Mabie English 9

AES Final Exam


2001-2002 English 9 Final Exam

(100 Points Possible)

Shakespeare and His Times (.5 points x 15 questions = 7.5 Points Possible)

Directions: Read each question or statement and respond by circling or writing in the correct answer.

1) Shakespeare lived from the:





2) The virgin Queen who loved the arts and under whom Shakespeare prospered was:

A)Queen Victoria

B)Queen Margaret

C)Queen Elizabeth

D)Queen Latifa

3) True FalseShakespeare abandoned his wife and children to pursue a writing career in


4) Provide two reasons why the London city fathers did not like theater:



5) Patronage was the practice of:______


6) Groudlings were:

A)A hobbit-like people who ate large quantities of goat meat

B)Rats used as props in Shakespearean Comedies.

C)The nobles who went to plays as much to be seen as to see the play.

D)Peasants who paid a penny to get into a play and stand throughout.


7) What was the name of Shakespeare’s theater? ______

8) TrueFalseIn Shakespeare’s time, actors were highly respected members of society

(i.e., like nobles).

9)When Shakespeare first went to London, ______was the most famous playwright of

the day.

A)James Burbage

B)Richard Burbage

C)Cristopher “Kit” Marlowe

D)William Shakespeare

10) True FalsePlays during Shakespeare’s time were censored.

11) What was the main reason that theaters were often closed down during Shakespeare’s times?


12)What most obvious evidence do we have today to suggest that Shakespeare may have pursued occupations as diverse as teaching, soldiering, sailing, etc. during his “lost years”?


13) True FalseTheaters were in the fancy part of London during Shakespeare’s time.

14) True FalseLife in London was easy during Shakespeare’s times.

15) True FalseShakespeare died penniless and without being recognized as a great


New Poetry Terms (1 points x 13 questions = 13 Points Possible)

Directions: Read the prompts below and respond by writing in the correct answers in the spaces provided.

1) Define Rhythm:______



2) Define Meter:______


3) Define Foot:______


4) Define Iamb:______


5) If a poem consists of lines made up of one iamb, what is the meter for the poem called?


6) If a poem consists of lines made up of three iambs, what is the meter for the poem called?


7) If a poem consists of lines made up of five iambs, what is the meter for the poem called?


8) What is a different phrase for this type of meter? (Hint: it refers to most of Shakespeare’s writing)


9) An English sonnet is made up of ______lines. 10) The meter throughout the poem

is ______. 11) Lines one through four, five through eight and

nine through twelve are called ______. 12) Lines eleven and twelve are called a


13) Define Scansion:______


A Sonnet (2 points for correctly scanning the poem .5 points for each abbreviation title. 1 point for performing T, P, C, A, S, and T. 2 points for the last T. Thus, 13.5 Points Possible)

Directions: First, correctly scan the poem below. Second, use the TP-CASTT structure around the poem to interpret briefly the poem.


T______: ______



If We Must Die – Claude McKay

If we must die, let it not be like hogs

Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot.

While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,

Making their mock at our accursed lot.

If we must die, O let us die nobly,

So that our precious blood may not be shed

In vain; then even the monsters we defy

Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!

O kinsmen! We must meet the common foe!

Though far outnumbered let us show us brave,

And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow!

What though before us lies the open grave?

Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,

Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!

A______: ______


S______: ______


T______: ______


T______: ______



Poetic Devices and Literary Terms (1 Point x 10 Questions = 10 Points Possible)

Directions: Read the quotes and prompts below. For each prompt, choose the most appropriate answer from the word bank below and write it into the correct space. Each word will only be used once.






Puck says the following directly after his head has been changed into that of a donkey:

“I see their knavery: this is to make an ass of me…”

1) The above is an example of a ______

Helena says to Demetrius,

“It is not night when I do see your face / Therefore I think I am not in the night:/

Not doth this wood lack worlds of company, / For you in my respect are the world.”

2) The above lines are an example of ______

Oberon, by himself on stage, remarks,

“Having once this juice /

I’ll watch Titania when she is asleep, /

And drop the liquor of it in her eyes: /

The next thing then she waking looks upon, /

Be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull, /

On meddling monkey, or on busy ape, /

She shall pursue it with the soul of love…”

3) This speech is the beginning of a ______

Puck changes Bottom’s head into that of an ass. Puck pretends to be a stool and then when someone tries to sit, he vanishes causing the person to fall. Puck loves confusing Demetrius and Lysander in the woods by imitating their voices.

All of these examples indicate that Puck is this kind of literary figure:

4) ______

“And then the moon, like to a silver bow /

New-bent in heaven, shall behold the night /

Of our solemnities.”

This is where Theseus is talking about the up-coming wedding. The main device being used is:

5) ______


“O heavy lightness, serious vanity, /

Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms, /

Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, /

Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! /

This love feel I, that feel no love in this. /

Dost thou not laugh?

6) Here, Romeo gives us a number of examples of: ______

In what follows, Juliet is saying goodbye to Romeo. He is backing away into the darkness and Juliet remarks:

“O God, I have an ill-divining soul! /

Methinks I see thee new, thou art so low, /

As one dead in the bottom of a tomb. /

Either my eyesight fails, or thou look’st pale.”

7) This is a clear example of: ______

When Romeo sees Juliet appear on her balcony, he says,

“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? /

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.”

8) The main poetic device at work is: ______

In describing leaving Juliet, Romeo says,

“Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books, /

But love from love, toward school with heavy looks.”

9) This is an example of a: ______

When Romeo is thinking about leaving in the morning after Romeo and Juliet’s wedding night, Juliet says,

“Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day: /

It was the nightingale, and not the lark, /

That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear; /

Nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree. /

Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.”

10)Here the nightingale and lark are ______s for the night and the morning,



Vocabulary I(.5 points x 26 answers = 13 Points Possible)

(Note: for each misspelled word, .5 will be taken away)

Directions: Read the prompts below; write the correct class vocabulary word into the space on the crossword puzzle.


1)Some would say that God is ______, i.e., seeming to be everywhere at the

same time.

2)I have an intense sense of ______about papaya (I feel nothing for it.).

3)People began to ______me (or shun me) when I constantly showed up to parties with broccoli stuck in my teeth.

4)I love to ______my students with songs; it’s fun to bother them.

5)Sometimes Simone likes to ______(or threateningly wave) an ice cream cone when she comes into class.

6)I crossed from one side of the city to the other by way of a ______(a kind of bridge).

7)I saw a ______(or great amount of ) bats as I drive down Janpath two weeks ago.

8)Tarun tries to ______me in chess. But he usually fails to conquer me.

9)When I hit my thumb with a hammer, I began to scream like a ______(the Irish mythical creature).

10)Niv’s arm began to ______(get weaker and waste away a bit) because he had a cast on for so long. Once he got the cast off, though, he punched me in the nose when I was trying to bust out some Tae Kwon Do moves.

11)If you started driving in a traffic circle and could never get out, the experience would be ______(i.e., it would go on forever).

12)In Mabielandia, it is considered ______(a social restriction) to make fun of the lord and master, Mabie.

13)It would be difficult to suffer from ______(the fear of foreigners) if you went to AES because most of us are foreigners.


1)Aneesh is so ______(without moral limitations) that he would let Krishna drink chunky coke at a party.

9)______(or the state of being disagreeable and war-like) characterizes Shaaistha; two days ago she drop kicked me for not moving out of her way in the auditorium.

10)While walking down the street the other day, I stepped in a large ______(i.e., without definite shape or form) blob of cow poop.

11)Farid is so ______(overly picky) about points, I had to devise a new micropoint scale in English class for him this year.

14)Aneesh called me an ______(one who is not thankful) when I declined to take a sip from his chunky coke bottle.

15)One of my students lacked a sense of ______(touch) when he asked me in front of a class, “did you know that you have a huge zit on your forehead?”

16)For some reason, ______people (i.e., thoughtful—as in often thinking—people) seem to spend a lot of time in the bathroom.

17)______: the study of blood.

18)When I walked through prom, I know that all of my students were thinking, look at Mabie ______(throw off sparks) under the lights.

19) Again, most people were blown away—in a state of ______(disbelief)—at how stunning Mabie was at prom.

20)When watching Guinness Book of World Records on TV, I had to ______(turn away) my eyes when they had on the guy who could spit milk out of his eye; I almost threw up.

21)To is a ______; it sounds the same as two and too, but it is spelled differently.

22)Without question, the most ______character we encountered this year was Holden Caulfield; he always thinks that people are motivated by selfish intentions.


Vocabulary II (1 point x 9 answers = 9 points possible)

Directions: Read the prompts below, and provide correct answers in the spaces provided.

1)Using the familiar part for to cut off, create a word that would describe having one’s head cut off.


2) If you completely dry out a booger, so as to make it hard as a rock, you ______it.

3) If I told you that symph is a Greek root for harmony, then what does symphony mean?


4)Where is the most common place that you can see people genuflecting?


5)Use subservient in a complete sentence (Convince me that you know the word.).



6)Paris thinks that Romeo is coming to Juliet’s tomb to ______it.





7)If you lack credibility, people do not ______you.

8)Using two familiar parts that you know, create an adjective that describes lives that are the same.


9)Using two familiar parts that you know, create a noun that means fear of twisting.



Some More Literary Terms (3 points x 3 answers = 9 Points Possible)

Directions: Respond completely in short answer form to the prompts below in the spaces provided.

Define Setting:______




Define Regionalism:______




Define Local Color:______




Short Essay (25 Points Possible)

Directions: Read the prompt below and respond only in the space provided.

Prompt: Both Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Ernest Gaines’ A Gathering of Old Men are dependent upon racism as part of their various settings to some extent. Choose one of these pieces—either I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings or A Gathering of Old Men—and write a short essay response that includes a thesis and two supporting points. This essay should address this question: for the effectiveness of the story, in what ways is racism necessary to the setting of either Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Singsor Ernest Gaines’ A Gathering of Old Men? Again, only provide an answer for one of the pieces.

















































