Indiana 4-H/FFA Forestry CDEQuestion Bank

Junior Division

  1. For decades the booklet “Fifty Trees of Indiana” has been a popular reference to help Indiana youth learn to identify trees. The late forester who wrote this booklet was;
  2. Stanley Coulter
  3. T.E. Shaw
  4. W.L. Fix
  5. Dr. Otis Bowen
  6. None of the above
  1. The most common tree community in Indiana is
  2. Beech-Maple
  3. Oak-Hickory
  4. Pin Oak-Sweetgum
  5. River Birch-Silver Maple
  6. None of the above
  1. Which species does not belong in the following group?
  2. Quaking Aspen
  3. Eastern Cottonwood
  4. Swamp Cottonwood
  5. Tulip-poplar
  6. Bigtooth Aspen
  1. Which of the following trees needs to be planted in deep, fertile, well-drained soils?
  2. Black Walnut
  3. Virginia Pine
  4. Scotch Pine
  5. Red Pine
  6. Eastern White Pine
  1. Which of the following should not be planted on dry, somewhat eroded soils?
  2. Eastern White Pine
  3. Jack Pine
  4. Scotch Pine
  5. Red Pine
  6. Eastern Red cedar
  1. Which of the following species has high resistance to decay?
  2. Northern Catalpa
  3. Black Locust
  4. Osage-orange
  5. Eastern Red Cedar
  6. All of the Above
  1. Which of the following species does not have a berry as a fruit?
  2. Black Tupelo
  3. Sweetgum
  4. Black Cherry
  5. Red Mulberry
  6. Sassafras
  1. Which of the following is an evergreen with spineless cones that curve and twist into many irregular shapes and stay on the tree for many years?
  2. White Pine
  3. Scotch Pine
  4. Jack Pine
  5. Red Pine
  6. None of the above
  1. The upper leaf surfaces of the Slippery Elm are smoother than those of the American Elm.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The Eastern Cottonwood and Swamp Cottonwood both have flat leaf stems.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Boxelder, Ohio Buckeye, and American Beech all have opposite compound leaves.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Tree species with opposite, compound leaves include
  2. Boxelder
  3. Ohio Buckeye
  4. White Ash
  5. All of the Above
  6. None of the above
  1. All of the Oaks have simple leaves, alternately arranged on twigs.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Black Locust and Redbud fruits are bean-like pods which contain several
  2. small seeds.
  3. True
  4. False
  1. Sycamore, a common species along Indiana streams, grows to the largest size of any Indiana tree.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The acorns of the Chinquapin Oak are borne on long stalks
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The most common tree community in Indiana is the Oak-Hickory community.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The tree also know as “Linn” is
  2. Bitternut Hickory
  3. American Basswood
  4. Eastern Cottonwood
  5. Sweetgum
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree with the sulfur yellow bud is
  2. Bitternut Hickory
  3. Eastern Redbud
  4. Black Walnut
  5. Mockernut Hickory
  6. None of the above
  1. Which of the following tree species have thorns?
  2. Black Locust, Honeylocust, and Black Tupelo
  3. Black Locust, Honeylocust, and Kentucky Coffeetree
  4. Black Locust, Honeylocust, and Osage-orange
  5. Black Locust, Kentucky Coffeetree, and Osage-orange
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree with paired thorns is
  2. Honeylocust
  3. Osage-orange
  4. Black Locust
  5. Swamp Cottonwood
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree known as :thorn-tree” is
  2. Black Locust
  3. Honeylocust
  4. Osage-orange
  5. Flowering Dogwood
  6. The tree with single thorns, ¾ inch in length, is
  7. Honeylocust
  8. Black Locust
  9. Black Maple
  10. Osage-orange
  11. None of the above
  1. Black Maple is known as a hard maple.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Which of the following Oaks is in the Red Oak group?
  2. Chestnut Oak
  3. Chinquapin
  4. Black Oak
  5. Swamp White Oak
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree also know as “Pepperidge” is
  2. Eastern Red cedar
  3. Sassafras
  4. Black Tupelo
  5. Northern Catalpa
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree with tan colored, honeycomb pith is
  2. Butternut
  3. Black Walnut
  4. Black Cherry
  5. Bitternut Hickory
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree with chocolate colored, honeycomb pith is
  2. Osage-orange
  3. Bitternut Hickory
  4. Butternut
  5. Shagbark Hickory
  6. None of the above
  1. Which Hickory has 5 to 7 leaflets and little buds?
  2. Pignut Hickory
  3. Mockernut Hickory
  4. Shagbark Hickory
  5. Bitternut Hickory
  6. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is the White Oak group?
  2. Pin Oak
  3. Shingle Oak
  4. Black Oak
  5. Chestnut Oak
  6. None of the above
  1. Which of the following has triangular shaped leaves?
  2. Eastern Cottonwood
  3. Quaking Aspen
  4. Eastern Redbud
  5. American Basswood
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree with both scale-like and sharp-pointed leaves is
  2. Eastern White Pine
  3. Red Pine
  4. Eastern Red cedar
  5. Virginia Ping
  6. Jack Pine
  1. Another name for White Hickory is
  2. Shagbark Hickory
  3. Pignut hickory
  4. Bitternut Hickory
  5. Mockernut Hickory
  6. None of the above
  1. The only tree listed in Fifty Trees of Indiana with a palmate leaf arrangement is
  2. Ohio Buckeye
  3. Black Walnut
  4. Boxelder
  5. Kentucky Coffeetree
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree with a spicy odor and taste is
  2. Black Tupelo
  3. Sweetgum
  4. Sassafras
  5. Virginia Pine
  6. None of the above
  1. The only Pine with 5 needles per cluster is
  2. Eastern White Pine
  3. Virginia Pine
  4. Jack Pine
  5. Scotch Pine
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree with the shaggy bark is
  2. Eastern Redbud
  3. American Elm
  4. Slippery Elm
  5. Shagbark Hickory
  6. None of the above
  1. The soft Maples include
  2. Sugar Maple
  3. Silver Maple
  4. Red Maple
  5. Only B and C
  6. All of the Above
  1. Which of the following has a spiny fruit ball?
  2. Sycamore
  3. Sweetgum
  4. Black Tupelo
  5. Black Maple
  6. None of the abobe
  1. The Pine tree that grows on droughty sites in Southern Indiana is
  2. Eastern White Pine
  3. Jack Pine
  4. Red Pine
  5. Virginia Pine
  6. None of the above
  1. The tree species best suited for planting in severely eroded places in Southern Indiana is
  2. Black Walnut
  3. Black Locust
  4. Virginia Pine
  5. Red Pine
  6. Norway Spruce
  1. Indiana’s state tree is
  2. Flowering Dogwood
  3. Northern Catalpa
  4. Tuliptree
  5. Eastern Redbud
  6. None of the above
  1. Which tree bears leaves alternately?
  2. White Ash
  3. Boxelder
  4. Hickory
  5. Sugar Maple
  6. Dogwood
  1. Which of the following does not have winged seeds?
  2. Boxelder
  3. Beech
  4. Basswood
  5. White Ash
  6. Sugar Maple
  1. Another name for the edges of leaves is
  2. loves
  3. clefts
  4. margins
  5. petioles
  6. None of the above
  1. Triangular-shape leaves are characteristic of
  2. Black Tupelo
  3. Hackberry
  4. Cottonwood
  5. American Basswood
  6. None of the above
  1. Winged seeds, joined in pairs, are characteristic of
  2. White Ash
  3. Boxelder
  4. Sweetgum
  5. Eastern Hophornbeam
  1. The Red Oak group includes
  2. Bur Oak
  3. Shingle Oak
  4. Chestnut Oak
  5. Chinquapin Oak
  1. The Kentucky Coffeetree has doubly compound leaves and thick twigs with a mottled color.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The Butternut (White Walnut) can be distinguished from Black Walnut by having smaller number of leaflets, longer buds, chocolate colored pitch and oblong fruit
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The pith of Black Walnut is tan in color
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Black Locust and Eastern Redbud fruits are bean-like pods which contain several small seeds
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The fruit of the American Beech is a bur, ¾ inch long, covered with spines, and usually enclosing two triangular-shaped nuts
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Trees of the Red Oak group have rounded leaf margins, while those in the White Oak group have bristle-tipped leaves
  2. True
  3. False
  1. When comparing differences in the White Oak Group and the Red Oak Group, you will notice that the Red Oak group has
  2. Bristle-tipped leaves
  3. Acorns that mature in one year
  4. Plugged pores in the wood
  5. All of the Above
  1. All oaks of the White Oak group
  2. Have bristle-tipped leaves
  3. Mature their acorns in two years
  4. Have plugged wood pores
  5. Have opposite leaf arrangement
  1. The acorns of the Chinquapin Oak are borne on long stalks
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The lower leaf veins of the American Hornbeam are seldom forked
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The Kentucky Coffeetree is the most common tree in Indiana
  2. True
  3. False
  1. White Ash has opposite compound leaves.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The leaves of Sweet gum are Five-pointed like a star. The fruit is a dark colored berry.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Black Locust is doubly compound with long branched thorns.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Shingle Oak are lobed leaves with an alternate arrangement.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The American Hornbeam, Eastern Hop Hornbeam, and River Birch have thin smooth leaves with doubly-toothed leaf margins.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The seeds of the Elms, Silver Maple, and Flowering Dogwood mature in the spring.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The leaf veins of the Flowering Dogwood curve to the tip of the leaf.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Eastern Hop hornbeam has shreddy bark and a fruit that resembles hops.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The acorns of Northern Red Oak are set in a deep bowl-like cup, while Pin Oak acorns are set in shallow cups.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Members of the Red Oak group mature their acorns in two years, while members of the White Oak group mature their acorns in one year.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Eastern Red cedar is the only evergreen tree that occurs naturally in Indiana.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Two trees with leaves that are oval and have entire leaf margins are Common Persimmon and Flowering Dogwood.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The Mockernut Hickory (White Hickory) has stout twigs, large buds, and shaggy bark.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The Quaking Aspen can be distinguished from the Big tooth Aspen by its finely cut leaf margins and finer twigs.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The new buds of Sycamores are formed under the cone-shaped base of the leaf stem.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Which of the following has spiny cones?
  2. Red Pine
  3. Eastern White Pine
  4. Scotch Pine
  5. Jack Pine
  6. Virginia Pine
  1. A pine which has dark green needles and has irregular growth is the _____ pine.
  2. Jack
  3. Scotch
  4. Red
  5. Virginia
  1. Which of the following trees often grows in wet or poorly drained conditions?
  2. Pin Oak
  3. Chestnut Oak
  4. White Hickory
  5. Pignut Hickory
  6. The following has opposite leaves
  7. Red Mulberry
  8. Common Persimmon
  9. Boxelder
  10. Sassafras
  11. A and B
  1. Which species does not belong in the following group?
  2. Quaking Aspen
  3. Eastern Cottonwood
  4. Swamp Cottonwood
  5. Tuliptree
  6. Bigtooth Aspen
  1. Shagbark Hickory usually has 5 leaflets
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Eastern Cottonwood and Quaking Aspen leaf stem are long compared to the leaf stems of River Birch.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Which species does not have an opposite leaf arrangement?
  2. Flowering Dogwood
  3. Boxelder
  4. Shingle Oak
  5. Ohio Buckeye
  6. White Ash
  1. Which of the following has doubly compound leaves?
  2. Honey locust
  3. Kentucky Coffee tree
  4. White Ash
  5. Black Locust
  6. A and B
  1. Mockernut Hickory is also known as White Hickory.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Pignut Hickory is also known as Black Hickory.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Soft maples produce seeds in the fall and hard maples produce seeds in the spring.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Sycamore leaves have leafy clasps at the base of their leaf stems.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Black tupelo fruits look like spiny balls.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Bur Oaks have acorns with a hairy fringe on top.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. The most common tree community in Indiana is the Tuliptree-Sugar Maple community.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Which is a tree that can have leaf stems 5 inches long?
  2. White Oak
  3. Sweetgum
  4. American Elm
  5. Osage-Orange
  1. Leaf clasps are found on tree species such as
  2. Tuliptree
  3. Red Maple
  4. Flowering Dogwood
  1. A tree species which often has small distorted twigs called “witches’ brooms” is
  2. American Basswood
  3. Red Mulberry
  4. Northern Catalpa
  5. Hackberry
  1. Which is a tree with very rough leaves and gray twigs?
  2. Slippery Elm
  3. American Elm
  4. Eastern Redbug
  5. Common Persimmon
  1. Which tree has “scaly” orange bark on young trees?
  2. Virginia Pine
  3. Red Pine
  4. Scotch Pine
  5. Jack Pine
  1. Which tree is also called the “hedge” tree?
  2. Honeylocust
  3. Slippery Elm
  4. Black Locust
  5. Osage-orange
  1. Which tree has fruit which is a small blue berry?
  2. Sassafras
  3. Eastern Red cedar
  4. Eastern Redbud
  5. Slippery Elm
  1. Black Walnut leaves are compound.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Honeylocust is the only tree with doubly compound leaves found in Indiana.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Which of the following is not commonly used for pulpwood?
  2. Black Walnut
  3. Tuliptree
  4. Sycamore
  5. Bigtooth Aspen
  6. Black Tupelo
  1. Which of the following trees have two needles per cluster?
  2. Eastern White Pine
  3. Red Pine
  4. Scotch Pine
  5. B and C
  6. A and C
  1. Which of these trees does not have two needles?
  2. White Pine
  3. Jack Pine
  4. Red Pine
  5. Scotch Pine
  1. Ohio Buckeye has compound leaves with five leaflets.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. For most tree species, leaf attachment is either alternate or compound.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. A single leaf stem is either doubly-compound, compound, or
  2. alternate
  3. opposite
  4. whorled
  5. simple
  1. Trees that prefer similar growing conditions form
  2. forest stands
  3. forest land
  4. state forests
  5. forest communities
  1. An association of trees that grows together in bottomlands and poorly drained soils is
  2. Beech-Maple
  3. Pin Oak-Sweetgum
  4. Oak-Hickory
  5. Mixed
  1. The Blue Beech(American Hornbeam) has shreddy bark and fruit like a hopvine.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Which of these oak leaves do not have bristle tips?
  2. Black Oak
  3. Pin Oak
  4. Red Oak
  5. Bur Oak
  1. Leaf clasps are small leaf like growths that grasp the twig at the base of the leaf stem.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Which of the following trees have leaf clasps?
  2. Sycamore
  3. Tuliptree
  4. Black Willow
  5. Black Maple
  6. all of these
  1. Which is not a leaf margin?
  2. toothed
  3. lobed
  4. smooth
  5. winged
  1. A leaf margin could be
  2. simple
  3. entire
  4. opposite
  5. falcate
  1. A complete leaf has a bud at the base of the leaf stem on the woody twig.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Boxelder leaves are arranged opposite to one another.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Both Black Oak and Northern Red Oak have bristle-tipped leaves.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Sugar Maple leaves have rounded leaf crotches.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Which is not of the red oak family?
  2. Black Oak
  3. Pin Oak
  4. Bur Oak
  5. Shingle Oak
  6. None of the above
  1. The following has/have toothed margins.
  2. Red Mulberry
  3. American Elm
  4. Black Gum
  5. Sassafras
  6. A and B
  1. Slippery Elm has very rough leaves and gray twigs, and American Elm has slightly rough leaves and brown twigs.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. Sweetgum is often found growing with Pin Oak in the low, wet woods of Southern Indiana.
  2. true
  3. false
  1. The following has/have doubly compound leaves
  2. Red Mulberry
  3. Kentucky Coffetree
  4. Black Walnut
  5. B and C
  6. A and B
  1. Bristle-tipped leaves are found on
  2. Pin Oak
  3. Black Oak
  4. Red Oak
  5. Shingle Oak
  6. All of the above
  1. Trees with distinctly variable leaf shapes include
  2. Sassafras
  3. Red Mulberry
  4. Boxelder
  5. A and B
  6. All of the above
  1. Palmately compound leaves are found on
  2. Shagbark Hickory
  3. Ohio Buckeye
  4. Butternut
  5. Boxelder
  6. White Ash
  1. Alternate leaf arrangement is a characteristic of
  2. maples
  3. ashes
  4. dogwoods
  5. oaks
  6. pines
  1. Which of the following needles are four to six inches long?
  2. White Pine
  3. Red Pine
  4. Scotch Pine
  5. Jack Pine
  6. Virginia Pine
  1. Which tree species does not belong in the following group based on leaf arrangement?
  2. Silver Maple
  3. Black Willow
  4. Black Walnut
  5. Butternut
  6. Black Oak
  1. Sassafras can be identified by
  2. deeply furrowed bark
  3. spicy taste of twig
  4. zigzag twig
  5. plum-like fruit
  1. In winter trees are identified by
  2. size
  3. bark
  4. leaf
  5. color
  6. None of the above
  1. Trees can be identified in winter by
  2. bark characteristics
  3. fruit
  4. buds
  5. All of the above
  1. Leaf clasps occur on
  2. Green Ash
  3. Red Maple
  4. Cottonwood
  5. Sycamore
  1. Which of these trees have opposite compound leaves?
  2. Black Locust
  3. Kentucky Coffeetree
  4. Ohio Buckeye
  5. Honeylocust
  1. A zigzag twig describes
  2. Cottonwood
  3. Black Walnut
  4. Basswood
  5. Sweetgum
  1. “First tree to leaf out in the spring, and the first to lose its leaves” describes
  2. Boxeleder
  3. Ohio Buckeye
  4. Black Cherry
  5. Black Tupelo
  6. None of the above
  1. The Sweetgum fruit is a
  2. spiny ball
  3. soft ball
  4. rough skinned ball
  5. flat, long pod
  6. None of the above
  1. The sugar maple seed ripens
  2. in the spring
  3. after a frost
  4. in the fall
  5. every other year
  6. None of the above
  1. Bur Oak fruit is
  2. an inch long large acorn, set in a flat, shallow cup
  3. an acorn born on a long stalk
  4. a large acorn set deep in a cup with a hairy fringe on top
  5. an acorn set in thin, cone-shaped cups, borne on a short stalk
  6. None of the above
  1. The fruit of this tree often hangs on until midwinter.
  2. Sycamore
  3. Persimmon
  4. Tuliptree
  5. Osage-orange
  1. The buds of this tree are sulfur-yellow in color.
  2. Pecan Hickory
  3. Bitternut Hickory
  4. Pignut Hickory
  5. White Hickory
  1. Warty bark and witches’ broom are characteristics of
  2. American Beech
  3. American Elm
  4. Sweetgum
  5. Hackberry
  1. American Elm bark
  2. has alternate colored layers
  3. resembles alligator hide
  4. is tight and gray in color
  5. is mottled in color
  1. The limbs tend to grow at right angles to the trunk.
  2. Honeylocust
  3. Pin Oak
  4. Black Tupelo
  5. Boxelder
  6. None of the above
  1. Which of the following does not have compound leaves?
  2. Red Mulberry
  3. Kentucky Coffeetree
  4. Black Walnut
  5. Green Ash
  6. None of the above
  1. Large, three-lobed leaves, with top lobe widely notched, describes
  2. Black Walnut
  3. Tuliptree
  4. Sassafras
  5. Sycamore
  6. None of the above
  1. Compound leaves, alternately arranged on the twig, solid pith, not honey-combed describes
  2. Maples
  3. Oaks
  4. Hickories
  5. Elms
  1. Which species of fruit does not belong in the following group?
  2. Common Persimmon
  3. Eastern Redbud
  4. Honeylocust
  5. Kentucky Coffeetree
  1. Based on leaf arrangement, which species does not belong with the others?
  2. Silver Maple
  3. Black Willow
  4. Black Walnut
  5. Black Oak
  1. Based on fruit type, which of the following trees does not belong with the others?
  2. Black Locust
  3. Kentucky Coffeetree
  4. Eastern Redbud
  5. Black Cherry
  1. Based on seed dispersal mechanism, which species does not belong in the following group?
  2. Persimmon
  3. Red Maple
  4. White Ash
  5. Boxelder
  1. Cottonwood leaves have a ______shape.
  2. tomentose
  3. rachis
  4. petiole
  5. deltoid
  1. Which of the following trees has a winged seed called samara?
  2. Black locust
  3. White ash
  4. Ironwood
  5. River birch
  6. None of the above
  1. This tree’s twig bears corky wings.