Babylon's Final Reprise

Session 3: The First Global System

I. Three Successive Empires:

Something that we have to understand is the concept of a new world order under single leadership is not a new idea and neither is it an intrinsically evil one; it all depends on who is in charge. In fact, it is the destiny of the nations to be led by a man and all the territories of the Earth submit under the rule of a single empire. So what we will see arise in the end times will actually be the ushering in of a new form of political governance and from that time on the world will never revert back to the current structure. That global throne will see a transfer of leadership a number of times before it finally settles permanently under Christ’s authority.

A.  The Harlot System:

The Harlot System will likely last a couple of decades or so from its conception. We are seeing the early beginning of this system from now; though it is far from instituted. Eventually this system will be centralized in Babylon (modern day Iraq), and it will be marked my compromise, pleasure, unity and every form of immorality.

“Babylon the Great…has become a dwelling for demons…all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries (Re. 18:2-3).”

B.  The Antichrist Empire:

This era will be the most terrible time the Earth has ever known but will be very short lived; 7 years in total. It will be marked by bloodlust, power, control and the demand for the worship of the Beast under the leadership of the Antichrist and his false prophet.

“The beast was given…authority for forty-two months…It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life (Re. 13:5-8)”

C.  The Kingdom of Christ:

The coming rule of Jesus Christ however will usher in a very different kingdom that will endure forever with a 1000 year inaugural period. This kingdom will be marked by righteousness, progress in every area single of life, daily experience of the glory of God, global peace, unity with God across the Earth and every imaginable blessing.

“They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years…Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection…they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years (Re. 20:4-6).”

D.  Common Denominators of These Empires:

Each of these three regimes will operate quite differently and has distinct agendas to accomplish but there are also three major similarities that each of these successive empires will employ. We are so not used to thinking of the world in terms of a global empire, but life is soon to change forever and beginning with Babylon the globalization of the following three concepts will be put into place with an increasing measure in each successive empire.

1.  A global economy

2.  A global government

3.  A global religion

II. Babylon’s Global Trap:

As discussed in the last session, the harlot system is the bridge system between where culture sits now (our current values, cultural norms, levels of tolerance, etc.), and where things are headed; eventually Antichrist worship. The point of this session is to establish Babylon’s global influence as she effectively drags the planet into her adulteries. The Harlot Babylon will be filled with many desirable things that people chase after; money, power, prestige, and the pleasures of life.

A.  John was Astounded by Her:

When the angel revealed the great end time harlot to the apostle John he was astonished at her. John was shocked, not by the existence of an end time evil (which he was already clear on), but by the scope and anointing that this harlot would have to lure the nations into following her and embracing her evil practices. The astounding part that required explanation was how it was it going to be possible for the whole world to fall into the trap of such abominable acts?

“When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman (Re. 17:6-7)”

B.  Her World Wide Influence:

The first of this two part picture that astounded John is the global nature of this Harlot’s sphere of reach. John was shown that Babylon would rise to become the most influential world empire that the Earth has ever known. This empire will influence all of the nations; the scripture says that she is seated in the midst of many waters; these are the peoples of the nations. Her scope of influence will be global and her ties to the nations will run deep (Re. 14:8, 17:1-2, 15, 18:3, 9, 11, 14-15, 17-18).

“Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters (Re. 17:1).”

"The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (Re. 17:15).”

C.  Her Irresistible Allure:

The second part of what befuddled John was this harlot’s capacity to deceive so many at such a deep level. He is shown her appearance; which from the outside is very beautiful, but that within she is filled with pure wickedness. Her outward beauty speaks of her capacity to allure.

“The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries (Re. 17:4).”

D.  Her Sought After False Righteousness:

Once this globally influencing evil woman is in her place she can set her trap for the nations to drink all the filth inside her cup. Her falsehood will appear so good to the on looking world, she will operate in apparent righteous acts that the peoples of the nations will long to be part of. Her good works will result in events such as the finding of the cures to certain diseases, massive strides to end world hunger for a season, reviving of certain fallen economies and the settling of many social justice issues. The world will love her falsehood; they will celebrate her humanism and all the good that mankind can do without God.

E.  Her Adulterous Ways:

Babylon is called a harlot who offers a golden and glorious cup filled with adultery. The contents of this cup are vile perversions of God’s righteousness; whenever a people are called adulterous in the Bible it means that they are engaging in false versions of religion, giving God up for some lie. The concept of the nations committing adultery with her means that they are engaging in a form of religion that replaces God and truth. The real intent of her social justice and goodwill toward humanity is to appear righteous in order to get the world to commit adultery with her; and the people love her for it.

“the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries (Re. 17:2).”

“A second angel followed and said, “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’ which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries (Re. 14:8).”

F.  Her Abominations will be Celebrated:

In the coming hours of modern history, the Church will preach against the most wicked institution man has ever known, the Harlot Babylon. Mankind, however, will be so captivated by her and will follow after her and will actually proclaim her as good, despite her abominations. They will call her “good,” not just that she is economically useful to them, but they will believe her ways and solutions are good for mankind. In deed the world would say such a thing if this economic super power were to use her resources and global reach to end world hunger, provide unprecedented humanitarian relief, and unite the peoples of the earth together in peace; all of which are major premises of religion at large.

III. Babylon’s International Government:

Now that we have established Babylon’s global influence now lets see how she fits into the political realm. She will come to rule over and redefine global politics as we know it as she sets up new systems and international new policies (Re. 17:1, 15, 18:3).

A.  Babylon will be the Boast of the Earth:

The city of Babylon is depicted as a city of great beauty and international intrigue. The city of Babylon will become the boast of the entire Earth (Is. 13:19; Je. 51:41; Re. 18:3, 9-11, 16-17). The world has never boasted about one city. Historically, people will celebrate their capital city or boast about their most incredible accomplishments, but for the whole world to boast about the city of Babylon means the whole world has significant relationship and loyalty to that city.

“How Sheshach (alternate term for Babylon) will be captured, the boast of the whole earth seized! What a horror Babylon will be among the nations (Je. 51:41).”

B.  She will be a Well Organized Network:

Revelation says that when Babylon is finally judged the international community is terrified for their wellbeing because they shared together with her luxuries.

“the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury…will (be)…Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: Woe (Re. 18:9)”

C.  She is Called a Mother of Many Nations:

Babylon is called the mother of all of the prostituting nations. These nations are seen as her children indicating that her international role is more than just having some influence but that Babylon is actually giving real leadership to the nations and helping to form their ideologies and values.

“The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes (Re. 17:5)”

“Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions, your mother will be greatly ashamed; she who gave you birth will be disgraced. She will be the least of the nations— a wilderness, a dry land, a desert (Je. 50:11-12).”

D.  She will Rule the Nations:

If none of these points make it clear to us we are told plainly that this Harlot will rule over the kings of the Earth; to rule over means that she will be giving real leadership to these kings. This will affect political policies impacting the decisions being made in the international community.

“The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth (Re. 17:18).”

IV. Babylon’s Unified Religion:

This is one of the most important themes about end time Babylon for the Church to understand. It is because of the religious nature of the Harlot that so many will fall into her allure. She will come packaged with all the right sounding ideas that people want to hear (2Ti. 4:3), and to those without discernment she will appear very good. She will use her ability to bring people together to synchronize the religions of the Earth as one. Her new one world religion will be inherently evil and will be preaching the gospel of self-indulgence. In addition to Babylon being a global economic system, she will be a global religious network (Re. 17:1, 15, 18:3).

A.  The Fact of Global Synchronism:

We see that Babylon will be effective to get all of the nations working together with her (Re. 17:2, 15, 18:3); the leaders of every single nation will be in alignment with her.

“For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries (Re. 18:3).”

B.  Opposing Religions Stand in the Way of Peace:

She will use her powerful global position to influence religion as well. The Harlot’s true is to unify the peoples of the Earth in order to get everyone in sync into the one world religion (a new form of universalism that will fully embrace immorality). Religion has always been one of the main causes of war, and religious unity is going to be the secular cry as the solution to end war. If the nations are all working together then the nations are not at war. She will strong arm the political leaders to coerce their nations into accepting the global religion in order to be a part of her profitable network.

C.  Wide Spread Idol Worship:

In Revelation 17 we see the Harlot defined as being filled with abominations and filth (Re. 17:5-6). In the Old Testament “abominations” refers to the worship of demon idols, and the term filth speaks of the moral perversions of a people (Is. 66:3; Da. 9:27). This end time harlot system will be a demonically charged, morally devoid, worship movement. She will further her religious reach through the use of the occult and idols worship. It seems likely that these images will express the new universal religion.

“A drought on her waters! They will dry up. For it is a land of idols, idols that will go mad with terror (Je. 50:38).”

“For the time will surely come when I will punish the idols of Babylon; her whole land will be disgraced and her slain will all lie fallen within her. (Je. 51:47).”

D.  The Role of Witchcraft:

The end time Babylon system will operate in sorcery in order to have access to the demonic realm. Witchcraft will be a significant part of the new form of religion.