Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes August 26, 2013 Memorial Hall 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order: Chairman Judd called the meeting to order. Other members present: John Payne and Bob Manners.

Media Present: Diane Broncaccio, The Recorder

Acceptance of Meeting Minutes: Bob presented a motion to accept the minutes of August 12, 2013 and August 20, 2013 as presented. John seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Noteworthy News:

John reported that the Bridge Dinner was a great success.

Department Liaison Reports:

Town Office – Bob reported that Terry will begin working on the purchase and installation of a data back-up system (both on and off site) for town hall computers. The Town’s new Assistant Assessor, Bill Barry has hit the ground running using every possible resource to acclimate himself to the position.

Arms Library Roof Inspection – Bob expressed heartfelt thanks to the Highway Department for providing barricades and; the Shelburne Falls Fire Department for loaning a piece of fire apparatus that allowed the Architect and Structural Engineer to inspect the entire surface of the library roof from the air. Bob reported that the roof appears to be structurally sound however, given its age, problems will continue unless addressed.

Police Department – Department operations are running smoothly. John will report on the proposed department relocation later in the meeting.

Highway Department – Joe reported that the Department began a mediation process today with the hopes of addressing some of the interdepartmental conflict. Terry has advertised the Laborer position recently vacated by Jeremy Betit. Resumes are due in early September.

MTRSD Long Planning Committee – Joe reported that the Committee has decided to focus their efforts in the following three areas: Regional Transportation, the Funding Formula, and the MSBA requirements with regards to building usage.

7:15 pm Emily Crehan, Recreation Director RE: Use of Cowell Gymnasium – Emily reported that two groups have approached her about the use of the facility (West County Food Pantry and the YMCA). Before acting upon either inquiry, she wanted to get a sense from the Board regarding their plans for the facility. John Payne indicated that he has held off pursuing the building as a potential police department location until he had an opportunity to determine how interested the Recreation Committee was in keeping and developing the space for recreational programs. John mentioned that he is storing a great deal of exercise equipment in his barn and wondered if the YMCA might be interested in using it. Emily stated that her discussions with YMCA representatives were preliminary however, given the age and overall condition of the town’s equipment; she does not believe that they would be interested in using it. Emily reported that the Cowell Gymnasium had a successful winter noting that a variety of groups used the building for birthday parties and sports related activities. With the floor restoration complete, she envisions that the demand for use of the building will increase this fall.

7:30 p.m. Towns of Shelburne & Buckland Joint Public Hearing RE: 2011 and 2012 CDBG Projects and Reallocation of Funding – Chairman Judd opened the hearing and read the public notice aloud before turning the meeting over to Grant Administrator, John Ryan of Breezeway Farm Consulting Services. The purpose of the hearing was to discuss proposed amendments to reprogram surplus grant funds from the FY’11 and FY’13 Community Development Block Grants. Proposed projects include building envelope improvements at Highland Village, the acquisition of a generator for Highland Village, and a Housing Rehabilitation Program in the Towns of Shelburne and Buckland.

John reported that the following fund balances are available for reallocation:

FY’11 CDBG: $ 27,202.98

FY’12 CDBG: $127,478.49

Total: $154,681.47

Of the three projects, John Ryan recommended that the Town’s pursue the building envelope improvements at Highland Village. John explained that the Shelburne Housing Authority has earmarked $46,555 for the project and hired an architectural firm in anticipation of the work, to develop bid specifications and drawings. Estimated costs for the building envelope project are $201,236.00. If the towns were to agree to allocate remaining CDBG funds and Shelburne Housing Authority’s financial contribution, there would be sufficient funding available to accomplish the proposed work. Linda Overing of Breezeway Farm Consulting Services indicated that their agency would be seeking an aggressive schedule with the hopes of beginning the work this fall. Although there is not much money earmarked for contingencies, she is optimistic that costs associated with the project will remain within the budget.

Joe opened the meeting up to public comment. He recognized Buckland Selectboard members Cheryl Duke and Kevin Fox. Chairwoman, Cheryl Dukes indicated that her Board fully supports the use of remaining FY’11 and FY’12 CDBG funds to accomplish the Highland Village Building Envelope Project. Buckland Selectmen, Kevin Fox echoed Cheryl’s sentiments. He indicated that Shelburne and Buckland’s joint applications have been a long and fruitful venture. He recognized that in year’s past, Buckland has benefitted from surplus funds therefore; he is pleased that Shelburne has a viable project (Highland Village) that will benefit.

Robin Sherman, Executive Director for Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority was delighted to receive support for the proposed project from both towns. She stated that their agency would have never been able to accomplish all of the work done so far without Community Block Grant funding. Robin also indicated that she was pleased to learn that the Town is interested in seeking a generator for Highland Village. Their agency had planned on investing in a backup power source for the Community Room and would be happy to partner with the Town should they decide to proceed.

Helen Scott of Upper Street, Buckland indicated that her property abuts the Clesson Street Brook. Her residence received damaged during Tropical Storm Irene and she is currently on a waiting list for housing rehabilitation funds. She asked where residents should turn when in need of this type of financial assistance. Neither the towns of Buckland or Shelburne currently have housing rehabilitation programs in place. Linda Overing suggested that Ms. Scott attend one or more of the public hearings in the fall when the towns are developing their grant applications and request that Buckland consider a housing rehabilitation program. In her closing comments, Ms. Scott voiced support for the Highland Village Improvement Project.

Chairman Judd closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m.

Bob Manners presented a motion to submit budget amendments to the Department of Housing and Community Development for FY’11 ($27,202.98) and FY’12 ($127,478.49) and reallocating said funds to the Highland Village Building Envelope Improvement Project. John Payne seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Diane Broncaccio of Main Street asked whether the town intended to paint the cross walks on Bridge Street this fall. She noted that the cross walks have faded considerably. Joe thanked Diane for her comment and indicated that he would speak to the Highway Superintendent.


Proposed Development of the Glacial Pothole Area – Joe reported that National Heritage has indicated that the Town must ensure that any development of the glacial pothole area is accomplished in a manner that protects one Mountain Alder tree located along the river’s edge. Joe has placed a call to Guntlow and Associates to see if the layout of the original plan can be altered in a manner that protects the tree.

Ann Hamilton RE: Cider Days Request – John presented a motion to approve the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce request to host the 19th annual Cider Days event in Shelburne on November 2nd and November 3rd, 2013 as presented in the letter of request. The approval was made with the following provisions: that a police detail is hired to ensure safe crossing on Main Street, that all the necessary permits are obtained from the Board of Health, pouring of cider is monitored responsibly, and areas where cider is consumed is contained to a specific area. Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

John Pollard RE: Request for Stop Signs – Both the Highway Superintendent and the Police Chief reviewed the locations that Mr. Pollard recommended the installation of stop signs (Shelburne Center Road and Bardwells Ferry Road). Joe reported that Mark Shippee felt that the matter was one of public safety therefore, rendered no opinion. John reported that Chief Walker felt that other areas of town might warrant before these two intersections. Bob suggested trimming back some of the tree branches for better visibility. Joe agreed. John will discuss the Board’s conclusions with Mr. Pollard.

Emergency Management Related Matters:

Emergency Management Committee – In years past, the Board has appointed an emergency management committee formed jointly with the Town of Buckland. Buckland has since disbanded their local Committee in favor of the Regional EMC; members of Shelburne’s Emergency Management Committee recommend that Shelburne replace the joint Committee with a six member group comprised of the Emergency Management Director, Police Chief, Board of Health, Fire Chiefs from both Districts, and the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. John presented a motion to disband the jointly formed Committee with the Town of Buckland and establish a six member Emergency Management Committee comprised of Shelburne officials. Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Western Mass Intergovernmental Emergency Mutual Aid Agreement – Shelburne’s Emergency Management Committee recommends that the Selectboard sign an Addendum to the Western Mass Intergovernmental Emergency Mutual Aid Agreement showing support for the new Franklin County Regional Shelter Plan. Before taking any action, the Board will review the document to determine the level of financial impact if any.

Portable Generator – The Emergency Management Committee is recommending that the Town purchase a portable generator for use during emergencies. Joe recommended that the Board allocate funds for the purchase at our next town meeting. Both John and Bob agreed that a portable generator would be beneficial to have. When the Board schedules the next town meeting, they will determine what amount might be appropriate to allocate for the purchase.

Proposed Police Department Relocation - Working with the Police Department, John has identified 8 or more potential sites for relocating the Police Department. After weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each one, the top three sites include: the Jehovah’s Witness building on Route 2, the Sweetheart Restaurant, and land to the west of the Cowell Gymnasium (between Cowell and Highland Village). Of the three options, John believes that the Jehovah’s Witness building is the least expensive option. His goal is to continue working on a proposal for presentation at the annual town meeting. Bob suggested that John also explore the Palmeri Building and the Shelburne Center Fire Station.

Fiscal Year 2012 Audit Review – last week Board members with Dan Haynes of Scanlon and Associates to review the audit results. Resulting from that meeting, the Board decided to address the following areas of concern:

GASB Statement Number 45 – Terry will obtain a cost estimate so that the Board can allocate funds at the next town meeting for the completion of this actuarial study.

GASB Statement Number 34 – Bob and Terry will work together to compile a list of the town’s capital assets valued at $10,000 or greater.

Review of Cash Receipts Procedures – Board members will review the manner in which each of their departments receives cash and recommend policies or protocol where needed.

Internal Controls over Financial Reporting – using the Small Town Administrators network, Terry will seek sample procedures from other cities and towns.

Transfer Station Procedures – The Town will purchase pre-numbered trash labels as a means of tracking sales and review the Transfer Station cash deposit procedure.

A More Aggressive Tax Collection Policy – Bob presented a motion authorizing the Board to request a list of tax delinquencies on a quarterly basis. John seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board will also schedule a presentation with UniBank to learn more about on-line payment systems.

Cable Advisory Committee – Members of the Cable Advisory Committee have offered to pursue the best strategy for bringing high speed internet to all homes in Shelburne. Before meeting with the Committee on September 9th, John recommended that the Selectboard give the Cable Advisory Committee approval to begin developing a strategy or multiple strategies; recommend a committee structure and/or sub-structure to accomplish these goals; develop a funding plan to be presented at the Annual Town Meeting in May; and determine whether it would be beneficial to join other underserved communities or focus solely on Shelburne.


FC Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority RE: Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program (Robin Sherman and MJ Adams) – The FC Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority is currently managing twenty-three outstanding loans for Shelburne (a total of $695,000). In the absence of a “subordination, transfer, release, and forgiveness policy,” their agency is unable to modify any of the loans upon request. Executive Director, Robin Sherman briefly explained HRA’s policies regarding the various types of loan servicing. HRA has one loan currently waiting subordination therefore; Robin was hopeful that the Board would consider approving the policy language this evening. Following a brief question and answer period, John presented a motion to approve Appendix C entitled: Subordination, Transfer, Release, and Forgiveness Policy that will allow the HRA to service existing loans. Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Subsequently, the HRA would also like Shelburne Selectmen to consider entering into an agreement for participation in the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program. Currently, all proceeds of loans are returned to the town as Program Income (must be used for CDBG eligible projects) or unrestricted funds. If the town were to enter into an agreement with HRA, Shelburne could opt to place a portion of the proceeds in a revolving loan fund in the event a resident is in need of a housing rehabilitation loan. The agreement states that the HRA may deduct a fee of up to 24% of the value of funds loaned to residents at the time the new loans are closed to cover program delivery and administration costs. HRA may deduct an additional 2% for loan servicing. Members of the Board indicated that they would like to review the agreement again before making a decision.