PE & Sport Development Plan
This 2 yr. PE and Sport Development Plan has been developed in order to achieve outstanding National Curriculum outcomes in relation to: participation, standard of achievement and health, sitting within an overall whole-school improvement process.
It applies to both physical education and sport in core curriculum lessons (National Curriculum entitlement for all), as well as within extra-curriculum provision (voluntary basis).
School’s Mission / Vision Statement:
Oakwood Primary School aspires to create a safe environment where children are able to achieve their full potential in all aspects of their learning and development. We will achieve this by creating a learning environment which is stimulating and challenging, inclusive and enjoyable.
Oakwood aims to promote a pride in a sense of belonging to our school and local community.
School’s PE & Sport Mission / Vision Statement: To support excellence in PE by increasing participation and engaging in competitive activities so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performances they are capable of.
New National Curriculum aims from 2014.
Competent pupils able to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
Pupils have the ability to be physically active for sustained periods of time.
Pupils to be able to engage in competitive sports and activities.
Pupils to be supported to lead healthy and active lifestyles.
Targets areas per year. / Targets achieved2014-2015 / Increased teacher’s confidence in delivering good teaching and learning of P.E. across the school.
Started monitoring the teaching of P.E. in school.
Increased the participation of children in after school clubs across the year.
- Increase girl’s participation in extra curriculum activities.
- Increase the participation of children in after school clubs, including SEN children (monitored and need to continue from previous year to increase percentages of children participating)
- Improve the assessment of P.E. across the school, as a way of recording children’s progress.
- To continue the monitoring of the teaching of P.E across the school.
- Develop house (intra) competitions across the school to contribute to the Sainbury’s silver kitemark award.
Increased participation of SEND children by purchasing a range of inclusive sporting equipment.
Collected assessment of Year 1’s baseline to support the teaching of the fundamentals in Year 2.
Continued to develop house competitions across the school – celebrating results on the schools website.
Continued to monitor teacher’s confidence and CPD in school by collecting evidence through staff audits.
- Increase opportunities for SEND children to participate in a wide range of sports.
- To improve children’s awareness of the Olympic goals and incorporate these goals across the curriculum.
- Increase teacher’s confidence in teaching OAA across the school.
- To continue to develop (Intra) competitions across both Key stages.
- Improve children’s confidence and competence with swimming.
- To improve playtime experiences for children by improving the outside environment and increasing the activities they can enjoy.
Children’s awareness of the Olympic goals increased and incorporated across the curriculum-Summer 2016.
Children’s confidence and competence with swimming improved, additional at Y3 and Heidi’s Heroes Y5 and Y6.
Feb 17, saw massive change in playtime structure and available activities.
Desired outcomes / Evidence / Specific actions
Action required / Funding and Resources
/ Timescale / Evidence of Impact
School vision and development plan.
- School vision for
PE and Sport known, used and understood by school community.
PE development plan available on website /
- Vision statement and plan to be confirmed by H.T.
- Vision statement to be incorporated into wider documentation – confirm with H.T.
- PE and Sport part of the School Development Plan 2015-2017 – confirm with H.T.
- Development plans accessible on website
- Release time to update development plan and discuss with HT
- Development plan updated by the end of September 2016
- Discussion with H.T. by the mid October.
Development plan has helped highlight target areas for focus in 2016-2017, and help monitor achievements of 2014-2016.
Celebration of PE across whole school
- PE and Sport provision contribute to overall school improvement.
PE and sport used to engage with the wider community and foster positive relationships with other schools and organisations. /
- P.E. board in Library. Teams feeding back information on events/games attended.
- Certificates and prizes (intra competitions) awarded in assembly.
- Swimming certificates awarded in assembly.
- Token box as rewards and recognition of house competitions
- Sports page on website celebrates the children’s achievements in sport during school time, and at inter school competitions.
- Dance- often cross curricular relating to the school theme.
- Street dance perform in front of the school. More opportunities for classes to perform to an audience.
- Raising the awareness of School Games Values / Olympic and Paralympic across the whole school- assemblies, notice boards, across different lessons and golden book.
- Attend cluster meetings to discuss and plan activities across schools and organisations.
- Sport to be embedded in cross curriculum lesson and as a whole theme during the final school topic in 2016 focused around the Olympics.
- P.E. board, time in assembly,
- Website (R.E. and TG/KJ)
- assembly time (celebration assembly)
- Purchase token box and tokens.
- Resources made available to staff for final topic.
- P.E. board and website continually monitored and updated across the year.
- April 2016 – begin to collate resources for staff for final topic.
- Token box by end Jan 17.
PE board regularly updated to showcase the array of sports and opportunities.
The children enjoy talking in assembly about the competitions they’ve entered. This has increased pupil participation in competitions.
The children enjoy celebrating their achievements in assembly.
School website has been updated with information about successes in competitions. School website used to inform parents about sports clubs and upcoming competitions.
Year 5 during share day- shared class dances with parents and each other. The children enjoyed performing the dances they had created to an audience.
Olympic values to be in cooperated in celebration assembly each week. Summer topic focused around the Olympics.
Olympic Topic covered during Summer 2016.
- Strong leadership and management of PE and Sport
Identified, skilled PE Co-ordinator developing core provision and supporting all staff through their regular access and involvement in relevant PE and sport CPD.
All pupils (including targeted groups) enabled to progress and achieve appropriately.
H.T. understands the importance of P.E. as part of whole school development and continually discusses ways to improve children’s opportunities for variety of sport in schools. /
- KS2 – 2 hours of P.E. during the week. Re-focus.
- KS1-1 hour 30 minutes of P.E./ active activities during the week. Create an Active every day pack for KS1 to include 10 minute activities.
- Making staff aware of new changes to the curriculum in regards to P.E. and the schools vision for P.E.
- Sign up for CPD courses for relevant staff members, opportunities for coaches to come in and support staff in teaching a variety of sports.
- Staff attended CPD courses to understand how to deliver the new P.E. schemes of work.
- To continue the opportunities for teachers to observe coaches delivering high quality sessions to children.
- To encourage staff to teach parts of sessions alongside coaches.
- Introduction of Daily mile-KS2. More active playtimes-KS1.
- CPD opportunities continually made available to staff through email.
- New schemes of work to support and improve the teaching of P.E. across foundation, KS1 and KS2.
- CPD courses made available during Autumn term for staff to sign up to.
- New Staff audit send out in Autumn term 2015, to monitor areas for CPD for staff.
- Discussion with all staff members about CPD needs- Sept 16.
Summer 2015: Audits sent out for new schemes of work. Audits show a positive response to the schemes of work, and some areas for improvement. Therefore an increase in the teaching of P.E. has led to children’s physical and social well-being improving.
Federation staff training on Kin Ball took place in April 2016. Teachers making use of resources and training
Opportunities have been made available for staff to observe coaches delivering football, athletics and OAA. This has impacted teacher’s confidence and competence in teaching different areas of Physical Education.
Summer 2016:
Discussion with all staff members about CPD needs- Sept 16.
Curriculum and Teaching
- Broad, rich and engaging PE and sport curriculum
- High quality
teaching and learning
- Rich, varied and inclusive PE and sport offer as an extension of the curriculum.
- High quality outcomes for all through PE and sport
An extensive range of sports are available through a programme that both responds to demand and introduces physical activities that pupils may not have otherwise experienced.
Numerous pupils represent the school and are part of community clubs that the school has links with.
Pupils’ achievements are celebrated and shared with parents and carers. /
- New schemes of work delivered implemented in school to improve the teaching of P.E.
- Curriculum map, allocate coaches to different year groups, Playtime Ambassadors direct as officials, leading warm ups.
- Offering different sports activities through golden time, signposting to external clubs made.
- Identified the competitions available during the year and assigned certain age groups/year groups to attend.
- Sports page on school website, certificates sent home to celebrate achievements and noticeboard to celebrate successes.
- Continue to roll out young
- Teach lunch time activities to children. – trialled during 2016.
- Plan and prepare new scheme of resources to teach OAA in school.
- Curriculum map
- Golden time
- Sports network events.
- School website.
- Release time to prepare resources for OAA
- Schemes of work implemented Jan 2015.
- Competitions signed up for Sept 2015.
- School website updated regularly (at least once a term)
- Coaching chosen July 2015. Coaches were allocated across different year groups.
- By Easter have OAA resources available for staff.
The website has enhanced communication with parents/carers.
We monitored the children’s enjoyed of P.E. in school through pupil questionnaires. Results below:
Ks2 findings:
61% of children enjoy always enjoy P.E. lessons. 35% sometimes and 4 % never.
Ks1 findings:
80% children enjoy P.E., 18% sometimes and 2% never.
We also analysed the participation of children in clubs during the spring term 2016, and found only 32% children participated in extra curriculum activities.
Furthermore only 8% of girls participated in the clubs compared to 24% of boys.
Therefore through questionnaires we asked children to specify what sports clubs they would like to join.
The summer term results show an increase in children’s participation.
57% of whole school attended extra curriculum clubs. That is a 25% increase from the spring term.
29%participation from girls (+ 21% increase) and 28% (+4% increase) participation from boys.
Oct- April 2016
Year 5 received OAA training. A resource pack has been made available to teach OAA to Year 5/6 in school.
Sept 2016- Year 3 received OAA training and additional resources for OAA pack.
Jan 2016 Lunch time games:
T.G. has incorporated lunch time games to KS1 and KS2. A new lunch time game is taught to each class every 2 weeks through PE lessons and class teaching. The children have responded well to the learning the new games however there is very little evidence of children playing the games independently. Re-trial when Young Leaders up and running.
Providing a healthy, active lifestyle
- All pupils provided with a range of opportunities to be physically active and understand how physical activity can help them adopt a healthy, active lifestyle.
Strategies in place to consult pupils on activities offered.
Positive attitudes towards healthy and active lifestyles are encouraged amongst staff and pupils and are extended to parents and carers. /
- Improve the participation of children at sports camps.
- Access SportAbility sessions 2016/17
- Access Maximise your Potential sessions 2016/17
- Range of golden time and after school clubs offered to the children. (continue Sporty Stars)
- Healthy food choices offered to children and made available for parents.
- Make sports opportunities outside school available to parents on school newsletters/ dojo.
- Consider Early morning run- KS2, 10 mins (KJ)
- Consider Active Afternoon play KS1 (TG)
- P.E. policy in place, update the policy in view of action plan and new funding.
- Club link with Nathan Lake- Squash
- Coaches for extra curriculum clubs.
- Resources made available to teachers for sports relief , Oakley Olympics.
- Golden time choices
- Transport to sports camps.
- Work alongside the healthy lifestyle programme in school.
- Sign up to sport camps when available.
- Golden time choices determined once a term.
- Early morning run- Start by October half term
- KS1 playtimes- speak to Dave.
Golden time provided children with a more inclusive curriculum to engage them in different sports.
Sporting camps provide parents with a greater awareness of opportunities available in the community.
- Effective utilisation of new PE and sport funding
Budgets made available on school website. /
- Create a breakdown of the budget for 2016-2017. Make it available on the website.
- Analyse the impact of money spent.
- Website
- Time available with J.P and H.T. to discuss funding.
- Website
- Copy of a breakdown of the money given.
More money has been spent on extra curriculum activities, and playtime resources. This has increased the children’s participation in sports and ensures more children are active outside the classroom.
Sept 2015-2016:From analysis of money spent during 2014-2015, greatest emphasis has been made to spend money on swimming initiatives for the school and ways to improve playtimes and lunchtimes.
New budget made available on the website for 2015-2016 spending.
Summer 2016:
Y3 swimming allocation doubled
Full entitlement to swimming throughout year, for SEND.
Kin ball purchased and training across Federation.
2017: PE Premium expenditure published on website. Largest proportion spent on SSN membership, followed by transport to allow us to access many of Level 2 Sports opportunities, then Y3 additional swimming allocation and further enhancing playtime opportunities..