Expectations: / Party Responsible / Submit To:
1 / Read the relevant section of the Curriculum Guidelines before beginning your proposal to ensure you are aware of what you need to submit. Curriculum Guidelines/forms are available: / Originator / NA
2 / Complete all needed forms and provide other needed information–do not submit incomplete proposals. Susan is available to assist with questions regarding proposal submissions such as: forms necessary, process, proper format etc. / " / Susan Augustine
3 / Proofread your proposal before submitting. / "
4 / Gather all needed supplemental docs (support, encroachment, etc. documentation)and ensure they are attached to the proposal (for course proposals make sure this documentation is provided to Susan in either electronic or paper form) / "
5 / Review the timeline for processing the proposal. Each proposal is reviewed by multiple committees so timing is critical. You are expected to meet all established deadlines for each group in the approval process. / "
6 / Include your name and contact information on the proposal so that questions may be forwarded directly to you. / "
7 / Consult with your program area before sending the proposal toyour school curriculumcommittee. Your program area will be asked for confirmation that they are in agreement with the proposal. / " / Program Committee
8 / Submit completed proposal package for review one (1) week prior to school curriculum committee meeting. / " / Susan Augustine
9 / Once your proposal is in the approval process, be aware of school, college and EPC meeting dates. Be prepared to attend each meeting to discuss your proposal and answer questions. / " / School Curriculum Committee
SUSAN AUGUSTINE - Curriculum Coordinator ph. 2-2187
1 / Be available to consult with faculty regarding proposal preparation and answer questions
2 / Proposal originator to submit packet one (1) weeks prior to the school curriculum committee meeting for review
3 / Attend all School, College, and EPC curriculum committee meetings
4 / Work with faculty following school committee meeting to make any revisions to proposal. Review proposal packet again to ensure all issues are resolved / School Director
1 / Review content of proposal to ensure that it meets the needs of the program / Prog. Committee
2 / Ensure paperwork has been completed appropriately including potential encroachment documentation / "
3 / Proofread all documents for errors / "
4 / Discussion by program faculty regarding consensus of proposal and passage by majority vote with a quorum present / "
5 / Minutes documenting meeting. Documentation of program approval for each proposal should be included in the meeting minutes and should include date discussed and approved by program. / Prog. Coordinator / School Director
6 / Proposal originator MUST attend school & college curriculum committee meetings
Expectations: / Party Responsible / Submit To:
1 / Confirm that discussion and voting has taken place at the program level. / Committee Chair
2 / Evaluates proposal to ensure that it upholds the expectations and values of the School / Committee
3 / Checks again for completeness of paperwork / Committee
4 / Check units consulted and any encroachment issues and ensures proper documentation is included in proposal / Committee
5 / Provide meeting minutes including discussion of each proposal. Each should include the date and passage, by a majority vote with a quorum of the School Committee present. / Committee Chair / School DirAssoc. Dean (Luci/Hilda)
6 / Make any changes as requested or suggested by committee and resubmit proposal for review of changes / Originator / Susan Augustine
7 / Obtain signature of School Director on final paper copy of proposal / Susan Augustine / School Director
8 / Proposal packet submitted to appropriate Associate Dean's office. / Susan Augustine / Hilda or Luci
1 / Ensure proposal is an appropriate fit for college / Curriculum Com
2 / Determine if proposal will pass EPC / Curriculum Com
3 / Determine how changes fit within the college operations / Curriculum Com
4 / Consider university expectations / Curriculum Com
5 / Consider college expectations including: quality, future trends, college strategic plan, student learning outcomes / Curriculum Com
6 / Obtain motion to approve with second and passage by majority vote with a quorum of the college committee present / Associate Deans / Appropriate EPC
1 / Evaluate for completeness and clarity. Completeness would include any revisions or paperwork requested by program committee and/or School curriculum committee
2 / Reserve the right to send proposal packet back to originator for revision
3 / Inform school director of need for EPC representation for action items
4 / Obtain appropriate signatures from Graduate Studies and submit to Curriculum Services for the monthly EPC mtg. / Admin. Asst. / Curriculum Services