Can my child have 30 hours of childcare? a factsheet for parents
Working parents need to apply on the Government website:
Scroll down and click on “Apply now”.
Parents will be able to find out about, and apply for Tax Free Childcare and the 30 HourChildcare Offer.
At the bottom of this page there is a link for parents to begin their application:
Click on ‘Next’
The next screen tells you all the information they will need to apply:
You will be asked if you were invited to apply (some parents have received emails/letters from HMRC). If you have not received this email/letter you must select ‘NO’.
Remember to input the date of your youngest child – even if this is NOT the child who may be eligible for 30 hours of childcare.
If you haven’t set up your Government Gateway Account you must do so at this point:
You will need UK Passport*, Tax Credit Award Notice, P60*or recent Pay Slip.
You will also need your mobile phone to receive your ACCESS CODE as you sign up and get your USER ID.
*The process will be quicker if you use both of these documents.
There may be a screen before the one shown below, but this one will eventually appear.
You will will given a USER ID which you must use everytime you log in, so write this number somewhere safe.
You may be told it is too early to apply, but will be given the option to sign up for an email alert.
You will give this code to your chosen school / nursery / childminder when you are confirming your place. Theymust confirm the validity of the code with the Local AuthorityBEFORE your child can take up the offer of a 30 hour place.
Remember that parental eligibility MUST be reconfirmed every 3 months.
You will receive an email from HMRC to remind you that you must confirm your eligibility. Your childcare provider will receive a reminder from the Local Authority, and they will also tell you to reapply, but it is your responsibility to confirm your child’s eligibility.