Inners questioned a $700.00 difference on the Lyndon Institute invoice. Gary Marckres moved to approve bills in the amount of $123,370.01, with the Lyndon Institute invoice for $700.00 to be re-evaluated. Motion approved 4-0.


Lake Champlain Access Television airing.

Carol Miller moved to authorize Michael Inners to sign bills as needed between February 10th and March 10th. Approved 4-0.


Electric usage.

8th grade class trip

Kindergarten Enrollment

E6 Policy--2nd Reading



Gary Marckres moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. Appoved 4-0


Proposed Minutes respectfully submitted.

Pamela E. Leonard, SecretaryDate: March 10, 2014

Approved by the Board of Directors on March 10, 2014


Michael Inners, Chair


Gary Marckres


Teri Geney


Carol Miller