Attached you will find two files, the Performance Evaluation Report (PER) and the Performance Feedback Form (PFF). These documents are used to evaluate the performance of all the Facility Managers in the District, as well as the Assistant Custodians. The PER is the annual evaluation form, due by May 1st.

The PFF is an additional evaluation tool that can be used at any time during the year. Facility Management recommends that you use the PFF to evaluate performance at the 6th-month mark, which would be October 1st of each year; however, you are not required to submit the PFF to Facility Management or Human Resources. In the event that you do have a "significant issue" with an employee's performance during the year, we recommend that you send a copy of the employee's signed PFF to your Area Supervisor.

Here are some reminders on how to complete these forms.

1. The period of the PER is from 4-1-04 to 3-31-05. IF your FM has not been working with you for the entire twelve-month period, then insert his/her actual start date. If your FM started working with you on or after February 1st of this year (i.e., 60 days prior to the end of the evaluation period), then the previous Site-based Manager must complete the PER.

2. Reason for Report: Check the Annual box

3. You may ONLY leave the "Supervisor's Summary Statement box" empty if you evaluate your FM as Meets Standards (3). If you evaluate your FM as Below Standards (2), Exceeds Standards (4), or Outstanding (5), you MUST include comments in the Supervisor's Summary Statement box below each trait.

4. If you evaluate any trait as "Below Standards (2)", you MUST attach back-up documentation concerning that particular point, and the Area Supervisor will review it. If you evaluate any trait as "Unsatisfactory (1)", actual formal discipline (e.g., reprimand and/or suspension), must have been served. The Area Supervisor must attach this.

5. After you have completed the PER, you should review it with your FM and he or she needs to sign it. If he/she is in disagreement with a particular rating, he/she should still sign off on the PER but also check the "Under Protest" box.

6. Site-based Managers must sign all PER's, for BOTH FM's and AC's.

7. After the employee, the FM and the site-based manager have signed the PER, you should make a copy of the PER, for the employees' personal records. Then it should be sent or given to your Area Supervisor. He/she will review it, sign it, submit it to Staff Development to sign, and the Rusty Deane, Director of Operations and Maintenance, signs it. After all signatures have been obtained, the original will be sent downtown to HR, and a copy will be mailed out to the employee and to you, the Site-Based Manager.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Staff Development at 720-423-4071 or your Area Supervisor.