Wooster Soccer Association

Meeting Minutes – Nov. 7, 2011, 7:00 pm. at Wooster Community Recreational Center

Present – Kim Shaw, Les Wudarzewski (Girl’s HS Coach), Tamara Gabalski (WSA treasurer), Pete Philippon (U10 girl’s coach), James Fox (U10 boy’s coach), Eric Swartzentruber (U8 boy’s team rep), Brent Rice (U13 boy’s coach), Rod McMichael (NOGSL girl’s rep), Chris Schmitt (U11 girl’s coach), Gary Cosmo (U11 boy’s coach – A), Geoff Monastra (U9 boy’s coach & AASL boy’s rep)

No meeting agenda was provided.

Treasury notes:

No monthly treasurer report was handed out as to the financial status of WSA.

Treasurer did say that WSA was in the red.

NW Storm organization still owes past due fees to WSA of close to $2000.00 for fall player registration & field usage.

Treasurer noted that there were several fees paid this past fall for late player & coach registrations. Fees could be avoided with better organization & coordination of deadlines.

The first item discussed was the current lack of organization and communication. Recently, there have been to many instances where breakdowns have occurred (i.e. No attendance at Field Teardown – originally scheduled for Oct 29th suddenly moved to Nov 5th, Failure to get fundraising tickets to all teams before their season ended, Failure to assign and staff concession stand to help Bobby & Tamara).

Suggested Actions:

Make Website a useful & current tool to communicate with all WSA members by updating information timely and blasting mass emails. Chris Schmitt volunteered to take over the website from Mike Kridel as Chris is an active member, who attends meetings regularly. Those present agreed website should be maintained by an active member.

Review WSA’s Constitution (attached) and put back in place all unfilled positions. Far too many positions on the board are unfilled causing an overload of work placed solely on President. Nominations for all open positions should be emailed in and voting shall take place at the January 2012 meeting.

It was suggested that monthly meetings be organized with a set agenda and revert back to formal voting procedures. Present members felt current meetings were a waste of time (too lengthy and off topic) and they had no actual say in decision making.

NOGSL Girl’s Rep Report:

Too many communities changed their schedules this fall during the season – therefore NOGSL will access fines for changing games this spring, unless caused by weather.

At the U13 & U14 level, club lines people need to be appointed by the referee and used for all games.

AASL Boy’s Rep Report:

Some Key Dates referenced in AASL Meeting:

+ Jan 9 (or some time that week) - AASL President's Meeting

+ Feb 1 - Spring Registration / Team Declaration

+ Feb 7 (approx) - Team Declaration Closes (team fees must be paid to be placed in brackets)

+ April 15 - 1st Game

+ Last games (June 3rd or 10th)

Note: expect to play 2-3 games during the week

U8 Wooster Edge received Participation Awards

U8 NW Storm received Participation Awards

U11 McFarren Wooster Edge received runner up trophies

U11 Cosmo Wooster Edge received runner up trophies

·  Please see Geoff Monastra for these.

Concern was expressed over financial situation in WSA. Current members are trying to get a grasp of income & expenses and how everything fits in conjunction with Wooster Parks & Rec. Jeff Battig was not present to explain.

Suggested Actions:

Receive documentation from Jeff Battig as to details of current expenses and future expenses, how player registration fees are distributed (and why fees are passed through the city, not directly to WSA). Potentially, we need to vote to increase fees for players to cover all expenses and re-coop money lost.

Fundraiser Tickets for Spurgeon Chevy were distributed by Tamara. Tickets and money are due by Nov. 30th.

Winter Soccer Training / playing was inquired about. Les is not doing any footskills indoors (at least in Nov & Dec). There are no Wooster Edge organized indoor soccer activities at this time.

Potential Spring Try-outs would need to be held mid-late January. If your team is in need of players for the spring, please contact the boy’s or girl’s rep to let them know.

It was proposed the next meeting would be in January 2012.