Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP)

Post Operative Instructions

CARE OF MOUTH: Refrain from brushing and flossing the surgical areas until instructed to do so. Begin flossing and using any oral irrigators such as a water pik (above gumline only) in about 4 weeks. You may start with an electric toothbrush in about 6 weeks. Please use chlorhexideine rinse (peridex) as prescribed until you can resume your full brushing and flossing routine regularly. Then you may switch to a non-staining antimicrobial rinse such as (Listerine), as a preventive measure.

DISCOMFORT: Discomfort will vary in intensity according to the extent of surgery. It is best to take pain medication regularly to enhance healing and minimize discomfort. Use medications prescribed as directed. Take them with a small amount of food, juice or milk. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OR DRIVE AFTER TAKING MEDICATIONS. To aid in any inflammation (swelling), please use ice packs on the outside of your face in the area treatment was done, 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off for the first 24 hours, then if any swelling is still present use moist heat in the same way. DO NOT SMOKE as it delays healing and increases postoperative discomfort.


First 3 days: Follow only a liquid-like diet to allow healing. Anything that can be placed in a blender to drink would be ideal. (Examples-broth or creamed soups, milk shakes, smoothies- ok to blend with fruit except no berries/or seeds, ensure, slim fast-nutritional drinks.) The purpose of this is to protect the clot that is acting as a “band-aid” between the gum and teeth. Do not drink through a straw since it will disturb the clot. Take all regular medications and vitamins.

Next 4 days: Begin foods with a very soft texture consistency such as those recommended below.

Next 7-10 days: Soft foods such as pasta, soups, stews, fish, chicken, cooked vegetables are allowable.

PLEASE REMEMBER that even after ten days, healing is not complete. The first month following treatment you should continue to make smart food choices. Softer foods are better.

“VERY SOFT” Diet Suggestions

*  Daily Vitamins

*  Eggs any style

*  Cream of wheat, oatmeal, malt o meal

*  Mashed or baked potatoes

*  Mashed bananas, mashed avocados, applesauce, blended fruits, no seeds

*  Mashed or steamed vegetables, mashed yams, mashed squash

*  Jello, pudding, ice cream, yogurt, creamy peanut butter without pieces

DO NOT chew gum, candy, cookies, chips, nuts, anything hard or crunchy, anything that has seeds or hard pieces, meat that shreds and can lodge under the gum and between teeth, including raw vegetables/salad.

SURGICAL DRESSING: If a surgical dressing was placed, it is important that this remain in place. It is not uncommon for small pieces of the dressing to break off in the days following the surgery. Should a sizable portion become loose or fall off within five days, please call our office.

NUMBNESS: For several hours after surgery, there may be numbness of the lips or tongue. Use caution when eating or drinking, especially hot foods, so as not to bite or burn yourself.

MEDICATION: TAKE ALL MEDICATIONS AS DIRECTED. If any unfavorable reaction (i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, rash, etc.) occurs while taking any medication, discontinue its use and contact our office immediately.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at (951) 279 -7847