USAID Punjab Enabling Environment Project (USAID PEEP)

Request for Applications (RFA) No.CDS Grants/RFA#003.3/2016

Capacity Development Support to Research and Academic Institutes for Market Growth Analysis

Issuance Date: April 10, 2016

Dear Applicant:

USAID Punjab Enabling Environment Project (USAID PEEP), implemented by Chemonics International,is seeking grant applicationsfor implementation of its Capacity Development Support Program (CDS). PEEP entails provision of technical assistance and grants under its “Capacity Development Support” program. The CDS is part of PEEP efforts to strengthen institutional and human capacity development in Punjab based entities contributing to policy and regulatory reforms related research, implementation of reforms or delivery of support services to the private sector enterprises in the horticulture, livestock and dairy sub-sectors.The grants will be awarded and implemented in accordance with USAID and US Government regulations governing grants under contracts and PEEP’s internal grant management policies.

Project and Chemonics employees may not ask for, and applicants are prohibited from offering, any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation to obtain or reward improper favorable treatment regarding this solicitation. Any improper request from a project employee should be reported to the chief of party .

Annexes included with this Request for Applications:

- Annex A- Grant Application Form

- Annex B– Grant Application Budget Form (Excel File)

- Annex C– Implementation Timeline

- Annex D– Applicant Self-Assessment Form

- Annex E– Required Certifications

  • Certification of “Representation by Organization Regarding a Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Criminal Conviction (AAPD 14-03, August 2014)”
  • Prohibition on Providing Federal Assistance to Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements – Representation (April 2015)

Additionally, applicants must sign the following required certifications prior to receiving a grant. The certifications are attached to this solicitation (Annex E) and PEEP will review them with applicants

  • Certification Regarding Terrorist Financing
  • Participant Certification Narcotics Offenses and Drug Trafficking
  • Certification of Recipient

- Annex F: Initial Environmental Examination Form



PEEP is awarding grants to concerned functions/departments and academic institutions serving horticulture, livestock and dairy sub-sectors in Punjab including agriculture market related sector in the province to strengthen institutional capacities in research institutes and academic institutions for market growth analyses.

The objective of this Request for Applications is to Support activities to improve capacities in selected departments and academic institutions to conduct/undertake broad based but focused market growth assessments, constraints analyses, and sector assessments needed to inform policy reforms, legislation reforms and investment decisions.

In order to sustain policy reforms and advocacy beyond the life of the project, systemic reforms and institutional development within the public and private sector organizations are imperative. To achieve this, USAID’s Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) aims at working with a broad range of stakeholders including the Government of Punjab, relevant associations, civil society, universities, and other public policy institutions in livestock, dairy and horticulture sectors.

Research and academic institutions play an important role in providing inputs for effective decision making at business level, strategy formulation at the industry level and evidence based policy formulation or reforms at the economy level. PEEP recognizes that strengthening capacities of related institutions is important to enhance competitive strength of the livestock, dairy and horticulture sub-sectors in Punjab.

As part of this RFA, PEEP is seeking applications from concerned functions/departments and academic institutions serving horticulture, livestock and dairy sub-sectors in Punjab including agriculture market related sector in the province.

Project interventions are meant to improve the business environment by reducing the cost and time of doing business and influencing policy and regulatory reforms through consultative mechanisms. This will help spur private sector investment leading to increased employment and incomes in the target subsectors. PEEP stakeholders include private sector entrepreneurs, civil society actors, including local universities, business service agencies and the Government of Punjab. Core advocacy groups will be established that will involve the civil society and the private sector to work together to help identify and advocate for better designing and implementation of various initiatives to improve Punjab’s business environment in the target subsectors.


Punjab’s agriculture sector, which includes livestock, dairy, and horticulture has long played a key role as the region’s main economic driver. The province, however, faces many obstacles to growth including power and water shortages, natural disasters, crime, and security concerns – all contribute to what has been a challenging business-enabling environment.

USAID’s Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) is a five-year effort to support the Government of Punjab in improving business environment for the livestock, dairy, and horticulture sub-sectors. The project is working to build a strong business enabling and policy environment to help boost private sector investment in the three subsectors. The project efforts will contribute towards USAID’s development objective of Increased Incomes and Employment in target sectors.

PEEP’s aim, therefore, is to focus on the following:

a)Accelerate advocacy for policy, regulatory and institutional reforms through the private sector, leading to early adoption and implementation of reforms;

b)Support institutional capacity building to sustain enabling environment reforms;

c)Mobilize major private sector investments in livestock, dairy, and horticulture projects in support of changes in the business environment.


This Request for Applications (RFA) is published to disseminate information with the aim to encourage competition in the award of grants under contract (GUC). Issuance of this RFA is part of the USAID PEEP processes for soliciting, evaluating and awarding grants support based on predefined processes and evaluation criteria to ensure transparent and competitive processes for the selection of sub-grantees and projects in line with USAID PEEP program goals.

USAID Punjab Enabling Environment Project’s goals will be achieved through this grants program by extending support for the following activities:

  1. Conduct market growth assessments, constraints analyses, and sector assessments needed to inform strategic decision making, policy reforms, legislative reforms and investment decisions.
  2. Undertake activities to strengthen capacities for market/sector research, analysis, compilation and inputs to support strategy and policy formulation.
  3. Engagement of industry experts for providing technical assistance needed for establishing/strengthening systems, improving processes and devising improvement plans for enhanced capacities.
  4. Develop and conduct capacity development programs to enhance capacity of its human resources.
  5. Develop and undertake capacity development programs to enhance the capacity of its stakeholders/clients including government, institutions, business associations, chambers of commerce and private businesses.
  6. Conduct research to support/strengthen inputs to government of Punjab.
  7. Activities for strengthening capacity development capacities of the grantee institutions.

The above is an illustrative list of areas for support through this RFA. It is by no means exclusive and creativity is encouraged from applicants.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Availability of facilities and human resources and improved processes are expected to enhance capacities of selected research institutes and academic institutions, which in turn would contribute to strengthening evidence based decision making at the level of individual businesses, business support organizations and policy formulation and reforms at the government of Punjab level in the target sub-sectors.
  • Inclusion of the academia, researchers and market analysis, strategy development experts in the strategy and policy formulation processes are expected to improve quality and effectiveness of policy formulation in the target sectors in Punjab.

PEEP recognizes that some grantees may need technical assistance to more effectively carry out the activity. Consequently applicants are encouraged to specify their needs for technical assistance and/or training in their application.


PEEP grant awards are made under the authority of the U.S. Foreign Affairs Act and USAID’s Advanced Directive System (ADS) 302.3.5.6, “Grants Under Contracts.” Awards made to non-U.S. organizations will adhere to guidance provided under ADS Chapter 303, “Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Non-Governmental Organizations” and will be within the terms of the USAID Standard Provisions for Non-U.S. Non-Governmental Recipients, as well asthe PEEP grants procedures.

ADS 303 references two additional regulatory documents issued by the U.S. Government’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Agency for International Development:

-2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Subpart E(U.S. applicants are subject to 2 CFR 200 in its entirety)

Full text of 2 CFR 200 can be found at and 2 CFR 700 at PEEP is required to ensure that all organizations receiving USAID grant funds comply with the guidance found in the regulations referenced above, as applicable to the respective terms and conditions of their grant awards.

Under the PEEP grant program, USAID retains the right at all times to terminate, in whole or in part, PEEP grant-making authorities.


PEEP anticipates awarding grants to Research and academic institutes for market growth analysis amounting to minimum of PKR 1,000,000 and upto PKR 2,500,000. The award funding can be increased depending on the nature and size of the project/grant.Duration of grant awards under this solicitation will vary depending on the nature and size of the project/grant. It is expected that initially these grants will be issued for 12 months. PEEP may increase the period of grant and funding depending on performance of the project, availability of funds and USAID approval. The estimated start date of grants awarded under this solicitation is to be determined.

The type of grant will be determined during the negotiation process.



The Applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Registered in Pakistan as a research institute, academic institute, private sector organization, non-governmental organization, and think tank under applicable laws and regulations, and should be compliant with mandatory laws and regulations.
  • Substantial experience of research and market growth analysis especially in the area of horticulture, livestock and dairy sub-sectors in Punjab province.
  • Have strong presence in PEEP priority areas and have done similar work with other international or national agencies.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate successful past performance in implementation of integrated development programs related to PEEP’s priority areas.
  • Applicants must have established outreach capabilities with linkages to the beneficiary groups, farmers and value chain players.
  • The proposed activity must respond to the goals and objectives of the PEEP project.
  • When applicable, applicant must provide an environmental assessment and mitigation report to comply with USAID environmental regulations.
  • Faith-based and community groups will receive equal opportunity for funding in accordance with the mandated guidelines laid out in Annex F of this RFA except for faith-based organizations whose objectives are for discriminatory and religious purposes, and whose main objective of the grant is of a religious nature.
  • Applicants must display sound management in the form of financial, administrative, and technical policies and procedures and present a system of internal controls that safeguard assets; protect against fraud, waste, and abuse; and support the achievement of program goals and objectives. PEEP will assess this capability prior to awarding a grant.
  • The following are required to be submitted as part of the application package in response to an RFA found in Annex E.
  • Certification of “Representation by Organization Regarding a Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Criminal Conviction (AAPD 14-03, August 2014)”
  • For any grant award(s) resulting from this solicitation that is other than in-kind and equivalent to $25,000 USD or more, grantees will be required to provide a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number at the time of award. If the applicant already has a DUNS number it should be included in their application. Otherwise, applicants will be expected to get a DUNS number before an award is made. PEEP will assist successful applicants with this process. DUNS numbers can be obtained online at
  • The project will work with the successful grantee to draft a marking and branding plan which will be annexed to the grant agreement.
  • Faith-based and community groups will receive equal opportunity for funding in accordance with the mandated guidelines laid out in ADS 303.3.28except for faith-based organizations whose objectives are for discriminatory and religious purposes, and whose main objective of the grant is of a religious nature.

PEEP encourages applications from new organizations who meet the above eligibility criteria.



Applicants must propose strategies for the implementation of the program description described above, introducing innovations that are appropriate to their organizational strengths.


All organizations selected for award are subject to a pre-award risk assessment conducted by PEEP, to ascertain whether the organization has the minimum management capabilities required to handle US government funds. The applicant self-assessment is the first step in the pre-award risk assessment process. The Applicant Self-Assessment Form is contained in Annex D.

Instructions and a template for the full application are in Annex D. Applicants that submit full applications that meet or exceed the merit reviewcriteria will be notified of next steps in the application process.


Templates to be utilized when developing the application are provided in Annex , A, B and C. Applicants shall present their technical application and budget in the formats providedand shall follow the instructions and guidelines listed in these annexes.

All grant activity costs must be within the normal operating practices of the Applicant and in accordance with its written policies and procedures. For applicants without an audited indirect cost rate, the budget may include direct costs that will be incurred by the Applicant to provide identifiable administrative and management costs that can be directly attributable to supporting the grant objective.

The application must be signed by an authorized agent of the Applicant.


PEEP grant funds may not be utilized for the following:

  • Construction or infrastructure activities of any kind. Note that Per ADS 303.3.30 and the ADS 303 Mandatory Reference entitled, “USAID Implementation of Construction Activities” dated August 22, 2013, construction is not eligible for reimbursement under grants resulting from this solicitation. Construction also includes improvements, renovation, alteration, and refurbishment.
  • Ceremonies, parties, celebrations, or “representation” expenses.
  • Purchases of restricted goods, such as: restricted agricultural commodities, motor vehicles including motorcycles, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, contraceptive products, used equipment; without the previous approval of PEEP, or prohibited goods, prohibited goods under USAID regulations, including but not limited to the following: abortion equipment and services, luxury goods, etc.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Purchases of goods or services restricted or prohibited under the prevailing USAID source/ nationality (Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran, North Korea, (North) Sudan and Syria).
  • Any purchase or activity, which has already been made.
  • Purchases or activities unnecessary to accomplish grant purposes as determined by the PEEP Project.
  • Prior obligations of and/or, debts, fines, and penalties imposed on the Grantee.
  • Creation of endowments.


Applications shall be submitted in English and may not be more than 10-15 pages (excluding Annexes).

Applications (Technical and budget proposals and supporting documentation) should be submitted in electronic copy to the PEEP office at the address below and should reference RFA No. CDS Grants/RFA#003.3/2016Applications must be submitted no later than 18:00 hours local time, on 16thMay, 2016,.Late or unresponsive applications will not be considered.

Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP)

E-mail: For Application Submission Electronically:

In addition to the application forms and budget, applicants should submit the following to PEEP:

-Implementation Plan (Annex C)

-Copy of valid Pakistani registration certificate and related GOP documentation

-Copy of last 3 annual financial report, income and expenditure report audited by licensed audit firm or practitioner, if available

-Applicant Self-Assessment Form (Annex D)

-Signed copies of the required certification package (included in the Annex E)

-CVs of proposed project personnel

-Copy of the organization's charter and by-laws.

Please submit all questions concerning this solicitation to the attention of Grants Manager, via email to will assist applicants in understanding the application process, and can provide coaching in application development at the request of applicants. Please note that no applications shall be accepted by hand.



Grants applications shall be evaluated based on defined criteria in ADS 303.3.6.3. All applications should be reviewed by Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) of PEEP project as per the evaluation criteria in the table below.

Evaluation Category / Rating (Points)
Design & Approach / 25
Impact on Target Group / 20
Management & Programmatic Capacity / 15
Sustainability / 20
Cost efficiency / 10
Past Performance / 10
Overall Rating (out of 100 points) / 100

These evaluation criteria elements are described more fully below.

A. Design & Approach. The quality and feasibility of the application, in terms of the appropriateness of the proposed methodology, innovativeness, and the work plan for achieving program objectives such as creating an internationally competitive horticulture, livestock and dairy sector in Punjab and improving the quality and quantity of domestic markets. Proposed mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation with objectively measurable indicators will also be appraised. 25 points.