Instructor: JACKI HOUGHTON, DCSection: 3180

Email: Office: AHS 216

Transfer: UC, CSU 4 units. This course satisfies IGETC: Area 5B and 5C

Phone: 818-947-2600 ext. 8414Prerequisite: Biology 3 or college equivalent with a minimum of C

Drop in hours: 4:00 – 5:20 TTH

Lecture: T, TH 5:30 – 6:55 AHS 243

Lab: M,W 7:10 – 8:35 AHS 247

Website: Your class notes and powerpoint presentations as well as useful links will be found on this website. You will also be able to access an online gradebook using I will give you your code at the end of lab 1

Department Chair: Sara Huang

Course Description: A detailed study of structure and systems of the human body. Laboratory work includes the dissection of fresh and preserved animal organs, anatomical models and skeletal materials, and histology.

Note: anatomy is a very rigorous and demanding course. There is a great deal of material, a great deal of memorization and concepts are difficult to understand, especially if there is a lack of English skills.


  • Human Anatomy by F. Martini, M. Timmons & R. Tallitsch, 8th edition ISBN# 10-0-321-88332-2
  • Accompanying Atlas and PAL DVD You may purchase an Atlas and PAL DVD on Amazon
  • Lab Manual: Introduction to Human Anatomy compiled by Brockmann & Byrd-Williams Available at the LAVC Bookstore only
  • **Optional**The Anatomy Student’s Self-test Coloring Book by Barron’s on Amazon for cheap! ISBN: 10-0-7641-3777-8 or any other anatomy coloring book
  • Colored pencils and a sketch pad
  • is a very useful website which requires a fee



a)Enrolled studentswhodonotattend thefirstmeeting forfeittheirrighttoa placein theclass.Thoseon thewaitlistwillbeadded,asroomallows,beforewalk-ins.

b)Ifyou failtoshowup for2 weeksin arowwith no reasonor notice, I reservetherighttodrop you from thecourse.

c)Excused absenceswillrequiredocumentation.

d)Ifyoumissthefirstexam,youwillbeexcluded fromtheclass.

2.Special circumstances: studentswhorequireaccommodations,religiousor ADA,need tonotifymeon thefirstday ofclassand visittheServicesfor StudentswithDisabilities(SSD)Officetoattain theappropriatepaperwork.

TheServicesforStudentswith Disabilities(SSD)Officeislocated in StudentServicesAnnex,Room 175.ToreachSSDby telephonecall(818)947-2681 or TTY(818)947-2680.Afterofficehours,pleaseleaveamessage. SSDcan also becontacted at:.

3.Repeated use of cellphoneor phonenoisecan resultin disciplinaryaction.Youmaynotusethephoneintheclassroomduring lecture. You may use the phone during lab for lab use only! Use thehallwayifitisanemergency.Pleasedonotdisruptanyotherclasses.

Cell phonesare OFF PUT AWAYduringexams.IfIfind anyelectronic device on yourbodyduringan exam,on ORoff,itisan automatic 0asI willassume itisused asmeanstocheat.

4.Beontimeforclassstayfortheentiresession.Quiz A will be given at 5:30 sharp. The doors will be locked during the quiz. You may make up three quizzes orally with the Professor or their assistant.

5.Cleanup afterlabtimeand return allmaterialswhere they belong.Pointsmaybededucted fornotproperlycleaning up.

6.Thereisnosmoking allowed in thequad orin theAHS building.

7.No foodor drinksareallowed in thelab.


Each studentisexpected todo hisor herown workon allexaminationsand assignments.Cheatingon anyassignmentorexamwillresultina (0). You willalsobereportedto theAdministration.Herearesomeactionsconsideredcheating:


Translation dictionariesare notpermitted during exams,norareany electronicor communication devices.Hatsarenotallowed during exams.Keep yourtestcovered.Exiting the roomduringan examisnotpermitted. USETHEBATHROOMBEFORETHETEST!Therealso willbemorethan oneversionofthewrittentests

Lab Exercises, QuizzesExams

1.Quizzes:Quizzeswillbegivenevery daythereisnotanexam.QuizAwillbegiven atthebeginning of class.Theycan beindividualor groupquizzes.There may be two quizzes per class, one at the beginning and an exit quiz. (QuizB) No quizzes will be dropped. If you miss a quiz or do poorly, you may make it up in person with me orally! You may only do this three times per semester.

2.Exams:therewillbe 7examstotal.Each lectureexamconsistsof awritten examand alabexam (practicum,meaning identificationofhistologyslides,bones,muscles,modelsaswellasspecimens(brain,eye,heart). Allexamsstartatthebeginning of class.Ifyou arelate,you willhavelesstimetofinish.

- You areable to drop your lowestexam grade.However,you cannotdrop thefinalexam. Ifyoumissan exam, it willcountasyourdropped exam.Ifyoumiss2 exams, onewillbedropped,theotherwillbea0. Theonlywayyoucan make-up asecondmissedexamisifyou have documentableproofthatyou could nothavephysicallybeen hereonthatexamdate.Yourmakeup exam willbemoredifficultthan theones given inclass and must be taken with me in person and will be oral!

3.Lab exercises – each day you will have the time to work on lab exercises. There are no points awarded for this activity but is essential to get a good grade in the class and the quizzes will be bases on them.

4.Extra credit: Bonusquestionsare on everyexam.


Grade scale: A = 89.5% 1146 -1208

B = 79.5% 1017 -1145

C = 69.5% 889-1016

D = 59.5% 761-888

F -= < 760 points

6 exams150 pts = 900 (minus 1 dropped exam) = 750 pts

Exam 3A 50 points= 50 pts

48 quizzes @ 10 pts each = (minus 1 dropped quiz ) = 480 pts

Total = 1280 pts

THE POINT RANGES ARE ABSOLUTE! If you have 1145 points, you will NOT get an A! Please understand this rule.


Drop Dates

Sept 11, 2016 Drop classes without incurring fees.

(Sunday) Drop classes with refund of enrollment fees.

Drop classes without receiving a “W”.

• by Internet Only

Nov 20, 2016 Drop classes with a “W”:

(Sunday) • by Internet only

StudentLearningOutcomes Courseobjectives



