Troop 65 Policy #1

Scout Leadership Policy

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BSA Troop 65

Troop Policy #1

Scout Leadership Policy

28 March 2003

1.0 Goals of the Scout Leadership Policy

1.1 To ensure all scouts are exposed to diverse leadership opportunities;

1.2  To ensure that a pool of trained scouts is available for top leadership roles in the troop;

1.3 To ensure that scouts are exposed to a variety of different scout leaders;

1.4 To ensure that scouts in leadership positions receive training appropriate to that position and are provided with support materials and information to enable them to be successful in their leadership role.

2.0  Senior Patrol Leader

2.1  The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) will be elected by a simple majority of the scouts present at the troop elections held in May of each year.

2.2  Qualifications for SPL: Minimum one year’s service as an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader in the troop; minimum Star Rank.

2.3  A scout may only be elected to a single, one year term as Senior Patrol Leader.

2.4  A scout may serve longer than one year if he is appointed by the Scoutmaster to complete the unfinished term of another Senior Patrol Leader.

3.0  Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders

3.1  The Senior Patrol Leader will be aided by Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPL’s).

3.2  The number of ASPL positions filled each year will be determined by the following ratio: One ASPL for every twelve (12) scouts registered as members of the troop in May of each year (rounded to the nearest whole number), except that no fewer than three ASPL positions will be filled in each year.

3.3  ASPL’s will be divided among elected and appointed positions determined by the following ratio: 6 ASPL’s (4 elected; 2 appointed); 5 ASPL’s (3 elected; 2 appointed);

4 ASPL’s (3 elected; 1 appointed); 3 ASPL’s (2 elected; 1 appointed).

3.4  Elected ASPL’s will be elected by a simple majority of the scouts present at the troop elections held in May of each year.

3.5  Appointed ASPL’s will be selected by the Scoutmaster following the troop elections in consultation with the Senior Patrol Leader and members of the Scoutmaster Staff.

3.6  Qualifications for ASPL: Minimum Star Rank; Minimum one year in Troop 65.

3.7  A scout may serve a total of two (2) years as ASPL, either in consecutive or non-consecutive one-year terms.

3.8  A scout may serve longer than two years as ASPL if he is appointed by the Scoutmaster to complete the unfinished term of another ASPL.

3.9  The Senior Patrol Leader, in consultation with the ASPL’s and Scoutmaster, will determine roles for the various ASPL’s in the troop. These roles may alternate or transition throughout the year.

4.0 Troop Scribe

4.1  The Troop Scribe will be elected by a simple majority of the scouts present at the troop elections held in May of each year.

4.2  Qualifications for Troop Scribe: First Class Scout; Minimum one year in Troop 65.

4.3  A scout may only be elected to a single, one-year term as Troop Scribe.

4.4 A scout may serve longer than one year as Troop Scribe if he is appointed by the Scoutmaster to complete the unfinished term of another Troop Scribe.

4.5 The SPL may, with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster, appoint an Assistant Troop Scribe. The Assistant Troop Scribe must hold the rank of at least Second Class Scout.

5.0  Troop Quartermaster

5.1 The Troop Quartermaster will be elected by a simple majority of the scouts present at the troop elections held in May of each year.

5.2 Qualifications for Troop Quartermaster: First Class Scout; Minimum one year in Troop 65.

5.3 A scout may only be elected to a single, one-year term as Troop Quartermaster.

5.4 A scout may serve longer than one year as Troop Quartermaster if he is appointed by the Scoutmaster to complete the unfinished term of another Troop Quartermaster.

5.5 The SPL may, with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster, appoint as many as three (3) Assistant Troop Quartermasters. An Assistant Troop Quartermaster must hold the rank of at least Second Class Scout.

6.0 Troop Librarian

6.1 The Troop Librarian will be elected by a simple majority of the scouts present at the troop elections held in May of each year.

6.2 Qualifications for Troop Librarian: First Class Scout; Minimum one year in Troop 65.

6.3  A scout may only be elected to a single, one-year term as Troop Librarian.

6.4 A scout may serve longer than one year as Troop Librarian if he is appointed by the Scoutmaster to complete the unfinished term of another Troop Librarian.

6.5  The SPL may, with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster, appoint an Assistant

Troop Librarian. The Assistant Troop Librarian must hold the rank of at least Second Class Scout.


7.0 Troop Historian

7.1 The Troop Historian will be elected by a simple majority of the scouts present at the troop elections held in May of each year.

7.2 Qualifications for Troop Historian: First Class Scout; Minimum one year in Troop 65.

7.3  A scout may only be elected to a single, one-year term as Troop Historian.

7.4  A scout may serve longer than one year as Troop Historian if he is appointed by the Scoutmaster to complete the unfinished term of another Troop Historian.

7.5 The SPL may, with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster, appoint an Assistant

Troop Historian. The Assistant Troop Historian must hold the rank of at least Second Class Scout.

8.0 Chaplain’s Aide

8.1 The Chaplain’s Aide will be elected by a simple majority of the scouts present at the troop elections held in May of each year.

8.2 Qualifications for Chaplain’s Aide: First Class Scout; Minimum one year in Troop 65.

8.3 A scout may only be elected to a single, one-year term as Chaplain’s Aide.

8.4 A scout may serve longer than one year as Chaplain’s Aide if he is appointed by the Scoutmaster to complete the unfinished term of another Chaplain’s Aide.

8.5 The SPL may, with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster, appoint an Assistant

Chaplain’s Aide. The Assistant Chaplain’s Aide must hold the rank of at least Second Class Scout.

9.0  Patrol Leaders

9.1  Each patrol in the troop will elect a patrol leader by a simple majority of the scouts present at patrol elections held in September and February of each year.

9.2  A patrol leader may not be re-elected, and may not hold the position a second time until all other members of the patrol have served as patrol leader.

9.3  The elected patrol leader will appoint the following positions within the patrol: assistant patrol leader and quartermaster. Insofar as possible, the patrol leader should ensure that individuals appointed to these positions have not held them previously.

9.4  The patrol leader may appoint a patrol scribe or other patrol office if he determines a need exists to fill such a position within the patrol.

9.5  The assistant patrol leader, patrol quartermaster, patrol scribe, and any other appointed patrol offices will not count as troop offices for the purpose of rank advancement.