Release to Obtain Non-Public Financial Information

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4053 of the California Financial Code and other provisions of the California Financial Privacy Act, this document is to authorize Jan B. Tucker and J.B. Tucker & Associates, California Private Investigator License #PI-10143, and any person authorized to act as an agent of Jan B. Tucker, to obtain, receive, copy, and/or inspect at the discretion of Jan B. Tucker any and all financial documents to which I am entitled, including but not limited to non-public financial information as defined in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the California Financial Privacy Act.

If this document is provided to any government agency, this document authorizes Jan B. Tucker and/or any of his agents to obtain, receive, copy, and/or inspect any and all records, writings, documents, and/or other things as defined in the California Information Practices Act, Section 1798 et seq of the California Civil Code and/or the Federal Privacy Act 5 USC 552a.

By this document, I direct the recipient of this document to permit Jan B. Tucker and/or his agents and designees to obtain, receive, copy, and/or inspect the afore-described documents as described in writing by Jan B. Tucker.

Pursuant to the provisions of Financial Code Section 4053(a)(2)(C), I am consenting to the disclosure to Jan B. Tucker and J.B. Tucker & Associates nonpublic personal information pertaining to me and my financial transactions;

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4053(a)(2)(D), this consent will remain in effect until revoked or modified by me; (ii) I am aware that I may revoke this consent at any time; and (iii) and that I may revoke or modify this consent by providing a written revocation to the recipient at any time by mail or by personal delivery;

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4053(a)(2)(E) (i) the recipient financial institution will maintain this document or a true and correct copy; (ii) I am aware that I am entitled to a copy of the document upon request; and (iii) I have been provided with a copy of this document for my own records.


