From our President:
Anne Bender
Dear Roses for Our Lady Members and Friends,
We’ve all heard the expression that a picture is worth a thousand words. Roses for Our Lady is so pleased that 19 young children, all preparing for their First Holy Communion this year, chose to share a thousand words of love for the Blessed Mother by entering our first ever drawing and essay contest. The entries were all fabulous and choosing the winners was a difficult decision for the Roses Board. The winners, Abby Birr from St. John Vianney Parish and Erick Murguia from Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, will have the honor of crowning the statue of Our Lady at this year’s May Crowning on Sunday, May 11th at 2 PM at the Archdiocesan Marian Shrine. Please join us on this very special day to show your love and devotion for the Blessed Mother and to congratulate our winners, as well as all of the other First Communicants who will be in attendance.
Another example of the value of a picture is the fund-raising effort that is underway toward the purchase of a processional banner for Roses for Our Lady. When we process with the Eucharist while praying the rosary, we would like to carry a visible image of our organization so that all who see us will know at one glance, who we are and what we stand for. A high quality banner will last for many, many years to come and will be something that will give glory to God through its reverent use. Currently we are in need of $2600 before we can purchase a custom designed, handmade banner from Gaspard Vestments. Would you please consider a tax-deductible donation toward the banner? Please send us the name of a loved one you would like us to remember along with your donation and we will pray for them at the Mass in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Mother on September 8th at 7 PM at Divine Mercy Parish in South Milwaukee with Bishop Donald Hying. You may send a check made out to Roses for Our Lady, or, if it’s more convenient, donate online by visiting our website and using our new paypal account.
I’m looking forward to praying with you at the May Crowning!
May Crowning
Please mark your calendars for our 34rd annual
May Crowning and Eucharistic Rosary Procession.
Sunday, May 11th * 2:00 pm
Mother’s Day
Archdiocesan Marian Shrine
(68th & Stevenson)
We encourage all members to attend this wonderful tribute to Our Lady and to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. How fitting it is for us to dedicate the month of May to the Blessed Virgin as we enjoy the beautiful spring weather at the shrine grounds.
Our spiritual advisor, Bishop Don Hying will
preside at this event, and will be assisted by
Fr. Jim Kubicki SJ, Fr. Tim Kitzke, Fr. Enrique Hernandez and Fr. Steve Avella. The day will include exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a traditional May Crowning of our statue of Our Lady of Fatima, a procession with the Blessed Sacrament through the streets while we pray the rosary and sing hymns, and will conclude with Benediction.
This event will take the place of our regularly scheduled May Holy Hour. (There will not be a Holy Hour at the seminary on Mother’s Day).
For those who are unable to walk in the procession, the rosary will also be prayed at the shrine.
We ask all Roses members who have been assigned a duty to wear white tops and black bottoms and to return the blue sashes after the service. If you have a blue sash in your possession, please return it so that it can be used at the May Crowning! Thanks!
As always, this year’s First Communicants are invited to wear their First Communion attire. Let’s try to round up as many young ones as we can! All First Communicants in attendance will receive a rosary blessed by Bishop Hying.
Since this event is held outdoors, please pray for good weather and bring a lawn chair in case we run short.
Donations Needed!
We would like to have a Roses for Our Lady processional banner made, and would like to purchase a stand for it. Memorial donations will be accepted in honor of your loved one. Please be generous.
Festa Italiana Mass & Procession
Sunday, July 20th * 11:00 am
Join Roses for Our Lady in praying the rosary during the procession after the Festa Italiana Mass at the Summerfest grounds along Milwaukee’s lakefront. Our members should dress in white tops and black bottoms, and we will provide you with a blue sash. When you come to the Mass, look to the stands and you will see our statue and vara in the lineup with the others. Admission to Festa is free for those who attend the Mass and bring a non-perishable food donation for the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee, and then you can stay and enjoy all the good Italian food and music after the procession. First Communicants are especially invited to participate wearing First Communion attire.
Anne Bender, president
1908 S. 75th St.
West Allis, WI 53219
pray the rosary daily for world peace
From our Spiritual Advisor:
Bishop Donald Hying
Auxiliary Bishop of Milwaukee
Although the Scriptures are silent on this point, doesn’t it make sense that Jesus would have appeared first to the Blessed Virgin after His resurrection? As His mother, as His first disciple, as the one who faithfully stood at the foot of the cross as a witness to hope in the darkest of nights, the Blessed Virgin Mary would be the most appropriate person to experience the risen Christ first! We rejoice with the Blessed Virgin that death, sin and suffering do not have the final word on us, that against all expectation. Jesus rose from the tomb
January 2013 Election Results
The following people were elected to leadership and service at our January meeting:
President - Anne Bender
Vice-President - Kurt Keidl, OFS
Treasurer - Don Torner
Secretary - Larry Schmidt
Trustees - Joan Jurkowski, Tim Jurkowski, Joe Roets, Helen Krueger, Sylvester Markowski,
Toni Robaczek, Mike Wojcinski
The Roses for Our Lady Board and all members are under the spiritual direction of Bishop Donald Hying.
and we now enjoy the promise of forgiveness, mercy and eternal life. Both Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, who are freshly canonized, were deeply Marian in their outlook. Indeed, their vision for a renewal of the Church was in some profound ways, formed by the discipleship and faith of the Mother of God whose example of radical belief, surrender and trust still inspires millions of Catholics to do the same. As we enjoy our beautiful spring after such a harsh winter, we honor the Mother of God who brought Light and Life into the world. Rejoice, O Virgin Mary! Jesus Christ has risen, just as He said!