Towns of Richfield and Erin


February 23, 2015

Regular School Board Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ellen Duhamel, President STAFF PRESENT: John Engstrom, District Administrator

Tom Wolff, Vice-President Denise Howe, Business Manager

Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk

Tony Kellicut, Treasurer

John Tennessen, Member at Large

I.  The regular meeting of the School Board of the Friess Lake School District was called to order by Board President Ellen Duhamel at 6:00 P.M. The meeting was posted at Friess Lake School, Richfield Town Hall, Erin Town Hall, Hartford Times Press, WTKM Radio Station, and the Journal/Sentinel-Cedarburg Office.

II.  Roll call was taken. A quorum was verified. John Engstrom and Denise Howe were also present.

III.  Jennifer Setterlun led the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV.  Open Forum

A. There was no one present for Open Forum.

V.  Recognition, Appreciation, Awards

A.  John Engstrom thanked the Movie Night volunteer crew for all of their help on another successful movie night.

B.  John Engstrom thanked the chaperones, parents and staff for their assistance in the recent middle school dance.

C.  John Engstrom thanked Ashley Nesbit, Jerry Hoefs and our students who were involved in welcoming a group from Elmbrook School into our Makers Lab to learn more about our program.

D.  John Engstrom thanked Ginny McGrath for stepping up and expressing an interest in running for the School Board in the upcoming Spring Election as a write-in candidate since we only had one person running with two openings.

VI.  Presentations

A. There were no presentations at this time.

VII.  Approval of Minutes

A.  Jennifer Setterlun made a motion to approve the January 31, 2015 Regular School Board meeting minutes as presented, John Tennessen 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

VIII.  Approval of Financial Reports and Bills Payable

A.  John Tennessen made a motion to approve the January 31, 2015 Financial Reports as presented, Tom Wolff 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Denise Howe provided the Board with an update on 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Projections. It was noted that we are graduating some of our higher class sizes in the next couple years. As a result, in 2014-2015, the middle school (grades 6-8) went from 6 sections down to 5 and for 2015-2016 there will only be 4 class sections in middle school and finally 3 sections the year after as we settle into one class per grade level in middle school instead of two. This will result in some teacher FTE reductions in middle school and specials.

  1. Student Achievement Reports and Updates

A.  Enrollment Report

  1. The 2014-2015 Enrollment as of February 23, 2015 was reported as follows:

Preschool Speech - 2 EC-0 4K-11 5K-20 1-21 2-16 3-26 4-21 5-22

6-20 7-32 8-32 Total: 223

  1. It was reported that the Open Enrollment registration window opened on February 2, 2015 across the state. As of this date, there are 8 new students applying for Open Enrollment into Friess Lake as of the 2015-2016 school year and 2 students applying to Open Enroll out of the District. Registration will remain open until April 30, 2015.
  2. It was reported that 4K and 5K Registration for 2015-2016 will be held on February 24-25, 2015.
  1. John Engstrom reported that on March 27, 2015 there will be a Fort Building Activity in the evening for students, parents and some community members to get more acquainted with our Makers Lab.
  2. John Engstrom provided the Board with a legislative update.
  3. John Engstrom discussed some possible upcoming changes in relation to the Badger Exam.
  1. Personnel Items
  2. There were no personnel items at this time.

XI. Board Reports and Updates

A. General Board Communications

1. There were no general Board communications at this time.

B. Board President’s Report – Ellen Duhamel

1. There was no President’s Report at this time.

C. Denise Howe reported that there are two positions open in the upcoming School Board election on April 7, 2015. Ellen Duhamel is running again and Ginny McGrath just filed papers to run as a write-in candidate.

D. In regards to long term district planning, John Engstrom reminded the Board that there will be a community meeting at Hartford Union High School on March 9, 2015 to discuss the process of unifying area school districts in regards to timelines and requirements if there was enough interest. He further reported that a member of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction would be present to provide some overall information.

E. The Board discussed the need to update District promotional materials.

XII. Building and Grounds Reports and Updates

A.  Tom Wolff reported that he is still looking into possible ways to make improvements to the LED sign.

B.  Denise Howe and John Engstrom discussed with the Board some of the quotes that have come in so far on having the exterior metal overhangs repainted on the building this Spring or Summer.

XIII. Policies

A. Tom Wolff made a motion to adopt the revisions to Policy 861: Volunteers as presented, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

XIV. Future Agenda Items

A.  The Board discussed future agenda items such as: 2015-2016 preliminary teacher reductions and updates on the 2015-2016 Budget, legislation, Makers Lab, Badger Exam and the HUHS Summit.

B. The next regular School Board meeting was scheduled for March 23, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. The April meeting was scheduled for April 27, 2015 at 5:30 P.M.

XV. At 7:20 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to adjourn, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.


Ellen Duhamel, President


Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk

H: Denise/022315 Regular School Board meeting minutes 1