COMP PROGRAMMING week 49 / 6“Hard weights and some testing”

Final week for this strength focus! We’ll be spreading out the testing to Mon, Wed, and Friday to help you have more time to hit some ‘new weight’. Don’t feel pressured to hit your true “max”, save those for competitions when it really matters. Beat your old PRs and plan on going up to 5-10lbs less than what you know you could do. Save some in the tank so you don’t overtax your CNS and to spread those PRs out over a lifetime of training. If you ‘accidentally’ make too big of a jump and you end up hitting what seems like your actual max, take it! Celebrate and move on. It isn’t terrible if you max, but if you psych yourself up to test your absolute limit too often it will wear you down (and risk injury). This is especially true the longer you have been training (much heavier loads) and the older you are.

4.2 Seconds

I caught the new OK Go video “The One Moment” this week and it reminded me of training in relation to competition. What you see is a 4.2 second video of 100s of choreographed movements. When you perform in a competition, or when you are on the podium it is like that 4.2 second clip. Hundreds of hours of planning, training, and discipline, distilled into seconds of performance. Sometimes we forget how much set up time goes into that one workout or competition.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that we win or lose battles in the days between challenges through our preparation and discipline. Not simply how we perform on game day.


wk 49 / 6 / Monday, December 5, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8 (use DBs at sides or bar on back)
Skilled Lift: / Thruster 6x2 / 75% of thruster
Pull Strength: / Snatch pull 7x2 / 105%
Squat: / Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (7 sets) / work up to 95%+
Overhead Strength: / Bench Press 6x3 / 85%
Accessory: / Jones Squats 3x12 /
Superset with Kickstand Scapular Row Circles 3 sets per side /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / 10 min Cindy (+)
AMRAP in 10 min
5 chest 2 bar pull ups
10 ring push ups
15 goblet squats (35/25)
Scaling Guide: 8 - 16 rounds, about 45s per round.
Metcon Notes: / Scaled up Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / 25 wall ball, 800m run (80%), 1 min rest, 25 wall ball, 1000m row (80%), 1 min rest, 2 rounds / Percents are 'effort', but you can use pace if you know it for those distances
Mental Game: /
wk 49 / 6 / Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 4 sets of 50' db/kb overhead carry / Use increasing loads each round
Gymnastics Skill: / Kipping HSPU 3x 10-15 reps / Same depth as before
Gymnastics Strength: / Single arm ring row 5x3 each side / Supine if possible, add load if needed
Loaded Carry: / None
Accessory: / Weighed Pass Through 3x10 and 3x10 active stretch /
5x8 hip thrusts /
Efficiency: / Each minute on the minute for 6 minutes, 1 legless rope climb and 1 legged rope climb
Metcon: / Firebird Trans Am (+)
Rolling Start: up to 2 rounds in 5 min, then max rounds until min 15
8 power snatches (95/65)
16 toes to bar (gym prog is 8 reps)
16 box jump (24"/20")
100m (or 20' out 20' back x 6) bumper plate farmer carry (45/25)
Log total rounds including the rounds accomplished in the first 5 min rolling start
Scaling Guide: 3 – 6 rounds, about 2:30 per round
Metcon Notes: / Scaled Up Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.
wk 49 / 6 / Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / Dip Clean 5x3 / 60-65% of Clean
Skilled Lift: / Tall Jerk 5x3 / 60% of jerk
Pull Strength: / Squat snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 / work up to 95%+
Squat: / Overhead Squat 5x3 / 70%
Overhead Strength: / Bench Press 5x4 / 85%
Accessory: / 5x5 Nordic Hamstring curl or glute ham raises. /
Superset with 5x5 ring push up with reach: /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / 3 min max muscle ups (or assisted muscle ups)
Smokin' Joe
AMRAP in 7 min
20' out 20' back overhead plate lunge (45/25)
8 bumper plate burpees (same)
30 double unders
Immediately after: 1 minute to get max muscle ups
Scaling Guide: 2 - 5 rounds, about 2:00 per round.
Metcon Notes: / Gym Metcon with Buy in and cash out
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: /
wk 49 / 6 / Friday, December 9, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / Single leg deadlift 5x5 / Use barbell, kbs, or dbs. Some may want to experiment with opposite hand only loading,
Skilled lift: / Jerk Drive 5x3 / 95% of jerk
Pull Strength: / None.
Squat: / High Bar Back Squat 5x5 / 70%
Overhead Strength / Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 / work up to 90%+
Accessory: / Pick at least 3 wrist exercises from this video: /
X band walks 3x10steps each side /
Efficiency: / None.
Metcon: / Open 15.5
27-21-15-9 for time
Row For Cal
Thruster (95/65)
Scaling Guide: Top 30 in Region Men Top ~6:20, Women ~7:50, Top 50 in World 45-49 Masters Men ~8:25, 45-49 Women ~10:04
Metcon Notes: / Different than Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.
wk 49 / 6 / Saturday, December 10, 2016
Grease the Groove Warm Up: / 4x6 Strict weighted ring dips / Adjust load each set if necessary. Full depth (shoulders below top of rings) more important than load here.
Gymnastics Skill: / Kipping HSPU 4x 10-15 reps / Same depth as before
Gymnastics Strength: / Weighted strict pull up 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 / work up to 90%+
Loaded Carry: / Farmer carry 30' out and back, 4 sets / +5% from last session, same on all sets
Accessory: / Ido Portal Basic Shoulder ROM and stabilization Routine /
Efficiency: / EMOTM for 5 min: 40s of pistols alternating legs
Metcon: / Dynamic Duo
AMRAP in 20 min, with a partner
6 reps 20' out 20' back Sled push (+140, +90)
6 Muscle ups
30 Russian kb swing (88/70)
20 Push jerk (155/95) kb must be held in one hand for reps to count
Scaling Guide: 3 - 5 rounds, about 4 min per round.
Indy Version: AMRAP in 16 min, 3 round trip sled pushes, 4 MU, 15 kb swings, 10 jerks
Metcon Notes: / Scaled Up Gym Metcon
Monostructural: / None.
Mental Game: / None.

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