Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14 June, 2017 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton, at 7:02 pm


Chair: Councillor M Stevenson

Vice Chair: Councillor K Jones

Councillors: R Bovey, J Green, D Rollason, B Thorne,

Ex Officio: Councillor: R Peart (Mayor),

Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons

Others present: Mr Kevin Arnold, TDC Dog Warden.

Introduction of Mr Kevin Arnold, TDC Dog Warden, who was present to advise on the procedures and legislation of dog fouling. Councillors asked questions.

The following was stated:-

TDC currently work to the ‘Dogs Fouling of Land Act (1996), however, this will be superseded in 2018 to the ‘Public Spaces Protection Order’.

This will mean that dog owners will have to pick up dog mess, anywhere and everywhere on public land otherwise they will be run the risk of being prosecuted. On a highway dogs must be on a lead.

The fine for dog fouling is currently £50 – providing it is paid immediately, otherwise prosecution can lead to a criminal record and a fine of up to £1000

If a dog owner picks up the dog mess and puts it in a bag and then leaves the bag behind – the fine increases to £75 as it is considered to be dog fouling and littering.

Volunteers have to be prepared to make a witness statement in court to be able to prosecute. DEFRA – will stipulate that a maximum of 6 dogs are permitted to be let out with one owner at any one time. The Police are responsible for dogs that frighten people. CCTV cannot be used to prosecute people and neither can wardens hide in order to catch people. Nobody has any power to ask people if they have a plastic bag to pick up dog waste.

Council thanked Mr Kevin Arnold for his time and information supplied.

Mr Kevin Arnold will forward signs to KTC office.

RFF55/17 To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the council

Apologies were received from Councillors B Austen and L Rose who were on holiday and Councillor J Scagell who had work commitments.

Resolved that, apologies were accepted and approved.

RFF56/17 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

RFF57/17 Minutes

Resolved that, the Minutes of the Recreation/Footpaths/The Fountain Committee held on Wednesday 10 May, 2017 as previously circulated, be taken as read and agreed as being a correct record and signed as such by the Chairman.

RFF58/17 Clifford Park – Update by Cllr Stevenson/Rose

Cllr Stevenson updated from the last FOCP meeting held on Monday 5 June, 2017. A sum of £155 was raised at the Ram Roast. A new list of possible new members was obtained for which the checking of Data Protection for storing of personal information is to be undertaken. One lady expressed an interest in taking on the accountancy and also a Solicitor and Church representative wish to be considered as Trustees.

Publicity by means of a Flyer to promote awareness of the ongoing plans for the development of Clifford Park is to be considered as well as a possible website and e-mail addresses. MDA have agreed to do an editorial feature. Tesco have offered their foyer to permit a presentation of the plans’ also a collection can be undertaken at Tesco.

Cllr Stevenson advised that infrastructure starting with pathways, cables and ducting for services required are to be done first to a centre point, possibly the Pavillion/Bandstand Shelter. RBL to be involved with arrangements. Once this has been agreed, prices for each area of the park development have to be obtained and funding will be sought. A programme will be but together to action the work to be done in stages, ie. Bandstand, childrens play park, skate park, quiet area.

KTC will not be approached for funding. KYC should be considered to give a framework of requirements. FOCP will raise all monies and hand over to KTC for the purchase of equipment. All equipment has to go to tender through the ESPO Framework.

Asda & the Co-op support community projects, so will investigations will be made with these organisations. A presentation will be made to the Rotary Club soon as per there request made at the Ram Roast.

The CIO document is complete but has to be correctly formatted by Heidi. After which it will be forwarded to Town Clerk, Carol Lakin and taken to the July 2017 Full Council meeting. The CIO objects can be reviewed and a further Council representative can be nominated as a Trustee. The document will be forwarded to the Charity Commission. The CIO will have to list all trustees. Members will elect the trustees annually at the AGM. The CIO will be a public document.

A request was made for an agreement to be drawn up between Friends of Clifford Park and Kingsteignton Town Council.

Action to be taken by: Cllr M Stevenson

Resolved that, Town Clerk is to arrange to consult with a Solicitor to have the deeds viewed and clarification of ownership of Clifford Park to be sought. An agreed budget of £2,000.00 was approved by Council for costs.

Also for a copy of the FOCP Minutes to be sent to all Councillors when received from the Committee.

Action to be taken by: Town Clerk, Mrs Carol Lakin

RFF59/17 Oakford Lawn - Update

·  Trees – Update

TURKEY OAK: Councillors were advised that Hull Landscapes felled diseased Turkey Oak Tree (Map Ref A), on Tuesday 6th June, 2017 following surveys for bats & nesting resulting in none present in the said tree, carried out by Devon Wildlife Trust.

HORSE CHESTNUT: On Wednesday 7th June, 2017 Hull Landscapes carried out the required tree surgery on the largest of the Horse Chestnut Trees (Map Ref G2 A) to meet the necessary requirements from the report dated 13th January 2013, carried out by Devon Tree Services for work to be carried out within 5 years of the inspection date of 8th January 2013.

·  Sub Station Area – Update by Cllrs Peart

Cllr Peart reported that the fence has disappointingly not been put up yet. Also, that schools are to be involved once the fence has been erected to research what flowers were grown back in Roman times and for these to be planted in the large planter area. To be developed into a history garden. Senior citizens from the Oakford Senior Citizens Club and KingsCare can also be involved in time. An information board will be erected in the future.

Resolved that, Mrs Simmons sends a letter to all Kingsteignton schools in time for action in September, to invite them to participate in the above.

Also for a new sign to be ordered ‘No Dogs Allowed’ (except Guide Dogs)

Action to be taken by: Mrs S Simmons

·  Golpler Pathway

Mrs Simmons advised that The Kingsteignton Village Trust have to be consulted prior to any quotes being sought for the tarmacking of a pathway from either end of Oakford Lawn to meet with the new sub-station area.

Resolved that, Cllr K Jones will contact Ms E Rollason to seek approval from all members of the Trust.

RFF60/17 Footpaths – Update

Mrs Simmons advised Councillors that with the response from the advertisement in the last Town Council Newsletter and a couple of contacts, that a new group of volunteer walkers has been formed. They have received a briefing from DCC P3 Pathways Co-ordinator, Mrs Ros Davies and will be reporting back to the office shortly.

Cllr Green advised that pathway into Greenhill Way is overgrown.

RFF61/17 Garden, Craft & Hobby Fayre – Update by Cllr Peart

Cllr Peart reported the following from the meeting held on Monday 12 June, 2017:-

·  Risk Assessment – action being taken by Cllr Rollason

·  Map of lawn and layout of stands/activities organized

·  Cllr Stevenson will use the measuring wheel to mark out plots etc. on Thursday 27 July, 2017

·  Archery activity is still to be confirmed

RFF62/17 Bills for Payment


RFF63/17 Correspondence

·  Hello Sweetie – e-mail update received:-

Naomi and Donna have decided to leave the fun day for this year as they are running out of time to organize, so will be in touch if and when they decide to do one next year.

The meeting closed at 8:47 pm

Signed:……………………………….. Dated:……………………………………….