Ms. Robinson’s Algebra III/Geometry Class

Classroom Policies and Procedures

Here are the policies we will follow this year. You are to adhere and follow each policy specifically when you enter the classroom unless told otherwise.

  1. Starting Class: When entering the class, you are to go immediately to the bell ringer file to collect your bell ringer sheet. Complete the problem(s) on the sheet provided for that day. The bell ringer for the day will also be on the smartboard. This should be started immediately and take less than five minutes. After the allotted time has passed, place bell ringers back in the bin as you finish. These will be arranged alphabetically by last name. Next, you will get your homework assignment, and have it ready for review.
  2. Heading Assignments: All assignments should be headed as follows: (NO EXCEPTIONS)





Assignment Name:

  1. Quiet Signal: There will be times necessary for me to get the attention of the entire class. I will give the signal “Listen up!” or ring the class bell. Everyone should be quiet and have their eyes on me ready to listen to instructions. Necessary consequences will follow for non-compliance.
  2. Assigning Homework: There will be homework! The more practice with Math, the better you become with it. Homework will be assigned at my discretion. All assignments will be graded for completeness. This is easy points. Assignments will be written on the side board, so you are responsible for writing it down. Your family will be notified if homework is not completed consistently. There will be homework quizzes upon returning to class.
  3. Collecting Assignments: Turn papers over as you finish an assignment. One person from each group will take the four papers to the designated bin.
  4. Checking Excused Absences: It is your responsibility to remember to bring a doctor’s excuse or a signed parent note to the office. Remember, when you miss a class period, you are missing two lessons. Upon return from an absence, you are responsible for all work. You are responsible for obtaining class notes from a fellow classmate. If a test or quiz is missed, students must meet with me to schedule a make-up time within 3 class periods of the absence. Note: If work or a test has been previously assigned, and you are absent the day before a test is given or work is due, you are expected to take the test or turn in the work on time with the rest of the class.
  5. Dismissing Class: The bell does not dismiss the class—I DO! You will continue working until I tell you to pack up your books. Do not put away books or materials while I am teaching, and do not leave your seat unless told to do so.
  6. Taking Roll: If you are not in your seat when the roll is called, you will be marked absent.
  7. Binder Setup: Every student will be required to have a binder or notebook for Math only. Students will also need a composition notebook for journals. Materials and supplies should be brought to class daily.
  8. Announcements: Announcements are important! They may pertain to you so listen to them! During this time you will not talk. Uniform compliance will be monitored during this time of day in 1st and 5th block.
  9. Fire Drill: Stop what you are doing, leave your belongings, and exit the classroom. You are to go to a designated area and remain in line with the rest of the students from your class. When the drill is over, return to your class in session.
  10. Graded Assignments/Tests: When you receive a test or assignment grade, you should immediately record the grade on your grade summary sheet. Those will be kept in your binder. Please notify me if you discover a grade discrepancy. I will post grades in the grade book as soon as possible after an assignment or test. You should use your parent command login to check grades. If the account is not setup, please have your parent contact the office.
  11. Finishing Classwork Early: If you complete everything assigned for the day, you may work on additional assignments that are related to the unit. Additional assignments may include: reports, technology projects, or research for projects, etc.
  12. Testing Procedure: Your desk must be clear except for pencil and loose-leaf paper. When you receive your test, head it correctly and wait for specific instructions. When finished, bring your test to the completed work basket and pick up your next assignment. Go back to your seat and remain quiet. You may begin the new assignment that is on the board. If you talk during a test, you will be given a zero-0 on your test.
  13. Make-up Work/Re-do Test: Make-up work will be allowed up to three class periods of the day you return. Therefore, you have three A days or three B days to make-up work. Make-up work for the week will be in a designated folder. To make-up a test, please complete the appropriate form.
  14. Pass Policy: No one is allowed to leave my room for any reason unless the office needs you or it’s an emergency. Restrooms should be used before school, in between classes, and at lunch.Students will only have 2 breaks per semester per class. Only the bathrooms on the math hall can be used during my class. If you have a medical concern, please notify me in advance and provide a doctor’s excuse.
  15. Graded Assignment Details:Grading Scale:

Bell RingersA 93% - 100%

Homework QuizzesB 85% - 92%

HomeworkC 75% - 84%

Embedded AssessmentsD 67% - 74%

Getting ReadyF 0% - 66%


Journal Entries

Unit Assessments

  1. Teamwork/Learning Stations: Each student will be assigned to a group. Many activities will require a cooperative effort between team members. Eventually, students will have opportunities to work independently in station activities. All students must remain on task, and all work must be completed.
  2. Communication: My door is always open. If there is something that you need to discuss, do not hesitate to speak with me. If it’s something I do not know, we will work together to find a solution. This includes grades. Do not wait until the last minute to discuss any issues.
  3. Food/Drinks: No food allowed. No eating in class. Bottle water is allowed in a clear container.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Come to class on time.
  2. Be prepared.
  3. Follow the dresscode.
  4. Model a positive behavior.
  5. Encourage others to do their best.
  6. Participate in classroom activities.
  7. Complete all assignments.
  8. Report any problems to an adult.
  9. Follow classroom and school wide rules.
  10. Use only appropriate language.
  11. Respect yourself and others.


  1. Positive feedback.
  2. Incentives such as prizes or special rewards.
  3. Positive notes or calls home.
  4. Homework Pass
  5. Tickets


If you choose to break a rule, or class expectation, you are choosing to receive a consequence.


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Parent Contact
  3. Department Detention
  4. Discipline Conference
  5. Major Office Referral