Harry Potter Trivia Contest: Read the question ONLY. DO NOT READ THE ANSWER.

Book 2 and 3 Quiz Questions

August 10: Where is the Chamber of Secrets located?

A: In the girl’s bathroom that Moaning Myrtle is in.

August 11: How does Professor Lockhart lose his memory?

A: By casting a spell using a broken wand.

August 12: What Witch Weekly award has Gilderoy Lockhart won five times in a row?

A: Most- Charming-Smile Award.

August 13: How is Dobby set free?Why?

A: Through Lucius Malfoy giving Dobby Tom Riddle’s diary that has Harry’s

dirty sock. House Elves can only be set free by given a piece of

clothing by their master.

August 14: How is Hermione able to take so many classes?

A: A time turner gifted to her by Professor McGonagall.

August 17: How does Harry live through a Basilisk bite?

A: Phoenix Tears

August 18: What is the giant spiders name that belongs to Hagrid?

A: Aragog

August 19: Who dies from looking the basilisk in the eye?

A: Moaning Myrtle

August 20: Who is the first to get petrified?

A: Mrs. Norris (Filtches’s cat)

August 21: Who is Tom Riddle? And how does he come back?

A: Voldemort from 50 years ago. Through his diary that was put into Ginny

Wesley’s caldron by Draco Malfoy’s father (Lucius Malfoy) .

August 24: Name 3 of the ghosts that reside at Hogwarts.

A:Nearly Headless Nick,

The Bloody Barron,


Moaning Myrtle,

The Gray Lady,

The Fat Friar,

Professor Binns, etc.

August 25: Who is framed for opening the Chamber of Secret’s the first time, which leads to a student’s death?

A: Rubeus Hagrid

Book 3 Quiz Questions:

August 26: What class does Professor Trelawny teach?

A: Art of Divination

August 27: Where is the secret passage under Hogwarts? Where does it start and where

does it end?

A:From the Whomping Willow to the Shrieking Shack

August 28: What class does Hagrid get to teach?

A: Care of Magical Creatures

August 31: Why is Scabbers missing a toe?And who is Scabbers?

A:Because while in his human form, he cut it off in order to frame Sirius Black.

Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew

September 1: What is a Boggart?

A: A shape shifter, that will shape shift into your biggest fear.

Sept. 2: What false name does Harry give the knight bus?

A: Neville Longbottom

Sept. 3: What is an Animagus? Who do we know that are Animagus?

A: An Animagus is a person who can shift into an animal.

Peter Petingrew à Ron’s rat

Sirius Blackà a black dog

Remis Lupinà a werewolf

James Potterà a stag

BONUS Professor McGonagall à a cat

Sept. 4: Who gives Harry the Marauder’s Map?

A: Fred and George Weasley

Sept. 8: Who are Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs?

A: Remis Lupin(Moony)

Peter Pettigrew(Wormtail)

Sirius Black(Padfoot)

James Potter(Prongs)

September 9: How does Sirius Black escape the first time in Azkaban?

A: He escapes Azkaban by turning into his Animagus form: a dog, and slipping

through the bars of his cell when he was skinny enough, then swims to the
