Congressman Tim Bishop

137 Hampton Rd.

Southampton, N.Y. 11968

Honorable Tim Bishop,

The New York Coalition for Recreational Fishing is a grassroots organization dedicated to aid in the formulation and establishment of sound policies and practices designed to conserve, restore, protect and safely regulate natural resources in this State.

We are writing this letter to express our concerns for Smith Point, Suffolk County Park. For many years this park has been a place where its many users could go to swim, surf, camp, scuba dive, saltwater fishing and outer beach access.

Volunteers have given countless hours for clean ups, placement of snow fence and Christmas trees used to collect windblown sand that build up the dunes and beach that also serve to protect the mainland from ocean storms.

For many years this balance has worked to the benefit of all. However as this Park falls within the boundaries of Fire Island National Seashore (FINS). Oversight by this agency recently is leading to the deterioration of this fine Park.

Recent decisions by FINS have led to the removal of snow fence that is essential to build up the dunes that not only protect this Park, but the mainland as well from the ravages of ocean storms. In addition to this they are looking to rake down the ocean beach and dunes. Last but not least they are refusing to allow Suffolk County to make necessary repairs and rebuild Burma Road. This road is essential in getting to the Moriches Inlet for the purpose of recreational fishing and for emergency vehicles as well.

To quote FINS off of the NPS website “Rhythmic waves, high dunes, ancient maritime forests, historic landmarks and glimpses of wildlife—Fire Island has been a special place for diverse plants, animals and people for centuries.” Why alter what Mother Nature has created over a century’s time and at the same time possibly place the people who live on the mainland in danger?

For all of the reasons already mentioned, we would like to request your help and assistance in removing Smith Point from the boundaries of the Fire Island National Seashore. We would ultimately like to see the land conveyed to Suffolk County. Thank you very much in advance for your time and consideration.

Yours Truly,

William A. Young

President - NYCRF